Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(32)

“Hey Jaks” I finally mustered up. He had walked in and went straight to work and started to stock up the bar with glasses from the dinner rush. He ignored me as he cleaned the glasses that had been brought out from the dish pit.

“Look I’m sorry about what happened yesterday.” I continued hoping I could apologize quickly and move past this.

A bill came up from the printer he read it and began preparing the drink. “You don’t have to apologize you didn’t do anything wrong.” He said still not looking at me. “You guys have a pretty strange relationship.” He stated as he finished the drink and placed it onto the counter ready to be picked up.

He moved over to me and leaned in “I don’t know what you see in him, but he’s not your type.” The venomous comment irritated me only because I was already insecure about it, I didn’t need anyone else pointing it out.

“Really?” I managed to say.

“Yeah really.” He didn’t move from his spot.

“Well that’s your opinion.” I fired back.

“If you give me half a chance I could show you that I’m better for you, healthier anyways.” Jaks offered. I felt my face grow flush. “But then again I don’t have the money he has.” He retorted.

The anger inside me made my ears ring, “How dare you even think…” I stopped myself. “Jaks just so you know you will never be my type, only because I don’t date assholes who judge me as harshly as you do.” I seethed.

“Maybe you’re right, cause all you date are fucktards that treat you like shit.” He snapped back.

I was about to tell him where to shove it, when the bistro’s door bell chimed and I knew Lukas was here. I felt his presence and my body shifted as he walked over to me and stared down Jaks making him move from where he stood, he then looked at me his eyes were far more telling than his body language. He was pissed.

“I’m guessing you’re done.” He said coldly as he reached and took a lose strand of hair and pushed it back behind my ear.

“Yeah I just finished.” I couldn’t hide that I was annoyed.

“Let’s go then.” He took my hand and intertwined our fingers almost yanking me out the door. We continued in silence till we reached his car where he opened the door for me, waiting for me to get in.

I regretted saying anything to Jaks, the asshole ruined my night and now I could sense my Suit wasn’t in a good mood either. He went around the car and sat himself inside he didn’t turn the car on but rather he sat in silence not making an effort to talk to me. The tension was palpable.

“Lukas.” I finally managed to say. When he was angry the guy was seriously intimidating. “Don’t.” His said in a hushed voice. He took a deep breath and started his car. We drove in silence as we headed towards his condo.

He parked his car in the garage and stepped outside without even waiting for me. My shoulders dropped and I was resigned to the idea that my Suit was upset. My stomach sunk even lower as I watched him walk to the elevator doors. I slinked out of the car and meekly walked over to where he stood waiting for the elevator. I watched as he his nose flared and he his lips nearly disappeared into a thin line. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, he stepped inside and turned to my direction. I stood watching my Suit be mad at me for reasons I wasn’t sure of. Maybe Jaks was right. I didn’t move from where I was. I was emotionally spent and physically exhausted and at this point I had no more care in me. All I wanted was to go home take a long hot shower and forget this whole day. I was glad that Roxi had offered to take my shift on Sunday, I had asked under the pretext of surprising my Suit, but right now fuck him. Jaks’ comment hit a little too close to home and I wanted to seriously go back and yell at him.

Lukas stood there staring at me, getting angrier by the minute.

“Get in the fucken elevator Alexia.” His calm command had an undertone of anger. He was pressing the button to keep the doors open, I shook my head no.

“Get in now or I swear to god Alexia.” Right like that was going to convince me. I turned around and headed towards the door leading out of the garage. Screw this I was tired from working a split shift and now he was mad at me for god knows what. I just really wanted to go home.

“ALEXIA!” Lucas’ voice resonated throughout the parking garage.

I quickened my pace zeroing in at the exit door, I could hear his foot steps behind me. He grabbed my arm,

“Stop acting like a child and come upstairs.” He bellowed. He really wasn’t helping his case. He yanked my hand till we reached the elevators.