Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(31)

“Plus” He demanded.

“I needed a distraction to keep my mind off you and what had happened between us.” He sucked in air, closing his eyes and looking away from me.

“Alexia if you need money I’ll take care of you, don’t accept these damn extra shifts to stay away from me.” He barked.

I put my hand on the car door to open it not really wanting to have this conversation this early in the morning. “Lukas I have to go.” He let me leave without another word.

I walked over to Gavin. “Hello darling.” His Scottish accent made me grin.

“Not one word” I pointed my finger at him.

“Mum’s the word” He smiled again. I unlocked the bistro I could hear Lukas’ car drive off as I closed the door behind me.

Hell is Around the Corner

I was glad when the breakfast rush started, Kaci and Roxi were asking me all sorts of questions and throughout the rush I had no choice but to fill them in.

“The way he took down Jaks and whisked you away, that was hot, I creamed myself just watching you guys” Roxi squealed.

“Roxi seriously what am I going to say to Jaks now?” I asked in a sort panicked way. She looked at me like I grew a third head.

“You’re going to say nothing. You didn’t do anything.” She answered giving a ‘it’s not your problem face’.

“Roxi!” I exclaimed.

“Got to go sweetie table 6 is waving me down.” She walked away and Kaci took her place.

“Ok, where was I? Oh yeah! So what happened after he took you to his place?” She asked waiting for her tables. I was about to tell her he apologized but not every detail, that was for me alone, but I would tell her how fucken awesome he was in bed, when my table looked at me telling me they were ready to order.

“Later” I promised.

“You better!” She threatened.

Most of breakfast was spent with half conversations that we were used to. I told them what happened in not too much detail and they were giddy and excited for me. I still wanted to take my time in digesting this; I knew I had more to lose than him. I was nothing but a waitress with a washed up dream of becoming an archaeologist while he was an important business figure that had more to offer than I could in five lifetimes. What he saw in me, I did not know.

My morning shift ended and the girls waved good bye, I pouted knowing I had another shift ahead of me. My feet were killing me and as I predicted I was feeling a headache coming on.

When I worked doubles I usually ate at the bistro and would take a walk to a local café just to get out of the place. Today was no different.

“Can I have Japanese Sencha please?” I asked the girl over the counter at the café. I took my tea and walk over to the small benches that lined the store front’s windows. I sat down and looked out at Old port of Montreal.

The day was sunny and warm and the streets were crowded with tourists, shit the season had seriously started early. I pulled out my Iphone readying myself to read a good book I bought on Kobo, when I got a text.

missing u

I smirked.

u saw me this morning

I waited taking a sip of my tea, Shit maybe I overstepped…

Understand this i need u all the time, especially today this meeting sucks and the only thing that’s keeping me going is the fact that i still have ur cum all over my cock

I was taking a sip of my tea when I read his message, almost dropping my phone and spitting out the hot liquid. I gently put my cup down not wanting to spill it. I kind of blushed not because I was embarrassed but the idea made me feel like I had power over him, it made me wet to think of me all over him.

too bad im working, i would have come over and licked u clean

I grinned at my attempt at sexy text, but I didn’t get a reply, I kept looking at my phone but nothing, it was almost time for me to get back to work when I heard my phone chime.

Ur going to pay for making me hard in the middle of my meeting

The image of his hard cock in his sexy suit made me giddy and yes very horny.

Empty threats thats all ur good for ;-)

I laughed as I put my phone away and went off to work with an extra bounce to my step.

Thank god, the new employees that Philip had hired were quick learners. The dinner rush went by without a single glitch. It was eight o’clock and I had finally finished my shift. My feet were killing me and my waiter arm hurt like hell. I took off my elastic letting my hair fall down. Hoping this throbbing headache would go away.

After I cleaned myself up I sat at the bar for a small night cap, I was completely exhausted. I poured myself a nice glass of Pepperwood Grove Merlot when Jaks walked in. He avoided me and part of me felt bad about it, well that’s not true I felt completely bad about it.