Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(48)

Chapter three

The mattress was lumpy and the pillows were too damn soft. The fact that I was enamored by Dave was something that could not be fully realized. Their bedroom was right beside mine and I heard a muffled conversation in a heated tone. I had to smile knowing that my mother was doing the two step to try to figure out a way to explain that her daughter had suddenly came calling.

I lay there with my hands across my chest feeling this need to do something about what I had seen before I knocked on the door. I’d always been more comfortable naked when I slept. My nubile young body was now on display and I left the door open a crack on the off chance that he might be going by my door to go to the bathroom or to go downstairs to fetch a drink of water.

It was about 2:00 AM when the room next to me became silent. I was used to noise and the crickets outside my window were something that I was going to have to get used to. I was more the city girl with very minimalist needs. I didn’t ask for anything that I wasn’t deserving of. I certainly wasn’t greedy enough to parlay that into a blackmail scheme. She was the one that offered and I would’ve been damn fool not to jump at it after being treated like something at the bottom of her shoe. She told me that she was never a mother and she never wanted to be. The reason why she didn’t get rid of me was because she felt that every life was worth something. That was high praise coming from a woman that had given me to my grandmother. She was the kindest woman until she died. My mother came on my 18th birthday during the saddest and most crippling time of my life.

I heard the floorboards and I knew that he was coming ever closer to seeing me in a different light. The hallway light was on and I saw his shadow approaching. I spread my legs purposely and turned my head with one eye cocked to see what his reaction would be.

“Oh my god… I see that mother and daughter are both fucking hot. Jesus…that pussy looks so damn inviting. That firm body…that firm 18 year old body. What the hell am I saying? It must be the stress of the situation that is getting the best of me.” He moved past the door and I waited patiently for him to return, but this time his baby blues were going to fall upon something of a different view. I had turned over on my stomach and arched my ass in just the right way that he could probably see a straight line from one hole to the other.

I heard the gasp and then the pounding of feet as he once again joined my mother in the bedroom. It was the dead of night and the voices that I heard earlier had become clearer. The only thing that I could make out was “Not tonight honey… I have a headache. Didn’t you get enough already? My god…are you an animal?” I’m sure that left him with a case of blue balls and no way to satisfy those longings that I had stirred within his loins.

I was kind of hoping that he would come back and stand in front of my door using my body to fuel his fantasies. I wanted him to take out that magnificent piece and give it the required attention that it deserved. I waited an interminable time and then I found myself drifting off to sleep and then waking up at the briefest sound.

I was tempted to get up and go down the hall to see if he was taking matters into his own hands. I didn’t see him risking the kind of ridicule that my mother would inflict on him if she were to wake up in the middle of him satisfying himself.

I fell asleep and then I woke up to find that another day had arrived. I got into my skimpiest white bikini top with those cutoff shorts that made me look like an 18 year old seductress. I wanted to give my mother a run for her money. I was never going to do anything about my feelings for him. It could be that I just wanted to get back at my mother for treating me like I was something to be thought of later.

I bounded down the stairs and Dave was standing there with a cup of coffee up to his lips. He almost sputtered it out of his nose at the sight of me. I had to admit that I did enjoy turning up the heat. It was interesting to play with his mind and his body. It seemed only fair, because what I had seen already had played with my mind and my body.

“Your mother and I have talked about it and we would like you to stay. I don’t like children, but you are…ahem… far from a child. You and I are going into town and get some provisions for a barbecue in the honor of your visit. I think that a few tasty T bones would hit the spot and make it easier to digest that Maria is old enough to have a daughter that looks like you. She’s sleeping in and you could say that I wore her out.” He gave me that knowing wink most likely thinking that I was old enough to know exactly what he was referring to.

Amazingly, I felt pretty comfortable in my own skin around Dave. He was cordial and friendly and it didn’t hurt that he had a rocking body. We weren’t gone that long and we decided to come back early to get things started. I saw this red motorcycle parked just across the street from us. It seemed a little unusual and there was this tension in the air that I could cut with a knife.