Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(59)

I stayed with her for about two days and then I moved on and found this farmer couple that was just making inroads into a new marriage. This guy was handsome and I could tell from the way that he was looking at me that there was interest. The word fidelity didn’t mean much to me before, but it did now. I did nothing to encourage his advances. I ignored his wandering eyes and I did not call him on his behavior when I caught him staring at me, as I came out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me.

I left there and I was on my way back home with the window down and a country song playing on the radio. I wasn’t into the genre of country music, but the lyrics seemed to make sense to me like they hadn’t before. Lost love and jilted love was the common theme. One in particular talked about a man that had come into a woman’s life and left her to wonder if anybody else would be able to make her feel the way that she did on that one day.

I saw a lone female hitchhiker with long flaxen hair blowing in the breeze. I knew that she was only asking for trouble. No doubt a man would try to take advantage of her and I thought that it was my duty as a woman to make sure that didn’t happen. I pulled over and I waited with bated breath, hoping against hope that he she wouldn’t appear with some kind of knife with an ultimatum.

“You have no idea how long I have been waiting. I don’t know how to thank you.” I found out that her name was Rebecca and that she had run from an abusive relationship with only emotional scars to keep her from moving on.

“I want you to remember that not all men are like that. There are some good ones and I was fortunate enough to meet one and then let him go.” She slapped her hand up to her mouth in shock and then I told her my story and she listened intently, until I had come to the end of my tale. “That man was strong and confident, but I’m glad that I didn’t do anything to ruin what could be the love of his life. Some may think that what happens on the road is fair game. The likelihood of meeting again is slim. He was not of that same sentiment and it touches me deeply that he would even consider me that much a threat.”

“Penny, I don’t know you all that well, but it was probably a good thing that you didn’t throw caution to the wind. Trust me, I’ve been down that road to many times to count and it always leads to heartbreak hotel. They say that they’re going to leave the one they are with, but their intention is just to get laid. I will say that older guys know how to seduce with not only their eyes but their words. It’s their sophistication and experience that makes it impossible for us to pull away at the last second. I have to give it up for your mystery man with the initial A. There aren’t all that many men out there that would deny themselves the possibility of stripping you of your clothes and putting you into, so many positions that it would be hard for you to keep track.”

If I were into women, I would most likely make a play for her. She did have the kind of body that would have a lot of guys vying for her affection by beating each other to death. The last one standing would be the victor and the spoils of war would fall into his grateful hands.

“You have said that you have done this a few times, but would you do it again if you had a chance to do it all over? Don’t you think that you would have a little bit more self respect for yourself than to give yourself freely to those men that caught your eye?” I only asked these questions, because my own sex drive was at an all time high and I needed something to curb my appetite for cock.

“There are a few that I would take back, but for the most part, I’ve lived my life the exact way that I wanted to. I’ve never regretted anything and I’ve always played safely. In this day and age, you would be a damn fool not to and the one thing that my mother didn’t raise was a fool.” We talked for some time and then we finally made it to this small fruit stand on the side of the road. I could see that her main interest was with a young man with a shaven face and stubble on his head. He had that military look in his eyes.

I left that roadside stand on my own and was somewhat jealous of her ability to throw away the rule book. She did what she wanted and didn’t have anybody to answer to. I didn’t think that the man that she was going to be with was going to be long-term. She was still sowing her oats and leaving bodies in her wake from one end of the highway to the other. She would leave them with a memory and maybe a token of her gratitude. I wanted to be like her, but I felt like I had something to prove to myself by waiting. I had this feeling that my mother’s freedom with her body had made me a little reluctant to go down that same destructive road.