Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(55)

“Earl, I just wanted to show you what you were missing and I suppose I should have thought about your future instead of just a good time.” I knocked lightly on the door and cleared my throat, so that my entrance was not going to make them jump out of their skin.

“What can I do for you? I’m just about to close up for the evening, but for a pretty thing like you I will try to refrain.” He had greased covered coveralls, but he seemed to be pretty handy with a wrench and that was exactly what I was looking for.

“I think I broke something on my truck.” He motioned for me to bring it into the garage and then he took it up on the lift and gave it the once over with his buddy hanging back and watching intently.

“I can fix it, but I’m going to have to have the part sent to me. It won’t be here till morning, but there are several vacancies in the motel down the street. I’m sure that Angel will be very happy to show you. There’s also a nice little diner and it’s mostly a greasy spoon, but you can get a pretty fair hamburger. Nothing else is edible, but they are known to cultivate their very own beef from local farmers in the area. You’re not some kind of vegan are you?” I was at one time, but the attraction of a juicy piece of hamburger or a steak barbecued to perfection was hard for me to ignore.

“I like hamburger like anybody else does.” I don’t know why, but I was watching this man intently and I wasn’t talking about the mechanic.

“I just remembered that I’m not going to be in the shop. I have an overdue fishing trip. I’ll be gone for five days.” I couldn’t stay here that long, but the truck was in no shape to go anywhere without causing me undue harm.

“Earl, you don’t have to worry and you know that I’m the one that taught you everything you know. Being in the Marines, I learned what it took to put things back together again. Leave me the keys to the shop and I’ll be happy to fix her truck with no cost to you.” I wasn’t sure that I liked this arrangement, but I had very little time to raise an objection before Earl was passing over the keys.

“He’s right. He did teach me everything that he knows. He’s probably better at this stuff than I am anyway.” I wasn’t sure if he was just saying that to get out of being made to show some kind of responsibility instead of taking that fishing trip. “Come back in the morning and my buddy will set you up and have you on your way before you know it. I’ll even wave some of the fee and it’s the right thing to do.” I thought that was mighty neighborly of him, but for him to do that for a complete stranger showed just what kind of hometown values I had been missing. I agreed to their terms, pulling at my hair which was a short blond cut. I had an apple bottom and a pair of breasts that were more than a mouthful on a 5’4, 120 pound lithe frame.

The guy that was going to work on my car had these pair of sunglasses that were mirrored and made it very difficult to see the intention behind his eyes. The open shirt showed a white tee shirt and the black pants was a little unusual for a man that was rough around the edges. The belt alone was custom made and had this Italian craftsmanship that you didn’t find here in the states.

“I can give you a lift down to the diner and the hotel is just across the street from that. I’m staying there myself and I have some business to conduct in the early morning that needs a very delicate touch. I have my eye on a certain parcel of land that I plan to develop it into something of a resort. Through the trees is a beautiful lake. It’s taken a lot of time to convince the previous owners to give up their legacy, but there is always a price for everything.”

“Didn’t he just say that you’re going to have to wait for the part to come in for your car to be fixed?” He stopped and slapped himself across the forehead. It was obvious that we were going to have to walk the couple blocks down to the diner.

“I guess we’re both in the same boat.” He went to his car inside and that he locked up for the evening with my truck currently in the second work bay. We walked in silence and there were moments that I had to stop and look at his tight ass in that black pair of pants and wonder if I could find some way to make them come down a little.

I swallowed hard and envisioned the way that his hips would flex, as he gave me what I’d never had before.

Chapter two

“This place might be a hole in the wall, but their hamburgers are to die for.” I wanted to argue with him, but with my mouth full of this delicious meat, it was hard to say anything disparaging about a place that really looked like it had been in the throes of better days. The atmosphere was of a roadside stand and the people were the kind that knew the value of a hard earned dollar. I couldn’t say the same thing for my mother. I often thought that she got pregnant with me to trap my father.