Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(21)

Perfect…this was perfect, and I came apart for Declan the same way I had for Braden as my clit rubbed his cock, crying out the same way. I never thought I’d find love like this, with one man much less two. I dropped down onto the mattress and wrapped my arms around them as I told them how much I loved them.


The wedding drew closer, and we made our reservations at the best bed and breakfast in the area for the long weekend. I’d been involved in every step of the way, and Nicki had a beautiful dress in the softest pink that flowed around her body. It was perfect for the beach, and Rob picked out some black slacks and a white shirt that was a touch more casual than the usual tuxedo. It was going to be perfect, and The guys were standing up for Rob while me and Nicki’s sister Jackie were on her side. It was going to be small and intimate with just family and some friends, with a great celebration at a local restaurant afterward.

I packed some jeans and tops for the casual days and a couple of dresses for the more formal occasions. We had a cottage right on the beach with two bedrooms and a big living room just a few feet away from the bride and groom, not that we’d focus on them once the day was done. I’d never had sex on the beach, and I vowed to with both of my men on this trip.

We left Thursday evening after the work day ended and made the drive to our home for the next four nights, wanting to get settled in before the following day. Rob and Nicki were already there preparing for the big day, and we planned on spending the day together the next day. The family would start arriving tomorrow as well, and Nicki just wanted some down time before it got too hectic. There was a brief rehearsal Friday night and a casual dinner and the ceremony at sundown on Saturday. It was going to be beautiful.

We checked into the cottage and got our things unpacked in the main bedroom that faced the beach. There was a king-sized bed against the wall and a walk in closet. It had a big bathroom connected to the room, and I knew that I was going to love every moment here.

I took off the capris that I’d worn here and slipped on a skirt as I walked through the French doors onto the soft sand. It was dark, and the wind was cool as I leaned my head back to give the breeze control of my hair. I never thought I’d live this life, one so luxurious and pleasing. I thought I’d be with a guy that was just good enough, not two that made my hands shake every time that I saw them, taking my breath away.

“I think we need to take the money from the club sale and get a vacation home here, don’t you?” Braden asked as I turned to look at him with a big smile. “Something on the beach like this.”

“I’d love that.” I still had issues with the fact that they brought in all of the money right now, but they loved taking care of me. They always assured me of that fact, and I tried not to feel guilty. Even when I was bringing in a wage at the publisher, it would be nothing compared to what they made in a month. I just loved them as much as I could, letting them know what they meant to me as often as possible. I threw my arms around his neck and moved with him on the sand as we listened to the waves. Declan joined us, and I wrapped my arms around both of them as I pressed soft kisses on their lips under the moon. It was just us tonight since Nicki and Rob were having a quiet dinner together.

We stayed outside kissing and whispering for a while before they took my hands and pulled me back to the cottage so we could figure out our own dinner. There were so many places, but we decided to order some Thai and have it delivered. I opened all of the windows in the living room, breathing in the ocean air while the guys got cold beers and found a movie on the big screen TV. I loved nights like this and once the food arrived and the delivery guy gave us the usual curious look that we were accustomed to, we sat on the couch with some forks.

I rested between them when we were finished, basking in their heat and the sound of the ocean waves. This was paradise and kisses led to us stumbling to the bedroom to make love for the first time at the beach. It was intoxicating as we moved together fluidly in the darkened room, not needing light to know what to do. It was natural now.

We woke up in the morning and made some coffee before Nicki called me to make plans. We decided to meet on the beach and wander for a while before grabbing some lunch. They were there first, hugging and kissing on the beach as I smiled at them.

We strolled down the sand and chatted about the evening and laughed together. Eventually, we found an ocean side cafe and ordered seafood and beer, eating as Nicki looked at me and then the guys. “I am so glad you’re here, Poe. I couldn’t do this without you and seeing you so happy and spoiled by these guys…it makes me feel complete. James never deserved you.” She offered a hand to me and one to the guys as we took them.