Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(26)

I followed Sandra out to the front door. She had her bag with her clothes firmly inside. “I don’t know what has gotten into you, Amber. I think that what you truly need is to get laid and you have the makings of a great story right underneath this roof. Do yourself a favor and reach out and touch somebody before it’s too late.” I closed the door and lay back against it with my hand up to my chest to feel my heart beating.

I took a deep breath and I walked into the kitchen with a purpose only to find that he wasn’t there. I took a few steps into the kitchen and then I felt his hand over my mouth and something hard pressing into the back side of my jeans. “I know that you saw the camera. I was watching you at the time and believe me, I was getting myself off. I came precisely at the moment that you looked me in the eyes. You’re old enough to know that I haven’t been with anybody since her mother. I haven’t been touched in five years and watching you parading yourself around in front of me in those skimpy outfits made me want to do something about it.” I tried to move, but he was stronger than me and I kind of found it exciting to be on the receiving end of something so dominant.

He dragged me out of the room with my feet sliding across the wood floor and heading towards the living room. I found myself falling onto the soft feel of that black leather couch. I was wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and what constituted as a bikini top. It wasn’t much and I think that I was only doing that to taunt him mercilessly.

“I can’t believe that you would do that. You must know by now that I feel something for you. I haven’t even… I mean… I haven’t…never mind.” I became flustered and the look in his eyes told me that he knew exactly what I was going to say.

A girl like you with that kind of body should not be keeping it under wraps. You should be sharing it with every man that you find a certain attraction for. I’m not suggesting that you become some sort of slut, but pleasure is the one thing that you should always strive for. It’s the one thing that a woman like you should never be without.” As he was talking, he was taking off his shirt and showing me the product of several hours down in the makeshift basement gym. I heard him on several occasions and I went down to spy on him and the way that his muscles would glisten underneath the one lonely bulb swinging back and forth on a strand of wire.

“I don’t think that you are thinking clear. This is wrong and you know that mother would never condone something like this.” I should not have evoked her name and that made him stand there with this glazed over look that had me placing my hands over my chest in defense for my honor.

“I don’t see your mother here. You are exactly like her when I first met her several years ago. She had a child of three years of age and I welcomed her into my family. I’ve seen you grow up and become the spitting image of the one thing that I lost. You don’t know how much it hurts me to see you walking past me with that same crook in your smile. I’m only a man and I can take only so much before I crack.” He had his hand on the lump in his pants and it was that considerable presence that made me get up in a seating position.

“I would try to fight you, but I think I want this as much as you do. I’m just not so willing to jump into this without thinking about the consequences. This would change everything between us and we better be sure before we do something that is going to make things awkward.” I was giving him this moment to back out gracefully and maybe apologize for videotaping me for his own personal pleasures.

“I know what you’re saying and I have gone over this too many times to count. I think about you in your bedroom with me down the hall from you only a few yards away. I think I might go crazy without doing something about this. That’s the reason why I have to have you. I want you to be a good girl and open daddy’s pants for him.” It sounded wrong for him to say it like that, but it also sent a chill down my spine into my lower extremities. “I know that you want daddy’s hard cock. It’s right here and you can’t say that you’re not interested. Don’t think that I haven’t noticed the way that you look at me out of the corner of your eye. You’re constantly undressing me with fantasies and now those fantasies can become reality.”

My hand moved towards that zipper and I pulled it down to see that he wasn’t wearing underwear. I jumped back momentarily frozen and then he unsnapped the button and let it fall to his knees. His cock was this pillar of strength and virility and the head was so damn big that I had no idea how I was going to get that into my mouth. It wasn’t as daunting as the one that I’d seen on the Internet, but it was as close as I was going to come.