Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(89)

“I wanted to look…” I stopped myself “Never mind.”

“You can’t do that Alexia you said we needed to communicate. I need you. Don’t you understand? I’m not going to lose you to some fucken Greek.” He bellowed in a tortuous voice, I looked up stunned by his comment.

“What are you talking about?” He stood up and began pacing, running his fingers though his hair.

“I can’t shake this feeling like…like I’m some kind of stepping stone for you. That you’ll leave me the moment you find someone better suited.” His revelation nearly floored me. I stood from the bed and walked over to him putting my hands on his face.

“Lukas I love you. I love you completely. There is nothing in this world that will ever change that. God Lukas, did I ever give you that impression?” I asked horrified.

“No, not in so… no.” Tears prickled my eyes.

“Lukas if there ever was a man made for me, it’s you. All I did my whole life is wait for you to appear, and now I’m whole and happy. Your name has always been branded on my heart. You are my soul and my world.” He relaxed his shoulders and caved in. A single tear fell from his beautiful face. I quickly wiped it away with my thumb.

“I love you my most precious one.” I murmured. He gave me a faint smile. “That’s my line.” He said softly as he pulled me into his arms.

“I love you so much Alexia.”

He held me tightly. “You know we didn’t make love yesterday and it really bothered me, so I was thinking we make up for it today.” I could hear him smile. That’s the Lukas I knew. The rest of the morning we spent making up, but true to Lukas’ form the man punished me for the top I wore. But what a fine punishment it was.

The Bistro

We flew back to Montreal, Roxi, Kaci and I courtesy of Lukas’ airs.

“Did you know he had a private jet?” Roxi asked me as we sat down waiting for the plane to take off.

“It’s the size of a normal plane!” Kaci added. I ignored them both, I was a bit melancholy. Leaving Lukas behind had become harder every time I came here. When we were finally able to unbuckle our seat belts I left the girls and spent my time catching up with Alicia and Jack, I had missed them. Kaci and Roxi were still marveling at the private jet he had, I didn’t really care since I had been in it quite a few times before.

Peter met us at the private airport and drove us back home. The words that Lukas said still lingered in my mind, I felt dumb as shit for even letting him feel the way he felt. I didn’t even notice and here I was proclaiming him my lover and that I loved him more than life itself. I decided that I needed him to see my determination.

I walked into my tattoo artist’s place, the familiar sound of buzzing and heavy metal music was dancing through the air.

“Lexi” I heard Chris yell out as he saw me walk in.

“Hey what’s up?” I reached over and hugged him.

“Nothing much. How about you? Are you here to get another piercing?” He asked. Chris was tattooed from head to toe, but it wasn’t overdone, he was buffed up and had two earrings on either ear. He had long wavy hair that he often tied up in a high ponytail.

“Nah, here for a tattoo.” I waved my hand at him.

“Shit seriously? You know I’m the one who’s going to do it right?” He smiled from ear to ear.

“Yeah I know. Why do you think I’m here?” I laughed.

“Cool, I got some time now, unless it something complicated then we’ll do a consultation.” He walked me to his station.

“Nothing complicated.” I took out my phone and showed him.

“Ok, cool, where?” He readied his area.

“Right over my hip bone.” I lifted my shirt.

“Nice, send me the pic threw text so I can make a stencil of it and we’ll get started.”

Twenty minutes and with some pain and soreness later, the tat was ready. I walked over to the mirror and admire it, ‘LoukaV’ was written in thin black ink on my body. I branded myself with his name in Greek. I could already hear the various comments everyone would make but either way the man changed my life and who I was. I wanted to remember him. It wasn’t for him so much as it was for me, for us and what we meant to each other.

My work week started like any other. The only difference was that Roxi and Kaci wouldn’t stop talking about our New York fiesta, which reminded me.

“So you and Erik, what the hell is up with that?” I stared at Kaci.

“Yes inquiring minds would like to know?” Roxi added. Kaci busied herself but I blocked her.

“Come on, tell us.” I urged.