Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(289)

Jacob ran a hand through his hair slowly and stood as he fixed his shorts. He strolled to the door and opened it before thanking someone and closing it again. “Just the staff.” He smiled at Sadie as he slipped his shorts down and walked over to her after setting the bag on a table.

After she had sucked his cock nearly dry, Jacob moved it to the shower where he held her up and fucked her with her back to the wall of the shower. Sadie cried his name as she came, clutching his shoulders as his lips found hers for a deep kiss.

They were both dressed and watching a hockey game in the living room when Brent returned in the afternoon. “Are you a fan as well? Jake used to drive me mad watching this all of the time.” Brent had glanced at the game and the score before he sat down. “New client. Hotel guy.”

“The best kind,” Jacob responded as he sipped his beer. “Sadie likes seafood as much as you, so we’re even.”

They left in the late afternoon in Jacob’s incredible Range Rover with all of the bells and whistles to go to her place for a bag and so she could change for dinner. They were going to a place on the Hudson River, and since the guys were a bit dressed up, Sadie wanted to be as well. When they parked on the sidewalk, Sadie gave them a careful look. “My place is dreadfully small. Like you might not be able to fit in it kind of small. Do you want to wait?”

“Of course not,” Brent said as he hopped out of the back and opened the door for her. Sadie sighed and got out as she imagined what everyone that saw them was thinking. Sadie’s imagination led her to a place where the auction was in the paper with scandalous headlines since it was a charity for the wealthy and famous of New York. Good thing she didn’t ever read it. Jacob joined them as she led them through the quaint but run down courtyard with the fountain and up some stairs almost in time to avoid the sound of Vivian’s voice.

“There you are,” she looked cheery enough, but Sadie knew her. Vivian wanted the dirt.

“Hello, Vivian,” Sadie said in a polite tone as Jacob extended his hand first to greet her, then Brent. “I am just getting some things, and we’re leaving again.”

Vivian looked from one man to the other before she gazed at Sadie. “Let’s do lunch this week. There are more plans to go over.”

“Of course. I’ll text you.” The degree that Vivian wanted to interrogate her was strong from the look in her eyes. Sadie grinned and turned to unlock her door as she walked in and let them follow her. “See? Small.”

“Have you been friends with Vivian for long?” Brent asked as he seemed to ignore the tiny living room and looked at her.

“Since third grade. I think we drive each other crazy sometimes, but I adore her.” Sadie replied as she glanced back at them. She and Vivian had never shared a man, and Sadie wondered what that must be like, given how comfortable they both were. “I will just get my things. Make yourself at home.”

She went into her even smaller room and pulled out her worn duffel bag from an old gym to pack some clothes. Not knowing how long she’d be gone, Sadie threw in a few pairs of jeans, some shirts and a few of her sexier bras and underwear. She looked in her closet for a dress and found a flowing red one that looked great with some mascara and fire engine red lipstick. Sadie threw herself together and slipped her feet into some matching red heels before she walked out into the living room again.

“Sadie, you know how to rock the color red,” Brent said as he stood up and approached her to kiss her cheek. He looked down the fitted top that teased her cleavage and the skirt that moved around her thighs with every step. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you so much,” Sadie told him as she shyly smiled and looked over at Jacob. Somehow, his approval was just as important to her.

“You stun me with your beauty.” Jacob kissed her other cheek and inhaled as he lingered for a moment. “You do taste as sweet as you smell, as well.”

Sadie stared at him for a moment before she thanked him and they prepared to leave. They went to a place that offered them the small private nook that overlooked the water more than any other table and talked and sipped wine while Jacob chose to drink water until they got back to the room. They told her they rented it a lot just to do business in the area and hang out with friends since their apartments were a bit more uptown. Of course, as they explained it, a lot of the people from the event stayed for a long weekend.

She was tipsy as Jacob helped her to the car while she giggled at something that the hostess said to them upon seeing her acting affectionate with both men. Jacob’s face was set in a scowl as they walked and Brent knew that Sadie would feel a lot worse about the comment if she were sober, since she was sleeping with both men at this time. She just didn’t feel any pain right now.