Reading Online Novel


I could hear laughter too, deep voices chuckling, and the unmistakable clink of glasses. It didn’t seem like we were being robbed, and besides, it’s pretty tough to make it past Gerald Kingsley’s security.

I tiptoed down the hall and peeked into the living area. Oh my god. There were two men sitting on the sofa, gorgeous, ripped, with tats peeking out from under their t-shirts, drinking beer and relaxing on MY couch! What the hell?

I stood and just watched for a moment. Even at eighteen, with my limited (okay, zero) experience with guys, I could sense the danger rolling off the men in waves. Their bodies were chiseled, muscle tees outlining solid frames, defined but not overbuilt. Twin blue eyes penetrated from handsome, angular faces, complete with square jaws and dimples in their left cheeks.

Because the two men were identical in just about every way. Same height, same build, and same movie-star handsome faces, with dark, almost black hair and sky blue eyes.#p#分页标题#e#

I must have gasped because they both swung around at once, their discerning gazes make me shiver.

“Well, look who it is …” one of them drawled.

“Nothing like I expected …” the other murmured, as they looked me over.

I flushed. I knew I wasn’t the prettiest girl in school, but I was okay-looking, with glossy brown hair and hazel eyes. I pushed my glasses up a little higher, and tried to stand a little straighter.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” my voice trembled.

“Must be our new little sister,” said one of the twins.

“I’m Landon, he’s Cole,” said the other, gesturing at his brother. “Don’t worry, little sis,” he said with a smirk. “Even our mom can’t tell us apart sometimes.”

“Your mom?” I asked, dumbfounded. “How can I be your sister? Wait, is this all a joke?” I shook my head, I was so confused.

They smirked again and raised their beers for another sip. “No joke, little sis, unless it’s from the guy up there,” said Landon, pointing upwards to the sky. “You’re Morgan, right? I can tell Gerald’s never told you about us before,” he added, with a knowing look at his brother.

“Wait a minute, how do you know my name?” I said, holding my hands up. “Who are you again?” I demanded, crossing my arms a little huffily.

“Well, the little girl’s got spirit,” said Cole. “We,” he announced majestically, “are your new brothers.”

“How is that possible though? Are you Gerald’s sons?” I said plaintively.

“Exactly,” said Cole, his brow growing dark. “We’re Gerald’s illegitimate sons by a stripper he fucked years ago. We lived with our mom until she died of a drug overdose last week,” he said coldly.

“Oh my god!” I whispered, my hands flying up to my cheeks.

“Your concern is appreciated, but irrelevant,” stated Cole. “Violet got high every fucking night, living off of Gerald’s child support checks. But now that she’s gone, seems that Landon and I are stuck with Daddy Dearest,” he said.

“Does … does Gerald know you’re here?” I asked slowly.

“Yeah, but look how much he cares,” snorted Cole. “You can tell he pulled out all the stops for the welcome bandwagon,” he drawled sarcastically.

“Well, um …” I gawped. “Can I get you a sandwich?” I rushed out. Immediately my cheeks flushed. Faced with the two most gorgeous men I’d ever seen, here I was offering them a sandwich? God, I was so lame.

It caused both men to start laughing.

“What a sweetheart!” said Cole, leaning back with a sly smile. “But honey, we’re about to head out to grab a bite, so no sandwich needed, thanks baby.”

And they turned back to the TV, dismissing me. How ironic. My new stepbrothers had dismissed me in my own home. But I retreated from the living area, quietly padding up to my bedroom. Hopefully I could at least call Mom and verify the twins’ story … but it wouldn’t matter because I was already incredibly curious about the two most intriguing men I’d ever met.



“Unnf,” I moaned, coming hard into the blonde.

“Fuck her hard,” grunted my brother, his dick buried in her mouth. “Oral feels best when a woman’s stuffed full of dick.”

“Ahhh … shit … FUCK!” I roared, as I released a spray of white into the girl’s cunt. She moaned in pleasure and pain, her voice muffled by the huge piece of meat my brother was forcing down her throat.#p#分页标题#e#