Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(223)

“I think I can afford the gas to help you out, as long as you pay for dinner.” She told him and got into her car, and started it. When he slid into the seat next to her, his blue eyes twinkled.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. A gentleman always pays for a pretty lady’s meal,” he told her and winked.

“Somehow, you don’t strike me as much of a gentleman,” Shareena told him, then started to back out of the park’s parking lot to take him where he needed to go.

Chapter 2

Shareena hadn’t intended to get overly involved in her wayward navy man, but the dinner date went so well and she had such a good time, she found herself agreeing to another outing. A picnic.

“You love nature so much, a picnic is the perfect place for us to have our next date,” he told her and cupped her cheek outside of the restaurant. He didn’t do more than kiss her cheek, which left her stomach in flutters. She had taken him for a more aggressive type of man, yet he was holding back with her.

She wasn’t sure if she was flattered, or slightly offended. Amused either way, she smiled at him. And agreed to a time and date.

“I will see you then Charlie,” blowing him a kiss as she walked away from him and back to her car. She could feel his eyes on her back and knew he was watching her. When she got home, she fed her cat. She smiled at Frosty, her white kitty with blue eyes, and told him all about her date with Charlie.

The cat paused when eating to look up and tilt its head, as if he understood what she was saying, before going back to eating his food. Shareena stopped to pet him for a moment, then went about her business.

They’d be meeting again in three days. It was his next day off, and he wanted to take her back to the park where they’d met. He had joked about re-meeting under better circumstances there, and where she could get the pictures she’d missed since she’d stopped to help him.

She wondered what it would be like to kiss him, he had such soft, pink lips. He was hard in all the places that mattered, she’d describe him as stocky. He was solid, and looked like he could hold his own if he ever got in a fight. She liked his body type. She wasn’t exactly a tiny girl, but next to him, he made her feel downright feminine. His hands were huge compared to her. It made her wonder what else about him was huge. Smiling to herself, she fell asleep that night with images of them making love in the sunshine on a picnic blanket.

When the time came for him to pick her up a few days later for the picnic, Shareena took extra care primping in front of her mirror. She knew that he probably didn’t care nearly as much as she did, but she plucked and massaged until her face shined and there wasn’t a single stray hair out of place anywhere.

She picked a summer dress with a light over-coat in case it got cold and strappy sandals she could walk in. Normally she was a jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl, but for Charlie she felt the urge to dress up. The dress hugged her curves like it was glued on, her abundant cleavage left nothing to the imagination as it was impossible to hide in most shirts in general. Might as well show it off.

He opened the door for her, and she smiled at him. She had her backpack with her, which had her first aid kit, portable camera equipment, wallet, cellphone, and keys. She never went anywhere without it, even on a picnic date. You never know when you’d need something, or want to stop to take a picture.

They drove to the field where she’d first met him, he spread out a blue and white blanket and got a picnic basket out of the trunk. Setting it down in the middle, he sat down and pulled out two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

“This okay?” Charlie asked her and she nodded at him.

Sitting down next to him on the blanket, she could feel the sun shining down on her back as he unpacked the basket. He had meats and cheeses, breads and butter, and the red wine. He had dark chocolate candies for dessert. Most of it was snack style foods, and she appreciated the variety.

Eating quietly, they talked about their jobs and their families. He was an only child, and he admitted that when his parents died, they’d left him an inheritance. She didn’t ask him if he was rich, or how much. But the impression he gave her when he clammed up when talking about money, he was pretty well off.

It made him more attractive that despite the money, he still chose to work. She told him so too. He laughed then leaned over and wiped off some chocolate off her lips. Their eyes met and he leaned forward and kissed her. Shareena kissed him back, closing her eyelids, she let her mouth and lips do the feeling.

Charlie was gentle at first, then grew more demanding as his tongue teased her lips for entrance. She parted her mouth and their tongues met in an erotic melding that had her moaning softly into his mouth. She reached out and wrapped an arm around his neck. When his hand came and rested on her thigh, she shivered but didn’t push him away. Instead she deepened the kiss.