Reading Online Novel

Without You(48)

"I'm on my way." I ran out the door and jumped into Luke's truck.

He took off like a bolt of lightning. The only things I could hear were  Libby crying in the backseat and Lex's voice repeating over and over in  my head.

I love you, Will.

A Few Hours Earlier

Chrissie walked up and handed me a bottle of Bud Light. "I'm going to miss you, Alex!" she yelled over the music.         



Chrissie and I had been lab partners in chemistry class. She was a sweet  girl, but she was hell-bent on getting into some sorority. She still  was crushing on Blake pretty hard as well.

"I'm going to miss you, too!" I yelled back.

We were at Chrissie's brother's house. The party was mostly frat guys  and sorority girls, but Chrissie had begged Grace and me to come since  we wouldn't be back next year.

I took a drink of the beer and looked around. Grace was talking to some  guy who was attempting to make a move on her. She gave him that smile of  hers, and I swore he was eating out of the palm of her hand.

"So, are you excited about A&M next year?" Chrissie asked.

I took another drink of my beer. I smiled and nodded my head. "I'm  really excited. The fact that I get to be with Will just makes it all  the more sweeter."

Chrissie's smile faded for a brief second as she looked around, and then  she looked back at me. We talked for a bit more about our plans for  this summer. I took another sip of beer, and then some guy ran smack  into me, causing me to drop the bottle.

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Damn it!" Chrissie said.

We both bent down and started to clean it up.

I stood up and felt a little dizzy. I put my hand up to my head. "Shit, I must have stood up too fast."

Chrissie smiled slightly at me. "Let me go throw this away. I'll be right back."

I nodded as I glanced back over to Grace. She was still talking to the  same guy. She looked my way and winked at me. I giggled and shook my  head.

"So, do you want another beer, Alex?"

I turned back to look at Chrissie. I was beginning to feel dizzy and a little groggy.

"Um … no. I guess I drank more than I thought." I placed my hand to my head. "I'm not feeling very well. I feel a bit dizzy."

Chrissie looked around and grabbed my arm. "Let me show you to the bathroom."

She pulled me so fast and hard that I almost tripped twice while trying  to keep up with her. I looked back to see Grace, but every time my head  moved, I got dizzier. Chrissie stopped, and I looked up to see Blake  standing there.

"Blake?" I asked.

He smiled and looked at Chrissie. I glanced back at her, but the room started spinning.

"I gave it to her. Now, will you put in a good word for me?" Chrissie asked Blake.

I looked at Blake as he smiled. The room was spinning faster.

"I don't feel right. What's going on?"

Blake smiled at me as he picked me up. "Let me take you somewhere private, angel."

I attempted to look for Grace, but I began to feel nauseous. "Blake, I think I'm going to be sick."

"I'll make you feel better, angel. Just hold on."

I closed my eyes to try to stop the spinning of the room. When I opened my eyes, Chrissie was following us up the stairs.

"The second bedroom on the right. Blake, are you sure about this? She only had a couple of-"

Blake stopped and turned to Chrissie. "She belongs to me. Get the hell  out of here, Chrissie, if you want me to put in a good word for you with  that sorority."

She belongs to me? What?

"Wait … put me down, Blake."

Oh God. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"Chrissie, please get Grace. I'm not feeling well."

Chrissie looked at Blake and then at me.

"Chrissie, walk away if you want to be in the sorority," Blake said with anger in his voice.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and it turned my stomach even more.

Will …

I shouldn't have come to this party.

Will …

Blake turned, walked through the door, and then shut it. He gently lay  me down on the bed and looked at me. I tried to stand up, but I was so  dizzy and felt so sick.

"What? Wh-why am I … I feel sick."

Blake began taking his pants off.

My heartbeat picked up. I swallowed hard and put my hand to my stomach. "Why? What are you doing? I want to leave. I need-"

I leaned over when I felt like I was going to throw up.

I feel so tired. I just need to leave.

"Alex … "

I closed my eyes in an attempt to gain some control of the situation.

Will, I need you.

