Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(297)

I walked to the sensual beat; shoulders raised and eyes forward as I let them pass over the vague crowd as if I could see them. I wanted to make Valerie look good, and I knew damn good and well how to own a dress. I flirted and swayed before making a turn at the end to show off every part of the dress from every angle. I paused for a moment as I felt someone staring hard at me and blinked before I started back towards the exit. It seemed to take forever, and I was happy to step into the dimly lit hallway as the next girl took the stage. I was done for the night, but I figured that I’d change back into my clothes and watch a little more from the back just to see more details in the clothes.

Once I was changed into my yoga pants and sweater, I was surprised when the blonde handed me a bag in the changing room. “What’s this?” I peeked inside to see the dress I’d modeled as well as the heels and I stared at her. I was only in the bathroom for a few minutes rinsing off my makeup. “Why are you giving this to me?”

“I was told by my sponsors to give that to you since they thought you looked so beautiful in it. There’s some paperwork that you’ll want to read as well.” She gave me a bright smile, and I tilted my head as red flags showed up everywhere in my mind.

“Who might the sponsors be?” I inquired as she laughed.

“Brighton Architecture, among other businesses all over the world.” That’s right. My agent told me about them, but I’d hardly paid attention.

“Do they do these kinds of things often?” My question seemed to fluster her, and she shrugged mysteriously. “Have a good night.”

“Thanks. You, too.” I left with my purse slung over my body and the bag in my hand and skirted around the crowd to watch some of the remaining show. The dresses were quite impressive, but I found it odd that none of the other models seemed to be leaving with a bag like mine. I was at the bar ordering a drink when I felt someone beside me.

“You’re the sixth model, correct?” I turned to see a handsome man sitting beside me, muscled and dark and a few years older than my twenty-three years.

“I am. How do you remember me?” I asked as he smiled seductively and extended his hand.

“Colton Brighton. Trina, was it?” He asked, and a lightbulb flashed in my mind.

“Brighton as in the company?” He nodded, and I wondered what he did there. The man couldn’t be older than thirty. “You sponsored this event?”

“My company did, yes.” He said easily as a man that looked just like him came to stand beside him. I looked from one to the other and wondered what kind of family would produce such gorgeous people, twins at that. “This is my brother, Declan.” I shook his hand as we greeted each other and could immediately sense some tension thick in the air. I wasn’t sure if it was of a sexual nature since they were some of the hottest men I’d laid eyes on and I’d be crazy not to think a few dirty thoughts. I also sensed it between the siblings as I looked them over. “We own the company.”

“Did you send the dress and shoes with me?” I asked them directly, and one of them smirked as Colton smiled widely. Colton seemed to know more about it, and he nodded. “Why?”

“You were stunning in it. It belongs on your body,” Colton’s deep blue eyes drifted down my now covered curves, and I felt my skin heat up as I licked my lips. “There’s also an invitation of sorts in the bag.” Declan looked at his brother and brushed back the dark hair that hung slightly in his face as he waited for the answer. Colton’s hair was cut shorter and slicked back some, and I couldn’t decide who was more handsome. “We’re looking to shoot some ad shots in a few places that we’re going to be building in, and we’re interested in you as a model. That was the actual reason for this show, to be honest. You won our vote.”

“I didn’t hear anything about a contest when I signed up for this.” Colton shrugged.

“We didn’t want it to be hard on the models and add more stress then there already is backstage. None of them knew.” He leaned closer to me, and I could smell his intoxicating cologne that reminded me of a lush forest with a hint of spice. “You are one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen.”

“Thanks,” I found myself flustered which was unlike me, having made my way up from the bottom in this industry.

“There’s a breakdown of our plans inside a portfolio in the bag. It will serve as a lovely vacation as well with a lot of extracurricular activities when you’re not working.” For a fleeting second, I considered the activities to be a menage with these men, though they seemed too competitive to share anything in my eyes. It was clear just watching Declan get frustrated with Colton’s advances towards me. “There’s a number in there to call. Please let us know by the end of the week once you’ve reviewed everything.” Colton looked at his brother as he stepped away after kissing my cheek and bidding me farewell. I looked at the bartender as he slipped me my drink with a smile and assured me that it was covered.