Reading Online Novel


“Mmmm!” Morgan moaned, squirming between us, her hands automatically moving towards our crotches, seeking those hard, hot bulges.

I chuckled deeply. This was a little girl with good instincts. Not only did she instinctively go for the gold, but she knew to be fair between two men. I ran a big hand up her thigh and trailed it gently in that shadowy vee, grazing the seam between her thigh and pussy. She drew back at first, initially hesitant, but then relaxed and gave herself up to the pleasure.

“Yes, Landon,” she begged, as Cole continued to suck and massage her breast. I slowly slipped her dress up until it was scrunched up around her waist, showing off the tiniest pair of pink lace panties. Hmm, what a surprise. I never would have guessed that our artist was interested in things like lingerie, but it fucking turned me on. I could see the outline of her labia through the lacy material, and trailed my forefinger down one luscious lip, before running it up her other side. She was engorged already and I could feel the heat streaming from her hole, the moisture and humidity overwhelming.

Teasingly, I ran my finger over the little nub that poked through the fabric. Her clit was so stiff and rigid that it pushed out from between her labia, and Morgan’s resulting shudder and cry of “Ohhhh!” told me all I needed to know. The little girl was ready for the taking. Fortunately, Landon and I have de-virginized a couple girls and know how to ease a pussy onto its first dick.

I slipped Morgan’s panties to the side, exposing her sassy little twat and pulled her down on the couch so that her ass was at the edge. While Cole continued to suckle her breasts, playing with her nips, I spread her legs and opened up her labia for a first look at that deep pink inner channel. It glistened wetly, her juices flowing and I touched my finger to the little hole where our dicks would go. Then I ran my finger up to her clit, pulling and tugging at the little nub before settling into a rhythmic stroke.#p#分页标题#e#

The little girl moaned heavily, the sight of two men working her breasts and pussy a new experience.

“Brother,” she panted, “please …”

I was more than happy to oblige. Lowering my head, I took my first lick of my sister’s pussy. It was tangy and sweet, her virgin smell intoxicating yet plush, ready for her transition to womanhood. She squealed beneath me, her hips squirming futilely under my mouth, but I held her firm and continued taking long, slow laps of that tangy twat.

“Aieeee!” she screamed. “Brother, please!”

“I know,” I murmured into her pussy. “We’ll take care of you baby.”

Cole nodded his assent from above and reached up to capture her mouth in a slow, deep kiss, all the while pulling and tugging gently at her nipples. Her breasts, I saw with satisfaction, were slickly wet with our saliva.

I eased my middle finger into that tight little hole, letting her feel her first penetration. Her walls were unusually tight, sucking my finger hungrily, the plushness like a vacuum against my digit. Fuck, this was going to be harder than I thought.

But I wanted little sis to enjoy it as much as possible. I began running my finger in and out of her wetness, penetrating that slick flesh again and again as I tongued her clit, alternately sucking and licking the nub, Cole kissing her as he stroked and pinched her breasts. The little girl was close to the edge, and sure enough, I felt her begin to crest, her body undulating with waves of ecstasy.

“Brother!” she wailed as Cole shushed her, her pussy creaming hotly in my hand. I took that moment to rear up and position my dick at her opening, slathering it in her warm vaginal fluids. Fuck, the clear liquid turned me on, it was tangy yet feminine, the stickiness coating my stiffness in her personal brand of female juice.

I pushed an inch inside, and Morgan’s eyes flew open, even as her pussy contracted with spasms of ecstasy.

“Shhh,” hushed Cole. “Landon’s going to go easy on you.”

I hoped I’d be able to. The little girl was so nubile, so ripe for the taking, that my balls already felt like they were going to burst. There was no easy way to go about this, and so I reached a finger down and toyed with her clit, augmenting her orgasm as I thrust forward deep, hard and fast.

“Aiiee!” came her shocked scream, her pussy clenching in ecstasy and pain around my stiff shaft.

“Hush baby,” shushed Cole again, as I furiously stroked her clit, holding still inside her tight body, letting her adjust. “It gets better, I promise,” he whispered to her.

I began moving slowly in that snug sheath, her wetness cushioning me, embracing my cock as it adjusted to my girth. I could tell that Morgan was still in shock, but she slowly began moving with me, undulating her hips in time with my slow thrusts.