Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(50)

I’d never had a multiple climax and this was one that made me feel like I was in the throes of something otherworldly. I went into a fit of sexual rage with my heels slapping heavily against his back. I was afraid that I was hurting him, but that was only a secondary thought to the pleasure that he was inflicting me with. Those signals in my brain had overloaded and I fell back against the mirror with my head making contact. I heard the crack and the old wives’ tale about seven years of bad luck came to mind. If this was bad luck, then I would take it over good luck any day.

He got up and brought his cock up to the gates of heaven. He pressed deeply with his knob and my lips started to bloom out to meet him. I finally got back a semblance of sanity. I put my hands up to his chest with whatever energy I had left to stop him from going any further. He looked a little confused. I wanted to make it perfectly clear that this was going to happen, but on my timetable.

“Not like this. Angry oral is one thing, but angry fucking is another thing altogether. I want this to be more than just a knee jerk reaction to seeing my mother cheating on you. I want you to hunger for me. I want you to want me in the same way that I feel that I want you. Trust me; you’re not going to have to wait very long. I won’t be able to keep it in my pants and I’m sure that I can say the same thing for you.” My lips were plump and had that very satisfied feeling.

“I don’t know how you can expect me to wait. I’m literally climbing the walls.” He backed away albeit reluctantly and then he put back his cock where I wasn’t going to have to worry that he was going to make an effort to penetrate me against my will. I would’ve enjoyed a little bit of rough play, but that could wait until later. He didn’t need to know that my next action was more for his benefit than mine.

Chapter four

That evening at supper, I made him a meal that would stick to his ribs. The pork roast with all the trimmings including little onions and carrots along with baby potatoes were the offering of the day. He came in to find me slaving over the stove. I turned to see that he was smiling like I had been caught doing something that I shouldn’t be. I had on an apron, but that’s all that I had on underneath. There was nothing but pure skin and that didn’t go lost on him. His eyes and his pupils dilated upon learning of my special surprise.

“You can make yourself useful by setting the table.” He made a deep sigh and then went ahead and made sure that the cutlery and the plates were in place. “By all means, have a seat and I’ll be with you in just a moment. I’m just finishing up and I believe that this will be to your liking. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have any dessert, but I think that we can come up with something.” I could see that he understood the meaning behind my words and he looked at me with this raw animal lust that I could not ignore.

“You didn’t have to go to any of this trouble and I could’ve ordered something in for the both of us. I don’t want you to think that you are obligated to do any of this because of your mother’s betrayal. I think that we both have a reason to be upset with her. I’m through playing nice and this time is the last time that she’s ever going to fuck around. I’ve known for quite some time that her desires sometimes get the best of her. I always find a reason to welcome her back and I thought by putting a ring on your finger that it would change things.” He was eating and I don’t think that his heart was into it. I decided to do something to put a smile on his face. He wasn’t going to expect this from innocent little me. I needed to take a few shots of tequila from the bar before dinner to have the courage to go though with this part of my plan.

I feigned surprise when I dropped my fork and then I purposely slid underneath the table and crawled to him like a panther after its prey. I touched his leg and he hit his knee up against the table in surprise. “Continue eating and I believe that my meal is already to be served. It’s exactly what I wanted. This is a full course meal with its own creamy dessert.” He didn’t miss a beat and lifted his body so that his pants could come down and wrap around his ankles like his own personal straitjacket. He was at my mercy and this was what I was hoping for.

“I don’t know how you expect me to eat with what’s going on down below. I’m going to try, but I just hope that I don’t choke on something.” He was not the only one that was hoping that they weren’t going to choke on something. Seeing it rising from his crotch was like seeing something small become something daunting. He grew to a diameter in size that seemed almost impossible. I’d seen it upstairs in the bathroom, but this was a lot to take in when I was this close to the object of my desire.