Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(299)

I walked out of my apartment and locked the door as I took a deep breath. I rolled the large suitcase to the elevator and managed to fit the smaller one above it so I could toss my purse over my body. I went through my checklist in my head to assure myself that I didn’t forget anything and stepped out to the curb to see a sleek black car pulled up and waiting. The door opened, and Colton stepped forward, looking fresh in his black slacks and a buttoned up white shirt that was unbuttoned at the neck. “Good morning, Trina. You look lovely,” he looked me over as I stepped forward and got lost in his eyes. A man stepped out of the driver’s seat to put my luggage in the back and Colton gestured for me to get into the car with his big hand as I licked my lips.

Declan sat on my left, and I moved across from him as Colton moved back to sit beside me. It was a roomy car, but it felt small as the heat inside made me start to sweat. “You look beautiful,” Declan told me as I smiled and thanked him. He was dressed as his brother was but in a light blue shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes and I found myself staring at him for a moment. “Ready for some fun?”

“I am thinking of this as business, seeing that you’re paying me generously for this.” I hinted as I looked at them with a slow smile.

“We have a generous budget for marketing. It’s everything to a company.” I looked at Colton as he offered me coffee after that phrase. “We stopped by Starbucks. There’s black as well a cafe mocha and that caramel drink they serve. I always forget the name.”

“That one sounds good. Caramel.” He handed me a tall cup, and I noticed that the brothers had their own beside them. “Thank you.” I didn’t want to admit how much coffee I’d had waiting for this moment. We made the drive to the airport through all of the traffic heading to morning jobs. Once we cleared that, I was surprised to drive right through the gate and up to a private plane that was parked away from the bigger passenger jets. I was stunned since I thought we were flying commercial. “A private plane?” I squeaked as Declan grinned at me.

“Company perk,” he winked at me as I blushed and felt Colton stiffen beside me. He left the car first, and I watched as the driver and another man unloaded the trunk and got all of our bags into the plane before Colton held out his hand to assist me onboard. It was beautiful with large seats that were spread apart with something that looked like a room in the back. The plane would hold twelve people, and I looked around with a smile. “There’s a bedroom back there should you need to rest. It’s quite comfortable,” Declan said behind me as I turned to look at him. His eyes offered company if I wanted it and I stared at him before I felt a hand brush my lower back.

“Want to join me in the seats, Trina?” Their voices started to blend together, and I allowed Colton to take me to a place as I tried to catch my breath. We buckled our seat belts as instructed as I looked at Declan across the aisle from me as he sipped the coffee. The engine fired up, smooth and quiet until we took off and soared into the sky. I gasped and felt a hand cover mine as I looked at Colton. “It’s a rush, Trina. We’ll even out in just a few moments, and you can breathe again.” His blue eyes comforted me as I leaned my head back and stared into his beautiful face for a long moment. He leaned closer to me, and I sucked in my breath as he brushed his lips against mine gently before pulling away. “Feel better?”

I realized that we were flying smoothly through the air now, and I swallowed. “Do you always use that trick to calm nervous flyers?”

“Not that I recall. Did it work?” Colton asked as I stole a glance at his brother. Declan had seen everything, and I could see that he was planning on upping the ante as my heart pounded in my chest.

“It was impressive,” I replied as I stared forward and took a deep breath. That was just a peck if that. What would a real kiss feel like?

We made the flight ion a few hours and soon were landing in Belize in a small airport. We’d made some small talk about the trip that was loaded with sexual tension, and I stood gratefully to step down from the plane. It was breezy and beautiful here, and my hair blew into my face as I looked around.

“I can’t wait to pull that hair when you’re crying out my name,” Colton murmured behind me as I felt my knees weaken. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me to hold me steady before he assisted me down with Declan following with an intense look on his face. We went to a car that was waiting that whisked us away to a gorgeous beach resort. I couldn’t stop staring as we drove past beach after beautiful beach with scattered trees and flowers. It was amazing here, and I felt someone slip a hand over my thigh as I turned to see Declan grinning at me.