Reading Online Novel


“Oh right,” I said brightly, catching on. “I was going to show you the estate gardens, they’re gorgeous this time of year.”

“The gardens, that’s right, the roses are in bloom,” repeated Landon. “I’d forgotten that Cole and I, we love horticulture,” he confided with a wink.

This was so unreal. Evidently my steps would do anything to get rid of a girl the next morning, including pretending to be avid gardeners and bookworms. I giggled. Maybe next time they should add poetry and opera to the list.

But the girl finally got the point. Pouting, she swiveled on the seat and said, “Ok I get it! You want me to scram. But I’m telling all my girlfriends that the Kingsley twins are just one-night stands. You’ll never get anyone to sleep with you again!” she exclaimed shrilly.

Neither of my stepbrothers moved.

“Sure,” said Landon in a slow voice. “Do that.”

“Yeah,” drawled Cole. “I look forward to it.”

“Okay,” finished Landon. “So are you leaving now?”

The blonde got up in a huff and flounced out of the kitchen, coming back downstairs fully dressed in those ridiculous heels again.

“Don’t bother to call!” she cried shrilly as the door slammed behind her.

“Well, we don’t exactly have your number,” remarked Cole dryly to her departing back.

I stood in the kitchen, trying to muffle my giggles again.

“Little sis, sorry you had to witness that,” said Landon, “but you might as well get used to it.”

I grinned and put my hands on my hips. “No worries, she thought I was the help, so she deserved it. Anyone up for some pancakes?” I asked brightly.#p#分页标题#e#



And so it went on like that for months. Landon and Cole brought girls home all the time, and I mean, all the time. There was literally a train of mini-skirts going up to their bedroom a couple nights a week, and they rarely ever repeated. It was amazing how many women threw themselves at the twins.

And it was pure torture for me. Each night, I listened through the walls, hearing the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping, the groans and high-pitched squeals of girls intermixed with my brothers’ grunts. But I tried to play it cool whenever I saw them because it’d be so embarrassing if they knew the truth … that each time they fucked someone, I fingered myself in bed, pretending it was me, pretending that they were running their masterful hands over my body, touching me in my intimate spaces and making me shiver with pleasure.

It was even more awkward given that we’d developed a healthy sibling relationship. The guys were fond of me and would call me “Little Sis,” giving me a noogie or joshing around. They were never embarrassed to walk around in towels, I was family after all. But I noticed – who wouldn’t? Those rock hard bodies dripping with water were the stuff of my masturbation fantasies almost every night.

And my parents … my mom was so clueless it was unbelievable. I think she was actually happy there was someone at home with me, even if they were two men she’d never met. I guess she felt so guilty for never being there that someone was better than no one.

“How are things, Morgan?” she asked, her voice crackling over the phone. At this point, I hadn’t seen her in two months, she and Gerald were on some kind of world tour to promote Pharma Tech’s latest blockbuster drug.

“Um, good I guess,” I murmured. Cole and Landon were up to their shenanigans again, fucking girls right and left, and I’d recently started wearing headphones at night, hoping to muffle the sounds of lust. No such luck though. I was about to try ear plugs next, anything to keep from hearing the girls’ ecstatic squeals.

“Everything going alright with you at school?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” I replied vaguely. “I’m thinking about visiting some colleges, maybe Rhode Island School of Design and Bowdoin, they have great studio art programs,” I mumbled.

“That’s a wonderful idea,” she chirped. “Maybe Cole and Landon can go with you!” she said. “Let me ask your stepdad about some extra spending money for you guys, maybe you could take a college tour up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

“Um, yeah, okay,” I mumbled. My mom as trying to kill two birds with one stone. Not only would I see all the schools, but she wouldn’t have to take me herself. But there was no way my brothers were going on college visits. They were barely passable students with no interest in further education after senior year. I knew because I helped them with homework sometimes – it wasn’t that they were dumb, they just didn’t care.