Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(54)


Chapter one

“I don’t know why are you are being so stubborn, Penny. You knew that eventually that I would marry again and for you to show me this kind of disrespect only makes me painfully aware of the fact that our relationship is never going to be the same. You’re coming home and I was hoping that meant that we were going to mend some fences. I want you to meet my husband and it might’ve been a whirl wind courtship, but we feel that this is the right decision for the both of us. I want him in my life and I won’t let you do anything or say anything to the contrary to ruin what I have with him.” My mother was notorious for shacking up with just about anybody that had two pennies to rub together.

“I will do what I can to make nice, but I’m not promising anything. I was mistaken and I don’t think that I will be there for the next five days.” I decided after hearing about her nuptials that shortening my trip was best for me. The visitation that I would have with my mother would hopefully allow me to leave without saying something that I would regret. I had a new job lined up and I was ready to start this new chapter in my life.

“It’s just as well. He’s away on business and the money that he has doesn’t come without long hours and trips. Did I mention that he’s a billionaire and his work in real estate has amassed him some kind of respect amongst his peers? I wish that I had a photo to send you, but I guess you will see him when you see him. You both should be arriving at precisely the same time.” I was glad for the reprieve and this impromptu road trip to various small towns would keep me occupied long enough to realize that she was besmirching my father’s name.

I was a girl with a long memory and my father might have died, but he was still very much in my mind and in my life. I had that gold locket around my neck and the picture of him with me on the other side was a good reminder that I would always have him in my heart.

“I think that you’ll find that I will never accept any man in your life that isn’t my father. Besides, we both know that you are a consummate gold digger. It would be one thing if I believed that you were in love, but to sleep with him just for his money is deplorable. You should be ashamed, but I know that you’re not. You never had to work a day in your life and you’re not going to start now.” I didn’t mean to be that defensive, but she really did know how to push my buttons in just the right way to elicit the kind of response that would have us arguing.

“I really don’t want to get into this with you young lady. You’re my daughter if you’re not careful, I will make sure that none of his money ever lands on your doorstep. Think about that very carefully and money may not buy happiness, but it sure goes a long way.” I hated to admit that she was right, but my collection of shoes was rapidly getting out of control.

“I’ll be home in five days and we can continue this discussion when I arrive. This guy better not be the same as some of those other guys that couldn’t keep their hands off of me. I had to scald one with a pot of hot water to get him to stop leering at me with more than a passing interest. I kicked one in the nuts and broke ones finger for even trying to touch my ass.” I thought that I heard a snicker on the other end of the line and that was the final straw. I slammed the phone closed, fuming mad and not paying attention to what I was doing. I went to the side of the road and I hit this huge pothole that made the entire truck bounce back and forth on the road after I got control of it again.

I saw the makings of a small town up ahead and I decided to exit the highway in hopes of some suitable lodging for the evening. I found a very dilapidated garage that still had its lights on. I stopped the truck and I knew that it had something to do with the suspension and the last pothole must have broken something quite severe to cause this kind of damage.

I had on a pair of blue jeans and they were cut perfectly like they were made for me. My young innocent 19 year old ass projected nicely from the back giving me the kind of caboose that would have most guys clamoring to pant after me like dogs. The denim shirt was tied at the middle and my flat midriff was perfectly staged to show that I was no stranger to working my body into a frenzy. I might’ve been only 19 years old, but I had an old soul that you could see in the windows of my eyes.

“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not like I’m some miracle worker. I know that you’re my cousin and all, but you need to realize that parts for that kind of car are not going to be easy to attain. I’ve already made some inquiries and I’m having that part sent here by morning. In the meantime, you’re going to have to find some place to stay. There’s no way that you’re staying with me and Mary. She hates you and she has every reason to after those very explicit photos that you sent of my bachelor party. You know that it took me almost three days after the wedding to finally consummate our marriage.”