Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(292)

The kiss that he gave her before she slipped out of the car made her lips tingle, and Sadie stared into his eyes before she got out on her own. She walked to her apartment slowly as she realized that she cared deeply for both Brent and Jacob.

The next time she went out, Sadie saw them both. They ordered Thai in and spent the night at Brent’s apartment eating and fooling around on the couch. Sadie found it to be more casual than Jacob’s with a hint of a beach theme, but the bedroom was just the same as both of the men took turns tasting her and biting at her nipples before they filled her pussy and mouth. She felt fulfilled as she was coming around Jacob and swallowing Brent, her body taking the beating that she loved and craved. She cuddled close to both of them as they fell into a silence and Sadie fell asleep harder than she had since the hotel.

They continued this way for a few months, mixing it up with just one man and sometimes the three of them. It was hot as ever, but Sadie noticed three months later that she was seeing them alone. Both seemed stressed and tense even as they fucked her in their beds but there was no mention of the other guy. She also knew that she was falling in love with both of them, more and more with every night that she spent with Jacob or Brent. Sadie could see the look in their eyes sometimes when she met their gaze, and she almost said it, but something held her back.

Society told her that it was wrong. The looks that she got from people that knew her from the auction made her ashamed of what she was doing. Vivian had to fire her assistant for gossiping about Sadie and the guys and wasn’t kind about it as she screamed at her staff to keep their mouths shut. It was uncomfortable for Sadie in many ways, and she considered just ending things and finding a man that she could just love for who he was without complication.

The night that she realized something was terribly wrong was a night with Brent. He was the easygoing one, pleasant compared to Jacob at times. This particular night, he’d taken her to a cute place for dinner but was sullen throughout the meal and afterward took her to his apartment. There was no kindness, no affection. He fucked her like he always did, but this was angry, and she sensed that he was troubled by the whole situation as she looked into his face after they collapsed on the mattress. “What was that? What’s going on with you and Jacob? You’re both being assholes these days.”

Brent looked shocked since she rarely used that kind of language before he ran a hand through his messy hair. “We’re not speaking too much right now outside of work, and even that’s touchy on most days. We both…we both fell in love with you and being together as a threesome is too much for us. I think it’s also too much sharing you now. We never meant for this to happen that night with the auction.”

“Oh,” Sadie said as she stood and started to dress. Brent watched her quietly. “Maybe it’s best if we just end it then. You have been friends forever, and I don’t want to break that.” Her voice was shaking from the tears forming in her eyes and she stared at the floor. She was madly in love with both of them and hated what was happening, but she couldn’t stay here. Not tonight and not anymore. Sadie looked back at Brent on the bed, perfectly toned from what she assumed was additional exercise to work out the stress and gorgeous to look at. She wished that it was just lust. Sadie whispered goodbye and walked out to get her purse before she got a car on her phone.


Sadie didn’t contact them, and they remained quiet for the next week. Her heart ached over the loss, but her body missed them as well. She found herself tossing and turning at night alone in her bed, not sleeping as she tried to make herself come with her hand and the toys that she’d purchased recently. She needed to feel like she did with Brent and Jacob but the releases that she gave herself were so understated compared to what she was used to. Still, she tried. Sadie masturbated in the shower, in her bed and anywhere in the house just to try and fill her needs.

Vivian stared at her over lunch one day with worried eyes. “You look miserable, Sade.” They were supposed to be going over details for the wedding rehearsal, but Sadie was tired and grumpy, much like every day.

“I just…miss them. I miss both of them. I wish that I could pick one over the other or even just blend them into the perfect man, but I can’t.” Vivian knew about what had happened, and she took a bite of her salad and chewed thoughtfully for a moment.

“So go to them. Throw all of this out there and just set things straight. It’s not the norm to be with two men, not even here in the city. You’ve just looked so terrible for these past few days, and I think you know what you need as much as I do.” Vivian told her with a serious face. “Fuck the gossip. Fuck everybody. Just live your life and make yourself happy.”