I took in a few deep breaths. I felt so groggy. What is wrong with me?

"Alex … "

Blake's voice pulled me back into the moment. I turned and looked at him. He wasn't wearing any pants.

"No. God, please no. Blake, don't do this. I don't want this."

"Just calm down, Alex. The drug will set in soon, and you won't remember a thing, angel."

I shook my head and then moaned. The room was still spinning. I pushed myself further away from him as he smiled.         



"That's it, baby. Let's get those shorts off now, shall we?"

I began kicking my legs the best I could. They felt so heavy though.

I can't breathe. I need air.


I began crying as I whispered, "Please don't do this, Blake."

He pushed my legs down and held them as he began to unbutton my shorts.

I closed my eyes.


Oh God, Will, I need you … please.

I began thinking about the last time Will and I had been together. I was  his and only his. Our love was a perfect, untouched love.

I snapped my eyes open. I was not going to let this happen. I relaxed,  which caused Blake to relax his grip on my legs. Blake was saying  something about waiting too long to have me.

I said, "Let me … let me take my own … shorts off." I could barely talk.

"That's what I'm talking about, angel."

My head was beginning to hurt more. I lifted my leg and gathered all my strength. Then, I kicked him as hard as I could.

Blake let out a loud moan and then yelled, "You fucking bitch!"

I attempted to quickly move and run away, but I was so dizzy and felt so insanely sick.

Blake grabbed me and threw me back on the bed. The moment his hand came across my face, I let out a scream.

I closed my eyes. This is not happening to me.

Will …

I love you. Our love is forever.

I opened my eyes again and looked into Blake's eyes. They were filled with anger.

"Why the fuck are you not passing the fuck out, you bitch?"

I was going to fight him with everything I had left in my body. I began hitting him as hard as I could.

I took a deep breath and screamed out, "Grace!"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Blake ripped my shorts open and stuck his hand down my panties.

I began slapping him, but I felt my energy slowly slipping away.

"Alex, fucking stop fighting me, you bitch."

I was feeling groggier.

I can't stop fighting. I won't stop fighting.

I won't let him do this to us, Will.

I began pushing Blake away from me. His fingers were inside me, and I  felt like I wanted to puke. When I pushed him with all my might, he  pulled his hand out. Then, I saw Blake balling up his fist, and I braced  myself for what was about to happen.

The bedroom door flew open as Grace screamed out my name.

I turned to look at her. "Grace … help … me," I slurred.

Then, everything went black.

"Will, slow the hell down, man," Luke said as he and Libby attempted to keep up with me.

I walked into the emergency room and frantically looked around. I didn't see Grace. "Where's Grace?"

Luke walked up to the nurses' station. "Excuse me, ma'am? My cousin, Alex Mathews, was brought in a little bit ago."

She looked at a chart and back up at Luke. She glanced over to Libby and me. "Are you all family?"

Luke nodded his head. "I'm her cousin."

She nodded her head. "Your name?"

"Luke Johnson."

"Mr. Johnson, you can go back there. Your sister, Grace, should be there. I believe the doctor will be talking to her shortly."

I stepped forward. "What about me?"

The nurse looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "You are?"

"Her fiancé, Will Hayes."

Libby gasped, and Luke turned and looked at me.

"Mr. Hayes, I can't allow you to go back there yet. Give me just a few minutes. Mr. Johnson, please follow me."

Luke said, "Fuck, if I had known, I would have had you-"

I slowly shook my head. "Go. Just find out how she is."

I watched as Luke followed the nurse through the double doors. My legs felt like they were going to give out.

"Will, let's go sit down, okay?" Libby guided me over to the waiting  room. She pulled out her phone. "Colt is almost here. He can't get a  hold of his parents or Mom or Dad. They all went to some ranch in west  Texas. They must not have a signal out there. Jeff and Ari are on their  way."

I nodded my head. "What in the fuck happened, Libby? Grace could hardly talk on the phone."

She shook her head. "I don't know. Grace was in a state of panic when  she called. She kept saying it was all her fault. I don't know, Will."