Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(228)

He’d spent the last few years just screwing off, and he’d been lucky, and extremely careful with women. Until her. Something about her had him lose his head, and he still wasn’t sure what it was that made him lose track of time or get lost in physical sensations so he made errors or mistakes.

She was different. He could tell that much, but what did that mean? That he loved her? He knew her, but they were still getting to know one another. You can’t just meet someone and love them, could you? He believed in chemicals and animal lust, but the heart and emotions getting involved where a different story and he’d always made a point not to get involved.

He was on a stake out with his partner, a grumpy old man named George Stiff who was snoring next to him and let him do most of the watching. They were waiting for a navy man to get off the ship to arrest him. They didn’t want to create a scene, and approaching him once he got off the boat was the best way to avoid a scandal. Pictures of the man had been sent to the Navy Intelligence Office, they had included him selling weapons and items off the ship in different ports. He had to be held accountable, and the evidence was solid. So it was just a matter of picking him up.

He had a picture of the man in his lap, and was mentally checking off the men and women who got off the ship until he saw the one they were looking for. Nudging his partner to wake him up, he started his car, and followed the sailor. Who veered away from the groups heading towards the bars and downtown area?

Following him, he was curious what the man was up too. When he went into an alleyway, he parked outside of it and got out of his car, drawing his weapon. He nodded at his partner then went into the alleyway, only to see the sailor go through a back door of a building and it slamming shut. Following him, he went to the door and tried the handle. It was unlocked and he went in.

A large warehouse with boxes and bins were stacked in small rooms, and the place looked like a maze. Following the flashes of the man’s white uniform, he found him stopping to open a box and take a gun out. He was busy loading it when Charlie approached him.

“Mr. Danner? We need to talk, can you put the weapon down?” Charlie approached the man cautiously.

“Who are you?” The sailor looked at him, nervously, his hand tightened on the gun and it made Charlie raise his gun a notch higher.

“I’m Charlie, with the Navy Intelligence Office. I need you to come with me, we need to ask you some questions.” Charlie tried to be calm and address the situation to keep the situation defused. The last thing he expected was the man’s eyes to widen and him to shoot at him. Feeling a burning sensation in his shoulder, he realized he’d been hit, and he fired back before diving to the ground as the man shot at him again.

“Put the gun down Danner, I don’t want to shoot you, last warning,” Charlie told him, taking cover behind some of the boxes and bins. He saw a glimpse of his partner coming up behind him, and kept talking, to distract him. Shooting a man was the last thing he wanted to do, so if they could get out of the situation all alive, in relatively one piece that would be his goal.

His partner put a gun to the back of Danner’s head and told him to drop his weapon. When the sailor did, cursing, Charlie stood up and came out, his shoulder throbbing in agony.

“Think you can handle cuffing him?” Charlie asked, feeling a little dizzy and light headed.

“Sure, we need to get you back to get that looked at, think you can make it?” Stiff asked him, eyeing the blood pooling into his clothes.

“Yeah, if anything weird happens, my girlfriend may need to know. She’s my last called number in my phone.” Charlie told him as they walked out to the car.

“I’m driving, get in the passenger seat,” Stiff ordered him, not wanting him to drive wounded.

They rode back to the station where they dropped the suspect off, and Charlie ended up being forced to go to the hospital emergency room to be checked out and treated, then had to write a report about shots fired and being hit in the line of duty. He sighed, he didn’t get in fire fights very often, but this was his least favorite part of the job.

He texted Shareena after he’d been patched up, but they were keeping him for observation after digging out the bullet and stitching up for a few more hours before releasing him. He had to do the paperwork as soon as he was released and could go back to the office. Right now, he just wanted to see her beautiful, chocolate face.

She arrived a little while later, looking a little traumatized. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’ll live. Couple days on painkillers and I’ll be good as new,” Charlie joked and then pulled her closer to him so he could kiss her. “I’m glad you came. You make it less boring to sit here in this bed. There’s nothing good on T.V.”