Reading Online Novel


But when I mentioned my mom’s idea about the college tour, both guys perked up.

“Why not?” growled Landon. “Maybe I want to visit some schools.”

“Yeah why not?” agreed Cole. “It’ll get us away from this shithole,” he said, laughing when I gasped. We lived in an exclusive gated community, and I’d never refer to it in anything but respectful terms after living in the projects.

“Sorry to offend you little sis, but there’s a lot of shit going on here that you have no idea,” said Landon. “Besides, we never traveled before,” he added with a meaningful look at his brother. “Why don’t we accompany Morgan on her college tour?”#p#分页标题#e#

Cole hesitated for an instant, avoiding my eyes. But he slowly nodded, asking, “When do we leave?”



Knowing that I was about to embark on a trip alone with two gorgeous men, I bought some slinky lingerie for the first time in my life. The lady at the store was nice, but clueless. “Is this for a special someone?” she’d asked. “Fancy lingerie can really make a difference,” she’d confided in a hushed voice.

“Um, yeah,” I’d replied, flushing. Actually, it was for two special someones, but there was no way I could say that. Trying on the assorted bras and thongs, I could feel myself getting wet again, imagining Landon and Cole peeling the lingerie off my body.

Because that’s what I wanted. I wanted this college tour to be a tour of my body, my first time meaningful and special … with my twin stepbrothers as my guides.

I know it’s wrong because we’re related. But no one will ever know right? We’ll be passing through little podunk towns, places that don’t even show on the map, and hotel rooms are designed for discretion. Carpe diem, seize the day, anyone?

So I’ve bought an armful of slutty lingerie, and I mean to use it to seduce … the two men of my life.

Continue to Part Two



So my life is … unsupervised, I guess. I’d been alone at home, my mom and stepdad traveling, when two gorgeous men moved in. They were my stepbrothers, my stepdad’s kids from a fling he had with a stripper twenty years ago … and the most breathtaking men I’d ever met. Chiseled bodies, penetrating blue eyes and knowing smiles were just the beginning. There was a steady train of women going up to their bedroom, their moans and pants leaving little to the imagination.

Unfortunately, they never showed any interest in me. I mean, I guess it’s “moral” not to put the moves on your stepsister, but I was getting desperate. I’ve never done it with a guy, much less two guys before. It’s not that I’m a prude or anything, it’s just that the boys at my high school are either unattractive or gay … guess that’s what you get when you’re at a specialized school for the visual arts.

But I really wanted to be with my brothers. Trying to fall asleep to the soundtrack of a non-stop porno was frustrating, and I was always touching my slit, pretending it was me as Landon and Cole got it on next door, the shrieks and moans making me grimace in pleasure as well as bringing out the green-eyed monster.

After another night of unabated lust, my frustration came to a peak, and unexpectedly, I received an opportunity. It was time for a college tour, and miraculously, Landon and Cole had agreed to accompany me, despite their lack of interest in higher education. I’d bought a ton of slutty lingerie to make tempt my brothers, but had been ridiculously unsuccessful.

“Where are you guys going?” I asked plaintively, as they dropped me off at another school campus.

“Oh out and about,” Cole mumbled vaguely. Landon said nothing, and I kept quiet because pestering didn’t help at all. Besides, I wanted them to see me as a woman, and not an annoying little sister.

This was the third day of them ditching me off at a campus in the morning before disappearing for the rest of the day, doing who knows what. They might stop by the hotel before dinner, before going out again, but I wasn’t saying anything.

Except that the conga line of girls started up again. Or more accurately, it never stopped even though we were on a road trip, and there were multiples this time, duos, trios, even five girls one night, the party loud in their suite next door as I listened through the adjoining door. There were moans, splashes, the sounds of wet flesh slapping, the unmistakable cries of females coming again and again, mixed in with my brother’s grunts. I’d become a pro at timing Landon and Cole’s climaxes.#p#分页标题#e#