Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(301)

It was hard and intense, and I gripped the top of the shower as I rocked forward and tried to control my moans. I didn’t want them to hear me even though a part of me longed for them to. I wanted them to come in here and dominate me, a thought that made me blush as I took a deep breath. The idea of them here together, one behind me fucking me hard and deep as the other pushed my mouth over his cock made me wet all over again, and I got myself off for a second time.

I got out of the shower and let my hair down after I was dry. I hadn’t washed it and just planned on twisting it on one side tonight. My skin was flushed, and I was glowing as I smiled and went to get my smaller bag for my make-up. I just did a light layer of powder and some dark liner on my lid with mascara. The real wow factor was the red lipstick that I filled my full lips in with. It was a simple look, but I knew how responsive that men were to it, even if I was still innocent. I wanted that to change.

I pulled the dress on and added a musky scent on my wrists and behind my ears. I twisted my hair to my right and pinned it with some bobby pins before I decided I was ready. I’d slipped the shoes from the fashion show into my bag and put them on before I checked myself in the full mirror. I only wore a small thong since the dress didn’t allow a full bra.

Stepping into the living room, I looked around and found myself alone. I wondered who had picked out all of these clothes as I walked over to the fridge and opened it. There was a bottle of wine inside of the fridge, and I stared at it before I heard a throat clearing. “Dec is finishing up. Can I get you anything?” Colton watched me stand, and his eyes locked on my chest as I felt my hands shaking. “That dress…”

“Who chose the clothing?” I asked as I boldly grabbed the wine and set it on the counter. Colton cleared his throat and went to get some glasses from the white cabinet and opened the bottle.

“We have a woman that helps us with model clothing. I used your measurements from the fashion show and showed her that, telling her to base the selections on it. It was incredible on you.” Colton poured three glasses and handed me one as I took it and thanked him. “Of course, I ordered more than usual, but I was interested in seeing you in a lot of different things.”

“The man behind the idea?” I suggested as he ran his hand down the loose button up shirt in green that covered his slacks, comfortable and casual and perfect for the island weather.

“He had my approval from the get-go,” Declan said as I jumped and looked over at him. He was dressed in a similar fashion though his shirt was teal. “Now the question is what brother will you choose?”

“I think that’s obvious, Dec. Trina likes a man that has some control, not a surfer boy.”

Declan laughed at his brother and shook his head. “I am all man in the bedroom. Just ask some of your ex-girlfriends.”

Colton’s eyes narrowed, and I saw the discontent forming as I swallowed a large gulp of wine. “Why don’t we go?”

They seemed to relax, and Colton got the keys so we could leave.


Dinner was at a local place on the water by a window that opened to the ocean. The breeze blew in as we ordered drinks and the guys selected a few appetizers to get us started. The table was wound so I had one of them on either side of me and I sipped the tropical drink nervously.

The food was excellent and fresh as I tasted the meats and vegetables throughout our conversation. They discussed the island and the beach we’d be shooting on tomorrow; a future site for a resort of one of their customers. I listened quietly as I kept drinking and eating, taking the time to look each brother over for periods of time. Whatever was going on at the cottage seemed to be more under control now, and we finished our meals as Colton checked his phone when it chimed. “That’s Bob.” He eyed his brother and then me. “Where will you be?”

“That open bar down the street. Trina needs to dance,” Declan replied as I watched Colton’s eyes simmer for a moment. He assured us that he would meet us as soon as he went over business and Declan turned to me as we were left alone. He took my hand, and we walked down the crowded sidewalk and found a cute bar that was quite open to the street that featured a band playing a song with a great beat as my hips started to move. “There we go. I knew that you were meant to move, Trina.” He led me inside, and I didn’t miss the way that the women looked him over before giving me looks with various degrees of dislike. We ordered; a cocktail for me and a beer for him as he glanced over the spacious dance floor. “That night at the show, I was bored. We’d done that show for a few years, and once I realized how empty the women were, I started to check out. Then you were up there, more of a woman than any of them. You entranced me, and I soon realized that you had Colt’s attention as well.” He sipped his beer. “I can’t hate that he got you here so easily, but I don’t think it gives him an advantage. Do you?”