Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(63)

Ginger kept struggling, and for once kept her mouth firmly shut.

I shook my head. "I'm not letting go until you say the words, or until your cheap extensions give out." I told her.

She gazed at me like she wanted to scratch my eyes out, her eyes turning  to her friends for support. One had run off, and the other had her  hands behind her back and Amy hanging onto her, smirking.

She stubbornly stayed silent a moment more before whining. "Fine. I'm  sorry." She glared at Ryan, looking like the words hurt coming out.

I smiled. "That wasn't so hard now was it? Run along now, I'm sure you  have a penicillin shot to take." I let her go, pushing myself up and  dusting my hands on my dress.

Ginger scrambled to her feet, holding her nose, looking like she wanted  to lunge at me, but her (obviously more intelligent friend) dragged her  away.

"That was like, the highlight of my week Gwen! You rock I didn't know  you had it in you." Lucy exclaimed eyes wide, smiling from ear to ear.

"Neither did I." A deep voice agreed from behind me.

Oh please don't let that be who I thought it was. I turned slowly to  find my fears confirmed. Cade stood a couple of feet away, arms crossed  and a blank expression on his handsome face. Alex was beside him, used  to this kind of thing with Ryan, Amy and I, only shook his head with a  grin. Lucky, who had also seen the performance was wearing a shit eating  grin.

"Holy fuck Gwen that was fucking awesome, and like off the charts hot.  Props to you Ames and Rosie." He nodded at the girls beside me, who  freaking curtseyed. Drunken idiots. Brock only had eyes for Amy giving  her a sexy smile, which made me blush.

"Um. Hi honey, how was the game? Did the … team win?" I asked  conversationally, like I wasn't standing in my boyfriend's strip club  where I had just punched his ex girlfriend while him and his friends  watched.

"I wouldn't know. Since my security team called me, informing me my  woman, sister and their friends had arrived at my club, I decided to  miss the end of the game to come down and see what you were doing at a  strip club." His voice was even, not betraying any emotion, apart from a  slightly raised brow. "Turns out that was a good choice, considering  that was more entertaining than any football game."                       


I blushed, looking around expecting to see other people in the bar  staring at our impromptu slut smack down. Surprisingly, only a few men  gave us sideways glances, everyone else had eyes on the dancers. Maybe  this kind of thing happened all the time.

"Football! I told you." Amy whispered triumphantly from beside me.

I rolled my eyes. "Not really an important point right now Abrams." I  was more worried about what hid behind Cade's emotionless façade than my  ignorance when it came to American sports.

"Oh come on Cade, lighten up, so we disobeyed your orders and came to  the strip club that you own. Big woop. You are not the master of the  universe and we are adults who are entitled to do whatever we want. And  tonight we just so happened to want to do some boob job research and  teach some sluts a lesson. Get over it and have a drink." Rosie piped in  from behind me, her words slightly slurred but still scolding her older  brother.

"Well I could sure use a beer, and a private dance after that  performance." Lucky smirked and walked off in the direction of the bar.

Alex shook his head again at Amy and I before joining Ryan and the girls  at the table. That left Cade, Brock, Amy and I all staring at each  other. I could feel the burn on Cade's gaze on me. I opened my mouth to  say something, I'm not sure what, but I figured alcohol would help me  out when a horny biker bet me to it.

"Abrams, back of my bike. Now." Brock commanded gruffly.

Amy narrowed her eyes, "Oh I'm sorry I think I may have just landed in a  parallel universe where you have the right to order me around like a  dog. No wait. In no universe do you have that right." She glared at  Brock.

His gaze turned glacial. "Get your skinny ass out the door now Amy."

She stood her ground. I was impressed. "Make me." She challenged with a smug smile.

They both stared at each other, neither one backing down until Brock threw up his muscled arms.

"Fuck this. I don't need to put up with your shit, there are plenty of  women around here that are a fuck of a lot less trouble than you." He  stormed off, tagging a barely clothed waitress around the hips and  dragging her into a back room. To be fair, she looked more than willing.  Amy's smile dimmed, her eyes on the door before she shook herself out  of it, turning to the table.

"We need shots!" She announced shakily.

I had been too busy watching all of that unfold to notice Cades  attention had not left me. I glanced back to see his intense gaze  burning into me.

"We're leaving." He announced hoarsely, eyes hooded.

"Okeydoke." I replied immediately. I wasn't feeling like asserting my  feminine independence like Amy, in fact I was feeling desire pooling at  the bottom of my stomach at the way Cade was looking at me.

I turned to my friends, who were laughing over cocktails.

"My favorite part was when Gwen said, ‘Didn't your Dad ever teach you?  Never rear back when punching someone.' Fucking Aces." Lucy exclaimed,  while everyone else cackled with laughter.

"Okay guys, as much as I would love to hear you keep talking about what a  bad ass I am, I'm leaving." I announced to the little group. I ignored  the groans of protest, and blew them all kisses before Cade, who had ran  out of patience, grabbed my arm and nearly dragged me out of there.

We arrived at Cade's, and I was pretty soaked with desire. The entire  ride I had plastered my body to his, feeling his muscles taught and  hard, knowing he was hanging on by a thread. This thought was corrected  when he slammed me against the wall as soon as we got through the door.

"Jesus Christ baby, you're full of fucking surprises. Even when I think I  couldn't get more turned on my you and your hot little body and your  smart fuckin mouth, you do something else to prove me wrong." He grunted  out, between his plundering kisses. He yanked off my dress roughly, my  worry for my couture had vanished and was replaced with sheer  animalistic passion. I moaned as Cade sucked my nipple through the lace  of my bra, his hand delving into my panties.

"Knowing you can handle yourself like that, stand up for your friends  like that, and still be sweet and wear the fucking ladylike shit you  wear. Drives me crazy." He snarled biting my neck and pushing a finger  inside me. I struggled to remain coherent, feeling the orgasm build up  inside me.

"You're my bad little bitch hiding underneath all those fancy clothes aren't you?" He asked roughly, tweaking my nipple.

I moaned, the pleasure and his words too much, I was unable to string any semblance of a sentence together.

"You want me to fuck you hard? I know you do my little spitfire."                       


I screamed with an orgasm as he plunged into me, pounding me against the wall.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to his shirt, reveling in  the frantic intensity of our joining. Cade was relentless, holding my  neck with a firm grip, eyes burning into mine, searing into my soul. His  fingertips bit into my ass as he continued to fuck me against the wall.  I could feel myself building again, the friction against my clit almost  too much.

"Cade … " I moaned breathlessly.

"Come again baby." He commanded, gruffly, eyes never leaving mine.

A second later I did, I soared through my release, through the haze I  felt Cade's body tighten at his own, I was too lost to notice, unable to  hold myself up I was thankful for his strong arms.

He pressed his forehead against mine breathing heavily.

"That was … amazing." I told him dreamily.

His hand circled my neck and he pressed his mouth to mine for a tender kiss.

"Yeah baby it was." Grey eyes searched mine, "And that better not have  been you even considering doing anything with these beautiful babies."  He cupped my breasts, "I forbid you to change anything about your  beautiful body." He growled.

A couple of days later, Cade and I lay in bed.

"Happy baby?" Cade asked me drowsily after he had finished ravaging me.

I was curled up in his arms feeling sated.

"Mhhmm." Was all I managed.

Cade kissed my head. "I'm glad you've got such loyal friends." He murmured.

"Yeah I'm pretty lucky. I just wish they didn't have to leave." I replied, thinking back to the tearful goodbye earlier today.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of them babe. Maybe we could take a trip to New York sometime soon?" Cade suggested.