Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(56)

“I have this compulsion to talk to the chef and inform him that he is doing one helluva job. He shouldn’t be cooking here and there are places in the city that would gladly snap him up in a second just for these hamburgers alone.” I saw the billow of smoke coming from the kitchen and I saw somebody in behind that smoke, but they were distorted and made it difficult for me to praise his virtues. I sat there eating that hamburger and stripping him of every piece of clothing one at a time in my mind. I could see his chiseled chest and the way that his hips tapered into that V that would have most women crying out in passion on the release of an orgasm that was currently building up inside.

I had to purposely move my fingers into the waistband of my jeans. I touched the wet material of my panties and I knew that his presence was currently making me very uncomfortable in a good way.

He was older than me and could’ve been my father, but there was no way that I could have these kinds of feeling for my father. There was that flicker of a flame. A brief understanding and the exchange of glances that we were sharing made me believe that he was thinking the same thing. He was a total stranger and yet I was thinking about sleeping with him and giving him the purity of my body.

“I know the chef personally and I can have him come to your table.” I heard him saying something, but my main focus was the way that his chest was falling with each breath. I could see the way that his shirt was pushing out against the muscle of his obvious well defined hunky body.

“That would be nice…so very nice.” I wasn’t even talking about the meal and certainly not about the chef. I had my eyes on a certain dessert that would be most at home inside my mouth. I wanted to taste his seed and to drain him of all of his bodily fluids in one mad dash to the finish line inside that no tell motel across the street. I envisioned him planting his tongue deep inside me and then drawing out the conclusion of our union   with sharp thrusts of his hips against me from behind. He would be slapping my ass and pulling my hair like a dirty little girl. I wanted him, but I had no idea how I was supposed to profess those feelings without looking like some sort of slut.

“I’m sure that he would have no problem hearing from a visitor to this town about his prowess in the kitchen.” The only prowess that I was looking for was the way that he was going to make me squeal with a certain delight that came from an orgasmic offering. He motioned for the chef and he came out and actually wiped his hands on his apron.

“I never thought that I would see you here again. When you left after graduation, I saw you as a rising star and one that was going to leave this no nothing town in your rearview mirror.” It was obvious that they knew each other and that coming from this town was something that they had in common. He had close cropped dark hair and standing at 6 feet and 200 plus pounds was more than this diminutive little frame could take.

“Hank, I want you to meet a friend of mine. She’s only here for the night, but she wanted to personally thank you for your efforts in the kitchen. I don’t think that it comes as a big surprise that she found your hamburgers to be delicious.” I wanted to say that it was the best thing that I’d ever had in my mouth, but I was thinking that maybe there was something else in this diner that might surpass that. “She might even show up for breakfast tomorrow morning. You do have a hearty kind of breakfast that sticks to the ribs.” Hank shook my hand and I told him that he was wasting his talents, but he said that he was never going to leave what he considered his family.

I drank my coffee and continually looked over the rim of the cup to see that he had undone one of the buttons on his shirt. It wasn’t much, but it was certainly enough to stoke those fires just a little bit more than what they already were.

“You have been a welcome company. A stranger is someone that you haven’t had the fortune to meet. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time.” I had purposely undone one of my buttons and leaned forward let him see the ripe melons that could be his if he played his cards right.

He escorted me over to the motel and I paid for the room in advance for one night. We both got our keys and went up the stairs. I don’t know if he could feel the heat between us, but I felt like we were going to turn into a ball of flame. His room was right next to mine and there was an adjoining door inside. I stood there with my door open and I was waiting for that inevitable kiss. He leaned in and moved this strand of hair away from my ears before leaning forward and kissing my forehead in a platonic way that took that sizzle down to a simmer.

“It’s been a nice evening and I don’t want to ruin it with some kinda one night stand. I’m not that kind of guy and I’m afraid that this is as far as we go together. You are a little young and I would feel like I was robbing the cradle if I were to even contemplate anything that wasn’t strictly on the up and up. I’m sure that it would be fleeting and memorable, but I’m looking for something with more longevity. I can’t in good conscience do something to ruin that.” It was obvious that the ring on his finger was cutting off his circulation to his brain or maybe another part of his anatomy that was having the life choked out of it. He didn’t recognize a good thing, but I had to say one thing for him and that he was loyal to a fault to whatever woman that had ensnared him in her web.