Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(19)

I’d started innocent and a virgin but hours with Declan changed all of that. I slept with him and opened a new world to myself before taking it even further with the both. It could’ve ended there, but we fell in love with each other along the way, and now I was living with them, against the better judgment of some but with the support of others. My dad and I were talking a little now since he’d chosen to accept my choices. He did right by my mom as well, and she was getting out with friends and living life again.

Everything was good, and then Rob and Nicki announced their engagement in April. I was excited and hugged them both tightly as the guys got us some beers from the fridge. She and I split off to talk about the wedding as the men drank and watched a game in the living room. We sat at the kitchen table and jotted down ideas about what she wanted while we both admired the lovely engagement ring with a large diamond surrounded by smaller ones. “Do you think you’ll get engaged?” She whispered as I looked at her.

“I don’t know. I mean…legally it could only be to one of them, right? We haven’t talked about it.” We hadn’t. We were happy with this right now and enjoying every moment together.

“They’ll find a way,” she laughed as I shrugged. I was still young and not even thinking about that. I was focused more on graduation and the possibilities after that, excited about the job that I would be doing. I loved everything that I was learning and was told several times that I was doing well.

“There’s plenty of time for that,” I told her as we got back to the wedding planning.

I spent a lot of time with Nicki. Now that I was more centrally located, we went to a lot more places for drinks and dinner. Braden and Declan encouraged that of me, and it helped me a lot in my first relationship. It had to be hard with one person but with two men to worry about, I was glad that they weren’t controlling even though they had the means to be. That wasn’t to say that they weren’t concerned and asked me to be safe, but they weren’t the kind of guys to keep be locked in the apartment.

I could feel the looks at the publisher sometimes, but I kept working hard. I did get here because of the brothers, but it was based on my future degree more than the fact that we were together. I might have gotten there thanks to them, but I was staying because of me. Once the rumor got out that I was living with them, I noticed the dark looks from some of the women. Braden and Declan were sexy, desirable men and now they were mine.

I finished college, working hard at home to keep up my grades and even harder at the publishing company. Like anything, time seemed to solve the issue of the gossip, and I was appreciated for my efforts there, assured that I would get hired on permanently as a head editor once I had my degree.

Declan and Braden took the position of silent owners, not coming into the office and handling things over the phone instead. They had a great staff that could handle anything with their experience and the company doing well wasn’t a concern of theirs. They had so many successful businesses that even if they lost one, it wouldn’t affect their fortune or their reputation. I understood now that business worked that way hanging around the guys. Being so young, they were brilliant in business, and it was nice to see that they learned something from their father that was positive in their lives.

We were all night owls whether or not it was working, studying or enjoying the freedom of living together by staying in bed for long hours, expanding our sexual tastes. I knew now that I was a fan of anal sex, and both brothers enjoyed that as well as filling me at the same time. They loved toys and added to the chest that we had in the closet regularly, often tying me up to the headboard to use them.

It was never a dull moment when we were in the bedroom, the moment we shut down the computers and out the books away. That was the time that it was just us giving ourselves to each other as well as just talking sometimes. I didn’t live with them just to fuck them. I genuinely liked them as people and fed off of their intelligence and wit. Braden was always just a touch more sarcastic than his brother and cracking the most jokes, while Declan was the more serious one who thought things through. He was the concerned one, making sure that I was always happy when we were together. It wasn’t that Braden didn’t care for me because he did. He was always giving me gifts and taking me out, alone as well as with Declan. We had dinner in the city as well as taking flights to other towns to do so, went to the theater and saw comedians in some of the clubs. Nicki and Rob were regular guests of ours as they continued to plan their wedding, selecting something in the early summer out in the Hamptons on the beach.