Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(25)

“Oh yeah...fuck… Oh fuck…that vibration is so fucking good.” She had promised that she wouldn’t make any unwanted overtures, but now her hand had landed squarely on my chest. I wasn’t sure that she knew what she was doing and that maybe she was too far gone to give a damn. “I wanted to do that at the movies and I have no idea why none of the boys that I’ve gone out with have tried something like that.” Her wet pussy was stretched open and that cylinder object was moving back and forth at a steady pace.

“I think that I can do that better than you.” She must have thought that I was talking about doing that to myself, but she found out differently when I took her hand away from where she was satisfying her own desire. We both knew that it felt better when somebody else did it and now I was the one that was stirring things to the surface. “He had one of the biggest cocks that I’ve ever seen in my life besides this guy on the screen.” The guy was a freak of nature and had what I would consider a baseball bat hanging roughly 11 inches stretching from his body.

With her hands free, she could lift that Scooby Doo nightshirt and begin to play with her ample bosom. We both had primarily the same size in that regard, but her nipples were a little bit chunkier than mine. Mine stood straight out where hers were fat and looked good enough to sample. I’d never done anything like this and even holding this weapon of choice in my hands and slamming it back and forth inside her was a departure from our usual staid sleepovers.

“If you’re not fucking careful, you are…going to make me cum all over this thing. Is that what you want to see, Amber? Do you want to see my cream sliding down the surface of that thing? If it is, then keep up what you’re doing and you will get your wish one way or the other.” I had no idea what came over me or why it felt so important to see her bubble and boil over like a pot that you wouldn’t leave on the stove without watching it carefully. She was pinching her nipples with her eyes closed and then I heard her scream with her knuckle pressed into her mouth to stop herself from giving Jordan any reason to come in here to check out what was going on.

I had my hand firmly placed against my clit and two fingers were moving back and forth to supply me with the necessary incentive to drive myself up the wall. I had just reached that plateau when she kissed me and tongued my mouth. She was prolonging that moment into something long and everlasting. In the afterglow and while we were sitting there breathing heavy, I turned and noticed something that was slightly out of the ordinary.

There was a teddy bear that I didn’t recognize. There was also a very strange thing happening with its eyes. I knew what it was. I had a feeling that I knew who the culprit was that had decided to invade my personal space. Tomorrow morning was going to be one hell of a fight that was going to be of the knockdown variety. I was tempted to tell Sandra, but she probably would have wanted to put on more of an explicit show. I wasn’t ready to do something like that and I felt violated by the camera. It was situated in a way that it could see my bed and everything that had happened on it. I wasn’t sure how long it was there.

Chapter two

I was sitting there at the breakfast table glaring at Jordan, who was reading the paper and making it look like he had nothing to hide. Sandra was going on about something about school, but I really wasn’t paying attention. My anger was seething like a raw and festering wound. I envisioned what it would be like to wrap my hands around his neck, but came back with visions of curling my hand around something else instead.

“I have to go. A few friends are meeting me down at the pool. I think that this will give me the right moment to reveal my new two piece bikini.” Before I could stop her, she was stripping off that tee shirt and dropping her pants to show her body encased in what had turned out to be some kind of floss. It didn’t cover her breasts at all and only her nipples that could easily be seen through the fabric were covered.

I heard the rustle of paper. Jordan was looking over the edge of the paper to look at my flamboyant friend showing off. She twirled around and even bent over to make that bikini look like it had disappeared altogether. The bottoms were sheer and one pull to the side would reveal her nakedness to anybody that was willing to take the risk.

Jordan noticed that I was watching him and put the paper back up with this trace of red in his cheeks. It was a good thing that he showed some modesty, but that wasn’t going to justify spying on his stepdaughter. My only concern was how long this was going on and what exactly he had witnessed and heard.