Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(87)

He smirked. “Yeah so is everyone else sweetheart. Get in the back of the fucken line like everyone else.”

I could see Roxi turning red. “You listen you asshole. I’m telling you we’re on the list.” I grabbed Roxi’s arm knowing her she’d get into a fight.

“Forget it, I’ll just call Lukas.” I reached for my phone and called him. “Hey where are you?” He asked, I could barely hear him over the loud music.

“I’m outside the bouncer won’t let us in.” I answered looking at the bouncer. He just shrugged and went about doing his job.

“Motherfucker” Lukas yelled “did you tell him you’re on the list?” I rolled my eyes like we wouldn’t have already done that.

“Roxi bitched him out but he still won’t let us in.” I could hear Lukas moving.

“Stay there I’m coming outside to get you.” Lukas hung up and I put my phone back into my purse.

“See Roxi all you have to do is call on the boyfriend.” Kaci offered with a smile.

“Bite me.” Roxi retorted.

The door opened and there stood Lukas.

“Mr. Blakk, how may I help you?” All three of us did a double take, was that the same bouncer that just spoke to us?

“You can help me by letting in my girlfriend and her friends into my club. Remember their faces because this will be a onetime deal!” Lukas growled.

“Yes Mr. Blakk, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” The bouncer moved to the side.

“Misunderstanding? Didn’t they say they we’re on the list?” He demanded.

“Yes sir.” The huge bouncer was now being scolded and I started to feel badly about it.

“And you still shrugged them off?” I walked pass the bouncer and stood in front of Lukas.

“Let it go Lukas, it’s not a big deal.” I tried to soothe him.

“It’s a big fucken deal to me! I don’t like anyone treating you like shit.” I cupped his face in my hand.

“He was doing his job. He just assumed we were trying to scam him and had it been any other night he might have been right. It’s not the first time the three of us went clubbing.” I offered him a smile and a wink.

“Fine.” He relented. “So you own this club?” I asked as he glared at the bouncer one more time.

“Yes I do.” He brooded. He took my hand while Kaci and Roxi followed.

He had a table reserved for us. I did a double take when I saw Erik was there waiting for us to arrive. I remember Erik from the last time he was in Montreal, he nodded.

“Hey you.” He winked and stopped short when he saw Kaci. She lowered her head. “Kaci, why don’t you sit here next to me?” Erik offered as he patted the seat next to him.

Jacob and Mike stood behind the table flanking us on both ends. Lukas sat down and waved over a waitress to get our drinks when I heard Roxi scream.

“Bitch it’s our song!” To Roxi we had a lot of songs, songs I didn’t even know we had, but the beat was great and yes I did love it. It was Shake It by Dam Edge. She yanked me from Lukas, that’s when I heard him growl. So he finally saw the rest of my outfit.

Roxi and Kaci buffered me from the crowd and I just let loose. I’m not going to toot my own horn, wait a minute yeah I am. I know how to shake and dance. To the point that I surprise myself but I can’t take all the credit. It’s all the years of belly dancing at Greek dances that my mother forced me to go to. I shook my hips to the heavy beat, gyrating and grinding with Roxi and Kaci. We laughed and swung our hips together. The next song came on and the beat was wild, we let loose and Roxi totally went all out. Kaci and I laughed our asses off as we watched her go, she loved it. I pulled Kaci aside.

“What’s going on with you two?” I pointed to the table.

“Nothing” she said a little too quickly.

“Yeah ok. I’ll let it go for now but I’m going to find out.” She didn’t respond to my threat. I narrowed my eyes at her about to tell her off for not telling me when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned and it was some random guy.

“Hey sweetheart, want to dance?” He said in a New Jersey accent. He was tall and thin, not much to say on looks.

“Not interested.” I shrugged him off.

“Come on.” He said again.

“I’m giving you one more warning the next one and it’s my fist in your face.” I went back to my girls but he insisted I turned around and clocked him in the gut. He doubled over.

“I warned you.” He stood up and started for me, that’s when I saw Lukas fly into a rage and had Jacob and Mike take him outside.

“Are you ok?” He was checking to see if I was hurt.