Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(225)

She wasn’t sure if she was offended that she was so different from his normal type, or that maybe something between the two of them was different. That he found her different, and that it meant they would have something more lasting, or special. He seemed to really like her. He didn’t seem to notice other women when he was with her. He didn’t have the wandering eye of a playboy, even if he had been one prior to meeting her.

Shareena had told herself after hearing about his way with women, that maybe she was different. Maybe it’s why he actually brought her around his friends, and their relationship was slowly progressing over time.

They rarely talked about family, or money, or financial stuff. She could tell it was a sore spot with him, so she avoided it. There was no reason it had to be brought up right now. She wasn’t in a hurry to get settled down or married, those things could come in the future when the time was right.

Right now, her time with Charlie was fun. He seemed to be enjoying her and she was enjoying herself with him.

Except the puking. Shareena groaned and grabbed the glass of water she’d set on her bathroom sink and swirled it around her mouth, hoping to get the disgusting taste out of her mouth so she could call her doctor.

Forcing herself to her feet, the room spun a little bit and she wobbled to the bedroom to find her cell. Calling her doctor, she explained the situation and the nurse told her to come in right now and they’d fit her in.

Thanking her, Shareena hung up. She brushed her teeth and threw on some clean clothes. She knew she really needed a shower, but couldn’t bring herself to do it at this point in time. Grabbing a bowl, she went to drive to the doctor and didn’t want to risk throwing up in her car.

When she got there about twenty minutes later, she signed in and was still clutching the bowl to her chest. She had dry heaved a couple of times, but it appeared that she’d cleared most of her system out by now, and it was just the motions without the big mess at this point.

The nurse got her into a room right away, took her vitals, including her temperature. When the nurse saw that she didn’t have a fever, she looked slightly puzzled. She then gave Shareena a reassuring smile and told her the doctor would be right in as soon as she was done with the patient she was currently talking too.

Sitting on the bed, holding the bowl in her lap, Shareena closed her eyes and waited. When the door opened, she nearly fell off the bed, not realizing she’d started to fall asleep.

“Well, I’d ask you how you are doing, but since you’re here because of a tummy bug, is it a safe bet to guess you’re feeling like crap?” Her doctor asked her and gave her a gentle smile. The woman was an older lady with gray hair, who had a belief in mixing modern medicine with holistic approaches and whole body wellness. It suited Shareena’s desire to trust nature, while still giving her access to medicine when she needed it and know that it was actually warranted. Her doctor didn’t prescribe unless she absolutely had too.

“I’ve had better days Miranda, I’m hoping you can tell me what’s wrong, fix me up, or at least make me feel better while I suffer?” Shareena told her, then felt the dry heaves coming on and buried her face in her bowl for a few moments.

“How long have you been feeling this way?” Miranda asked her, rubbing her chin looking at Shareena.

“A couple of days, but this is the first time it’s been bad like this.” Sighing in relief when the sensations stopped, she closed her eyes for a moment.

“I want a urine sample; do you think you can pee for me, then we can talk?” Her doctor asked her and Shareena realized she did have to go, so she nodded.

Digging a cup out of the cabinet above the sink the doctor handed it her, gave her instructions on how to use it, and where to leave it in the bathroom.

“I need to see another patient, but it should be quick. I’ll come back in about twenty minutes after we’ve had time to test your urine for a couple of things.” Miranda patted her on the arm as she walked past her. “You’re going to be fine, even if you feel like crap right now.”

Shareena nodded, and clutched the little plastic cup to her chest. She went to the bathroom and followed the doctors’ orders, peeing in the cup. She went back to the room and sat on the bed, waiting. It was almost an hour later when the doctor came back again.

“Sorry, that took a little longer than I expected. But we have the results from your urine.” Miranda shut the door, talking as she walked into the room.


“You are pregnant. I need to do a blood test to confirm, but I’m guessing based on your vitals, that’s all that’s wrong with you at this point. Once we do a blood test to confirm and figure out your levels, I’ll know when to order an ultrasound, unless you know exactly when you conceived.” The doctor was making some notes on the computer and glanced up to look at Shareena. “When was your last period?”