Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(30)

I lost myself looking at him asleep, there is something so intimate by watching someone you care for sleep next to you, like a sexy vulnerability. Their hair all messed up, their body comfortable and relaxed, it was a part that only the intimate few saw and I was one of them.

I pulled myself out of my freaken day dream and tried to get out of his arms to ready myself for a twelve hour split shift I had to do. Thank god these doubles were about to end, I was exhausted and overworked plus emotionally fucked up because of all that had happened with my Suit.

Lukas held tighter “Where are you going?” He asked half asleep, his voice was groggy damn anything he does made me wet. “I have to go to work.” I moved again and he moved with me, getting himself up, he moved slowly and slightly confused.

“Go back to sleep.” I tried pushing him down which was a stupid attempted seeing how big he was. He easily stood up and put on his jeans.

“I’ll take you to your condo then to work.” He said sleepily as he reached and buttoned his jeans.

He stood half naked in front of me, making my mouth water. His hair was all tousled, his eyes half closed, his perfectly trimmed goatee looked even sexier with its morning stubble.

“If you keep looking at me like that I won’t let you go.” He said throwing his t-shirt on. I dropped my eyes trying to find the rest of my clothes.

“Fuck baby, can’t you call in sick?” He grabbed me from behind as I was trying to get dressed. “Looking at you just makes me hard.” I could feel him pressing himself into me. Low blow Suit, low blow.

“I can’t. I’m opening the store, plus I’ve never called in sick ever.”

He smiled leaning into my hair, close to my ear. “There’s a first time for everything!”

I elbowed him in the gut. “Stop tempting me you evil man.”

I tried to go around him, but he pulled me back, “Lukas I really have to go!” I tried moving again. “At this rate I won’t have time to take a shower.” He lowered himself down onto his knees and hugged me from the waist.

“Good, you’ll have me all over you.” He said softly. I played with his hair trying to calm it down a bit.

“What is it with you and marking me?” He nuzzled his face into my stomach. “You belong to me.” He kissed my belly “so I take it I’m forgiven?” He asked looking up at me smiling, his eyes half closed, beckoning their master to sleep more.

“Not by a long shot ace.” I laughed and pushed him off me. “I need to go” I said finally gathering the last of my belongings. He looked affronted as I left him on the floor.

He drove me to my condo waiting for me in his car. I frantically changed and tried to comb my hair and tie it up in a slick tight ponytail. God I was going to have a headache at the end of the night. I quickly got dressed and put in a second outfit with a pair of black runners for the evening shift in my bag. I then ran down five flights of stairs no point in waiting for the elevator the thing took forever especially when you needed to go somewhere. I opened the front door of the condo building to an awaiting Lukas who wore his sunglasses now because the sun had come out. I stopped dead in my tracks, was he going to do this every time I looked at him? I opened the car door and was cocooned with his smell. I loved his smell. He smiled widely, his million dollar smile nearly taking me for a loop.

“Ready?” He asked still smiling at me. I swooned, damn it. I shook my head and regained some sense. I pointed to the front windshield.

“Onward Jeeves.” He laughed and shifted the gears.

I arrived just as Gavin had gotten there. He looked at me in Lukas’s car and a wide grin spread across his face. I shook my head. Lukas took my hand and kissed it.

“I’ll pick you up after you’re finished.” I watched as he made this small gesture feel like something out of those old school romance books.

“First off you work.” I said.

“And?” He asked plainly.

I rolled my eyes “And I don’t want to interfere with what you are doing professionally. Lukas…” I stopped and thought “I don’t even know what you do?”

He laughed “I’ll tell you over dinner.”

“Can’t!” I said bluntly.

He pulled his glasses down his icy blue eyes peering at me his voice not to please “Why?” Demanding Suit was also growing on me.

“I’m also working the dinner rush.” I stated.

“Why are you working the dinner rush?” He asked annoyed at me. I looked over to see Gavin waving at me in a sarcastic manner.

“I took on a few doubles, to train the new staff, but I’ll have a small break between two to five so…” He kept looking no humor anywhere on his face. I relented “No one likes split shifts but I need the money plus…” I stopped not wanting to go further.