Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(49)

He didn’t say anything as he opened up the door and went inside with groceries in hand. He placed them gingerly on the counter and then he made his way up the stairs to the sound of something that was more in line with what you would hear on the natural geographic channel.

It wasn’t my place to step in where I didn’t belong. It was best that I leave well enough alone and then I heard what sounded like a fight and my mother screaming. I couldn’t help myself and I ran up and into the room to see Dave literally pummeling a naked man on the floor into a bloody pulp. The guy didn’t stand a chance against this kind of rage. I put my hands on Dave’s shoulder. This seemed to quell his desire for deadly vengeance.

“Take your lover, your daughter and yourself out of my house and never return.” The icy cold feel of his words struck me like a hammer to the front of my skull. I could see that my mother was trying to find a way out and then she just shrugged and accepted her fate.

“I’m sorry that you had to find out about it this way, Dave. You might have the kind of cock that would make women eager to try it, but my ex boyfriend Max is better with his mouth. I missed what it’s like to cum hard with only a man’s tongue inside me.” She was helping Max to his feet. It looked like he had lost a couple of teeth. He wasn’t even close to ready for round two. Maria tried to grab me by the arm but I shook her free and then looked to Dave with compassion.

“You’ve done enough for today, mother. Leave and I will try to smooth things out to give you guys a chance.” Dave was sitting on the bed looking straight ahead. My mother and Max went downstairs and left the house before things got more volatile.

“I put my hands on his shoulders like I had before to stop him from killing Max but this time something was different. He turned and instead of tears, I saw more of a fire that needed some kind of outlet. He lifted me with my legs wrapped around his waist. He carried me down the hallway into the bathroom until I was sitting on the counter with my legs spread. His hand was touching me through my clothing and I think that he was gauging me to see how far we were both willing to go.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Nicole. I’m only doing this for revenge. You’re just a means to an end. I thought that you should know that there is no future for us. This is strictly physical and nothing more. If you can live with that, then let’s get naked.” He had said those words with such conviction that I felt almost like he was willing my clothes to fall off my body. I stripped off the bikini top and I reached down to undo the button on my short shorts. He lifted my ass and pulled them off to see that I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He stared at the cleft of my pussy and then he used his two thumbs to open me up to see that I was already as wet as I could ever be.

“Right now, I don’t care why you’re doing it…only that you are. I think that angry sex sometimes is the best sex, although I really don’t have any reference to claim one way or the other.” I didn’t mean to blurt out the secret that I had been untouched. I’m not sure that he fully understood what I was saying with all the blood rushing down below his waist. “I have only one request. Treat me like I’m just some piece of ass. If you can do that, then this one time is more than I can ever ask for. I think that you deserve something for living with my mother.”

He pressed his tongue forward and slid into me very easily considering that I was extra stimulated from the moment that I had seen him and my mother getting it on. I looked down and I could see that this was not his first rodeo. He was smiling like he knew the blueprint of the female anatomy like the back of his hand. What he didn’t realize was that every woman was different. I noticed that he started to do one thing and when he wasn’t getting the desired reaction, he would change tactics. That showed that he really did know what he was doing and wasn’t just doing it for show.

I could see down between us that he was playing with himself. It was too bad, because wasting that on his hand would’ve been a crime against nature. I didn’t have time to think about it, as he started to bury two fingers inside me while concentrating on my excited clit. When he latched onto it, it began to throb like it had never done before. I was beginning to see that maybe I was wrong about keeping myself until marriage.

“Yes… Fuck me you nasty boy. I’m just an innocent girl and you’re fucking me with your tongue. You should feel ashamed of yourself, but I know that you don’t. You just want to stick it to my mother by sticking it to me and I’m perfectly fine with that. Do it…make me cum and I promise that won’t be the only thing that I do.” I came with my legs around him and grabbing onto his head to give him added incentive to stay in the position that he was in. He never gave up and he continued to enjoy the fruits of my loins as those juices seemed to continue to flow like there was no end.