Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(90)

“I don’t know.” She relented.

“One day he’s calling me nonstop the next he avoids me.” She stopped and dropped her shoulders. “I like him, I like him a lot.” She gauged our reaction, holy shit, Kaci never liked anyone. This was huge. “Did you guys…?” I asked slowly waiting for her response; a slow grin began to emerge. “And it was so fucken good.”

“Damn!” Roxi and I cried out.

I laughed “Good for you.”

She laughed “Yeah well it would be good if I didn’t get the hot and cold treatment.” Roxi reached for the coffee pot behind Kaci.

“Listen if the guy only wants your pussy then fuck him, literally unless you want more, otherwise who gives a shit.”

I nodded “Very wise words.” Roxi sashayed herself to her table.

“What is it that you want? Seriously?” I knew Kaci would have a hard time answering. The girl didn’t do commitment well.

“I don’t know, I… I don’t know.” I calmed her down.

“I’m here when you want to talk.”

The bell of the front door rang we both looked up, there stood a stately couple. They must have been in their late sixties. The woman was wearing a very expensive Chanel suit and snapped her fingers at me.

“Do we seat ourselves or do you do that for us?” Bitch meter read high, so this was not going to my section. I looked around, beside Kaci the only one I had to put them in was Roxi’s, sorry babe.

“Right this way.” I guided them to a table by the window in her section and walked away. I got the shivers as I walked back to our station.

“Yeah thanks” I heard Roxi say.

“Sorry babe, love you.” She huffed. “Sure you do.”

I could see Roxi having a hard time with them, and I almost regretted it. Not really but I figure it’s what I should say. They ate and left but not before giving us the dirties looks.

“Wow rich people are fucked.” Roxi added as they walked out.

Saturday morning came, it was a dreary day, the rain had not let up and I was not looking forward to working. Lukas kept me up last night as we talked about everything and anything, making me tired and craving my bed.

The morning started off normal until the two old rich people came back, there was something about them I couldn’t quite place it. Roxi screwed me.

“Payback’s a bitch.” I heard as I passed Roxi and walked up to the table that they sat at.

“Good morning” I waited but no response. Asshats I thought. “Is there anything you would like to start off with?” She waved me off with the flick of her hand. I swallowed air instead of ripping her hand off. I knew she was going to so fuck up my day up. Customers don’t realize this but the reality is your moods affect us, you might be having a bad day, but taking it out on us doesn’t make it right.

She snapped her fingers at me gaining my attention.

“A cappuccino and an espresso for my husband.” I nodded and brought the drinks.

“Would you like to order?” I asked even more politely, I was trying to reign in my temper. She pointed at two items on the menu and I proceeded to right them down. Again I nodded.

When the food was ready, I looked over to Roxi “Watch there’s going to be something wrong with her plate?”

I walked with their plates to their table and set them down.

“This is not what I ordered.” The woman said in a shrill voice. I could feel my heart rate jump.

“Yes it is, you pointed at two very specific items and these are said items.”

The door chimed but I didn’t notice who it was, I was too engrossed in my problem assholes.

“No you seem to not know what you are doing.” She screamed making a scene in front of everyone.

“Fine! Then what is it that you would like?” I asked trying to defuse the situation.

She smiled “It’s nice of you to finally ask, but then again you are nothing but a waitress, so your IQ isn’t really able to compute. Mollie told us you looked just like her.”

The moment I heard her name my legs went numb and my belly ached from my nerves.

“I seriously don’t understand that boy and his ridiculous fascination, with the likes of individuals like yourself. It must not feel good to be a copy of his past lover. She too was not the most beautiful thing.” She said menacingly.

“What I want is for you to leave my son alone and I won’t cause you any more trouble. Isn’t that right Charles?” Her husband only grunted ignoring his wife’s antics as he read his paper.

Before I could wrap my mind around what just happened, I saw my mother come to my aid.

“Your son would be lucky to have her. How dare you speak to her like that, you have no idea about my daughter and how special she is?” Lukas mom scoffed