Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(91)

“Your daughter is nothing but a money grabbing whore that should obviously stick to her own kind.” My mother’s face turned beet red, I knew that face I’ve seen that face as I grew up. She reached over for the plate that was in front of Lukas’ mother and dumped the food all over her.

“Ma!” I cried out.

“No I don’t think so, no one treats my daughter like that no one.” My mother’s heavy accent was made more prominent when she was angry.

Lukas’ mother screamed for the owner. Philip showed up and was angry, I knew he loved me but business was business.

“What’s going on here?” He yelled. I tried to explain to him but Lukas’ mom kept telling him to fire me, I knew he didn’t want to but she made it almost impossible saying she was going to call the cops and cause the store more problems. I reached over and touched his arm, trying really hard to hold back my tears.

“It’s ok. I’ll go.” Philips face contoured.

“Lexi, I’m sorry I just don’t know what to do? She keeps saying she’ll keep coming back here to see if you’re working. I’m not going to expose you to this but I can’t lose money either.” I cashed out my sales and gave him my money, my mother waited for me outside. She face full of sorrow, she was sorry she caused me trouble, and sad that I lost my job that I loved so much.

Kaci and Roxi were so irate that they both refused to talk to Philip, while Gavin and Cooly were fuming, saying they saw it all and that it was the bitch’s fault not mine.

My mom came home with me; she kept insisting that Lukas’ mom was a bitch and couldn’t believe that Lukas had a mother like that. I explained that Lukas doesn’t even speak to them. My mother said she understood why. The day was all screwed up I didn’t know what to do first, should I call Lukas and tell him or just pretend that this didn’t happened. My mom left after she made me a meal to try to cheer me up, we hugged and kissed and I told her I loved her.

My phone kept ringing it was the girls but I wasn’t in the mood to talk to them about this. Lukas didn’t call so I guess his bodyguard didn’t notice anything weird, but how was I going to get this by him tomorrow? I figured I pretend that I was sick, see if that would work.

Panic had started to set in I had to find a new job. I hated the feeling, my nerves always got the best of me and it would take time for me to build up my client base again. I was a fighter and I figured it would be ok. Right?

My usual phone call from Lukas came right on time. I took a deep breath and answered it.

“Hey baby.” I sang.

“Hey, I missed you. How was your day at work?” I cringed inwardly.

“You know the usual, bitchy customers, you? What did you do today?” He laughed and continued the conversation; we spoke for a few hours. I could feel my heart growing heavier, every time I thought about my job. My heart hurt, I loved it there.

“Are you ok?” He asked cautiously, I sniffled.

“Yeah I’m fine probably coming down with a cold.” I lied.

“A cold?” Yeah he was suspicious.

“So is that how we are going to act now? Even after everything that happened? After everything we talked about? You’re still going to keep me at arms’ length?” He silenced me, I didn’t know whether he knew or not.

“Open the damn door Alexia!” He said angrily, my belly dropped.

I walked over to my door and he walked in and leaned on my counter with his arms crossed.

“I flew in this morning wanting to see you. I called Jacob to see whether you were at the bistro or you were cut early. He said he saw you leave with your mother and you were crying. I texted Roxi and she called me, telling me everything that happened. My question was when were you going to tell me or were you going to stay silent about this?” He had a murderous glare and I began to cry.

“I loved that job, Lukas. I loved it and now I don’t have it, so can you at least yell at me after? Right now I’m just really heartbroken about this.” His lips disappeared into a thin line and I could see he was struggling to keep his composure.

“What exactly happened?”

I gave him the run down telling him everything. He smirked when he heard that my mom defended me by dumping food on his mother’s lap.

“I needed that job Lukas.” I cried out.

“I’m sorry.” He murmured.

“Yeah me too.” He froze.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

I shook my head. “Nothing, I’m just pissed.” He grabbed my arms and pulled me in front of him.

“Alexia, what did you mean?” He roared.

“Ever since I met you, all I had to do was deal with things. You never had to deal with the things I dealt with.” I lowered my head.