Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(288)

Sadie stood up as an afterthought to get a robe and sat down as someone walked into the kitchen. “Morning,” Brent called out cheerfully before he picked up the phone to order.

“We’ll discuss that after coffee,” Jacob grumbled as he walked into the room wearing a pair of shorts similar to Brent’s. His eyes rested on Sadie as she picked up her cup and she regarded him quietly. She felt good about Brent’s enthusiasm toward her but was uncertain about Jacob. Perhaps this was a one night stand to him. “You’re still here.” A smile started at the corner of his sexy mouth, and she couldn’t help but to return it.

“I am. Brent asked me to stay for breakfast.” Sadie admitted as Jacob nodded and glanced over at his best friend.

Brent thanked whoever was on the phone and looked over at the pair on the couch. “I ordered your usual, Jake.” He came over and sat on the left side of Sadie, sandwiching her between the two men. The thought made her blush about last night all over again.

Jacob thanked him and looked from Brent to Sadie. “Look at her. You guys already fucked today, didn’t you?” He shook his head.

“I have a meeting today in a few hours. You’ll have her all to yourself.” Brent assured Jacob as he grinned at him.


Once they’d all eaten, Sadie looked at the guys. “I don’t have any clothes here, so I was going to have my friend send some to the hotel so I can leave. The dress was a loan.”

“It suffered some damage last night. We already bought it and we'll have it cleaned, since it looked so beautiful on you,” Jacob offered with his charming smile as she stared at him. “Do you need to leave? Do you work today?”

“No, I make my hours. I just thought that you might prefer that,” Sadie hesitantly replied as the guys shared a look. They bought her that expensive dress?

“We owe you dinner. That was the arrangement of the auction.” Brent protested as she gave him a long stare.

“He’s right. Stay. We’ll get you some clothes delivered, and you can even get some from your apartment.” Jacob stepped in, and she looked at him for a long moment.

“Do you want that?” Sadie asked and watched as they both nodded. “Well, I can still have her bring me a change of clothes until we decide what to do.” She excused herself to get her purse and pulled her phone from the small black pouch. She bit her lip as she decided what to say and finally decided that Vivian would see through any lies.

Sadie: Yo, Viv. I am at the hotel, and I need something to wear for a bit. Can you get me some jeans and a shirt some undies with a bra and send them to the penthouse? I’ll check what room number it is. Vivian lived in the same complex as Sadie did, just in a bigger place.

A text came right through.

Vivian: The penthouse at the hotel from last night? Did you stay with one of the guys?

Sadie: In a manner of speaking. She rolled her eyes at the vague reply that her best friend would pick apart. I only have the dress from last night and that’s not entirely appropriate to leave in.

Vivian: I heard that someone called the designer last night and purchased the dress. Whore!!

“What is the room number here?” Sadie asked as she walked back into the living room to see the men talking closely together.

“2003. Did you get some clothes delivered?” Brent asked as she stared down at the text coming in.

“Yes.” Sadie sent the room number to Vivian and gave them a scared look. “Probably in person. Do you remember my friend from last night?”

“Vaguely,” Jacob casually said as Sadie raised an eyebrow. Vivian was one that was noticed all of the time compared to her. That was why she seemed always to be dating famous New York guys until she met her fiancée. Sadie wondered if her best friend had any threesomes along the way.

Brent excused himself to take a shower and came back dressed in business casual wear. Sadie and Jacob stopped talking to look up at him. She was growing comfortable with both men, and it scared her…to death. What was a girl supposed to do with two gorgeous and easy to get along with men that were best friends? People couldn’t be in relationships like that, could they?

Brent left, and Jacob immediately moved closer to Sadie to kiss her on the couch. It was like he was waiting to be alone with her and she pulled him closer as he started to untie her robe and slide his hands over her body. They were moving closer to being completely naked and ready to go when there was a knock at the door. “Shit. That might be Viv.” Sadie understood that she wasn’t looking like a supermodel after her first tryst of the day, and she pushed Jacob away and fixed her clothes.