Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(57)

“You’ve been something of a surprise and I don’t usually find myself interested in older men. I’m a little disappointed, but I’m also glad to see that some people have morals that are still intact.” I could say that, but it still didn’t mean that I wasn’t willing and able to show him some kind of tender loving care.

“I’ve always believed in fidelity and the vows I took were sacred in the eyes of the lord. I’m not saying that I’m not tempted, because I would be a damn fool if I said that I wasn’t. It’s just that I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to come in there with the way that we are feeling about each other. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression or send any kind of mixed signals to indicate that I would even do something like this. Hell, I don’t even know what I’m saying any more. It would be best that I just go inside before I do or say anything that I will regret.” I felt this longing and the yearning for something more than just his attempt at idle conversation. He had made his bed and now he was going to have to lie in it alone. Unfortunately, that meant that I was going to have to do the same thing.

“Whoever your wife is, I have to say that she is a very lucky girl to have a man that can resist the temptation of a nubile young thing like me. I hope that she’s worth it and you have no idea how good it was going to be.” I really had no idea of that myself, but it sounded good in my head. I hadn’t had sex, but I did come close several times. I wasn’t exactly innocent and going down on a guy and having him shoot into my mouth was one of my guilty pleasures. I was very good at skinning that flute and making a man pump volumes that seemed impossible. I was selective and I had to get to know the man or the young pubescent boy that was going to make his way into manhood.

“I sometimes think that monogamy is a crime against humanity. It’s certainly not what the bible would tell us to do, but he does work in mysterious ways. I can only assume that throwing you at me is a test of my willpower. I only wish that my wife could see me and know that she means that much.” He opened his door and looked back one last time, as if he was trying to convince himself that grabbing me around the waist and pulling me into the room would be the worst mistake that he had ever made in his life.

I licked my lips and made a certain part of his anatomy show interest by how he was filling out those pants. If that was with underwear and I had no reason to doubt that it was then he was well endowed. I wanted to see it and I was this close to attacking him and having my way, but I forced myself not to put him in that untenable situation.

I was in my room lying down with my legs wide open and running my hands down over my milky white flesh. I knew that he was no more than a couple of feet away and that the only thing that was separating us was a bit of drywall and a thin wooden door. It would’ve been so easy to knock and have him come over, cry on his shoulder about some nonsense and then use that to seal the deal.

I’d already taken a cold shower, but that did nothing to negate the simmering heat that had taken control of my body and good senses. He was now making it impossible not to touch myself. I barely scratched over my clit and my entire body jumped with an audible gasp of excitement escaping my lips. I wanted this complete stranger and I could bring him to life in my mind’s eye like a fantasy. It was his hand that touched me and it was his finger that elicited that moan of desire. I could see him so clearly and yet everybody knows that one’s own hand does not have that unpredictable nature.

“Yes…my fucking stud…finger fuck my hole.” I purposely raised the Octave of my voice, so that he could get a good idea of what I was doing. I could only pray that he would take his own cock and we could ride that manual train together to the end of the line. “I want your tongue…I want your big hard cock within my folds.” I had no other recourse than my own fingers and a bottle of hand lotion that I had found in the bathroom. I should’ve had one of my many battery powered toys, but they were currently locked in a chest underneath my truck seat.

“Please…you’ve got to stop this. Your hand feels, so fucking good and if you don’t stop, I’m going to blow all over the place.” It was his voice and I wondered if maybe he was trying to compete with me. It was going to be an interesting way for us to have sex and not have sex at the same time. “Take me in your mouth and let me see your tongue working me into a frothy frenzy.” If I listened real hard, I was sure that I could hear the slapping of his hand against his stick of dynamite.