Reading Online Novel


“Fuck off dipshit,” added Landon, his massive bulk imposing and threatening at once.

My “date” was spineless and weak and slunk off without even a backwards look, disappearing into the mass of bodies. My stepbrothers turned towards me, their gazes like twin lightning bolts, glancing over my barely-clad body before flicking away.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Morgan?” asked Cole. “Why are you even here? Don’t you have some homework or something?”

“I … I…” I stuttered. I was at a total loss for words, and could hardly explain the skimpy outfit I was wearing. “I was lonely at the hotel, and thought I’d look for you guys,” I said in a small voice.

A big fist clamped onto my upper arm and I found myself dragged out of the club at light speed, my brothers hustling me like a precious package into the parking lot. They manhandled me into the car and before I knew it, we were back at the hotel.

“You were lonely, eh?” drawled Landon, one eyebrow raised.

“Tell us more,” said Cole.

“Well, you know …” I muttered. Now that the moment was here, I was oddly shy feeling their twin gazes on my legs, their hot glances trailing over my curves, my cunny growing weak and wet at once.

“Tell us,” demanded Cole.

“Well, it’s that you guys are always with girls,” I gasped, finally fessing up. “Every girl but me! It’s so horrible listening to you guys every night. I’m a virgin and it’s pure torture! I need you! I need you both!” I cried, flushing hotly, ashamed and yet excited at once.

“Need us both, eh?” drawled Cole, looking over at his brother. “Morgan, do you know what you’re saying?” he asked slowly.

“No … I mean, yes!” I amended quickly. “I’m inexperienced but I’m ready,” I said hastily. “I can do it, and I love both of you, you’re my brothers …” my voice trailed off again.

“Exactly,” said Landon. “We’re your stepbrothers … and taking you isn’t exactly the kosher thing to do, you with me?”

“Yes,” I said in a soft voice. “But it’s what I want,” I said, looking deeply into their eyes.

And a final glance between the twins sealed the deal. Landon leaned back and put his hands behind his head, his lean frame stretched out on the couch.

“Well Morgan,” he drawled, looking me up and down. “Which one of us do you want first then?”



The day had finally come. Our sweet little stepsis had made it more than clear that she wanted us, no needed us. And we were more than happy to oblige. Morgan was delectable. Her big hazel eyes looked at us with pure innocence, trusting us to be her firsts on this incredible journey.#p#分页标题#e#

And it was going to be phenomenal because as identical twins, Landon and I do everything together, including women. We’ve fucked more than our fair share, and I hate to say it, but women can be sluts. Let’s just say that a lot of women secretly want ménage, and when opportunity presents itself in the shape of handsome twins, the women never say no.

So Landon and I have fucked a swath since turning fourteen. It’s been fun. But when we moved into Gerald’s home, we had a different plan … fuck and suck was way too simple for what we had in store.

And finally, she was ready. After months of looking at us with puppy dog eyes, Morgan sat on the couch, her legs primly crossed in that pink confection of a dress, looking more like a delectable piece of candy than a sexpot. But she was gorgeous. Her breasts were full and lush, the pouty nipples visible under the fabric, hot and aroused, her skin flushed with excitement as her eyes begged with anticipation.

Cole made the first move. Lifting her hair, he placed a sweet kiss beneath her ear, seating himself on the couch next to her. She moaned a bit and leaned towards him, pressing that tiny body against his hard form.

“Brother, please,” she breathed sweetly.

That was all the encouragement he needed. A big finger traced her décolletage, running lightly over the sweetheart neckline before pulling down the dress to reveal her creamy, luscious mounds. They were pure white with deep pink tips and I sat on Morgan’s other side, bending my head to suckle deeply, rolling her right nipple around in my mouth.

“Oh!” Morgan gasped, throwing her head back, her lips parting wetly.

Cole took her other tit in his mouth and we began devouring her, giving the virgin no quarter. Her boobs were Double Ds and bounced from the assault, as I tried to get as much creaminess into my mouth as possible. Cole, meanwhile, was massaging her breast as he pulled, stroking the sweet flesh, milking her udders for all they were worth.