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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(66)

By:Anne Malcom

I didn't get to hear her answer because the front door opened and Bull  strode in. No one knocked anymore. He did a chin lift to Amy then  focused on me.

"Gwen girl, Cade wanted me to tell you he got held up. Also he wanted to  make sure you were okay. What are you doing out of bed?" He clipped,  glaring at Amy and I standing in the middle of the living room. His gaze  moved down to his motorcycle boot, which was inches away from one of my  pregnancy tests. I watched in horror as he picked it up, looked at the  result and grinned.

I stomped over to him and snatched the test out of his hands. This was  the first time I had seen Bull smile like ever. I hadn't needed all my  lame jokes after all. An illegitimate pregnancy made the fucker happy.

"Eww Bull don't touch that, it has my pee on it! How embarrassing." I  muttered, hiding the pee stick behind my back and glaring up at the  dangerously handsome biker who was now wearing a shit eating grin.

"You pregnant babe?" He asked softly, happiness saturating his tone.

"Um looks to be the case big man." I uttered quietly, nervous for his  reaction. Even though it seemed he was pretty fucking pleased. This was  confirmed when he pulled me into a big bear hug and squeezed me tight  against his hard body. I was shocked for a second, Bull had never  physically embraced anyone since I had met him, he even shied away from  it. I cautiously put my arms around him, not reaching very far because  he was big.

Bull gently released me and kissed my hair. "Fucking great news Gwen."  He whispered, eyes shining with emotion I didn't know he was capable of.

I smiled shyly back. "You think so? This wasn't exactly planned, Cade might not … "

"Cade will be fucking thrilled." Bull cut me off sounding firm.

"Okay," I said quietly, feeling better with how sure he sounded. He was his best friend, he was sure to know right?

"I hate to interrupt." Amy cut in from behind me. "But Gwen how about  you go and get changed and we will hit the pharmacy before we go to the  docs, get you loaded up on all that pre natal shit."

I turned to her. "Yeah that's probably a good idea Abrams, this kid's  going to need all the vitamins it can get." I replied stroking my  stomach, still worried about the possible affect my love of alcohol  could have had on my child's development.

"You going to the doctors? What for?" Bull interrupted, sounding concerned.

Amy waved her hand. "Oh its nothing, we just need to make sure my little  alcoholic over here hasn't made her unborn child partial to cosmos  inside the womb." She said casually and I glared at her.

"It was a joke." She rolled her eyes, "Like I said, Cade's kid probably  has a badass super sperm force field around it or something."

I popped my eyes out at her. "I am not even going to deign that comment with a response." She was cookcoo.

"I'm coming." Bull declared.

"Seriously honey you don't have to, its just a precaution." I told him,  thinking of Bull being present while a doctor puts that ultra sound  thingy up my lady parts.

"I'm coming." He repeated firmly, "Cade can't be contacted for the rest of the day, and I ain't asking."

"Okay but you are staying in the waiting room."

So that's how I arrived at the doctors office trailed by my insane best  friend and a member of my boyfriends motorcycle club. Amy checked me in  while Bull directed me to the little seated area which consisted of out  of date magazines, uncomfortable chairs and pamphlets on everything from  STDS to ASTHMA. I snatched up every single one the contained the word  Pregnancy or had a baby on the cover and sat down next to a ten year old  boy and his mother. Bull decided to stay standing, then maintained the  universal bad ass stance by crossing his arms and spreading his feet  slightly. He looked like he should have one of those ear pieces in and  be guarding the president. The boy beside glanced at Bull, then at his  cut and gazed up at him in awe. His mother, smiled warmly at him. Bull  directed a scowl their way before his face turned away. I see his  tenderness has been short lived. I decided not to pay much attention to  this as I had pamphlets to read, I got started on the one on top of my  pile. I had only just read the first sentence when it was snatched out  of my hand.

"Hey!" I snapped at Amy as she sat down beside me, throwing my pamphlets in the trash can beside her.

"You don't need to read them Gwen, it just tells you the hundred  thousand things that have like a point one percent chance of happening.  It will only freak you out more, then convince you your child will be a  hermaphrodite." She declared, picking up an outdated copy of People.                       


I snatched the magazine out of her hands. "Yeah well maybe I need to  know about that stuff. I had two glasses of wine at dinner last night.  Two. Not to mention the three beers I had on Monday or the Mimosa I had  on Sunday. Oh my god, my child is going to be a hermaphrodite." I  panicked putting my head in my hands. "I'm a terrible person."

"Now now Gwennie." Amy cooed rubbing my back. "I'm sure the baby will be  fine. You are not a terrible person. There are mothers who shoot crack  in their arms nine months pregnant, they are terrible people."

I took a breath, feeling slightly better. She was right.

"And if your baby is a hermaphrodite, at least you get to choose whether  it's a girl or a boy, I'd go for girl personally. Then you can put it  in little dresses and stuff." She added thoughtfully earning another  moan from me.

"Well there it is." The doctor declared, pointing at the freakily real  image on the ultrasound machine. The image of my baby, our baby. And it  was cute, you could see its little head and everything, the technology  was the shit. I was so worried I was going to be like Rachel off Friends  and not be able to see my child on the screen. But I saw it. A tear  rolled down my cheek, emotion I couldn't even fathom welled up inside  me, love for this little being threating to explode my already full up  heart.

"Is it...okay?" I asked, my voice choked up, "Like healthy?"

The doctor smiled at me. "Yes your baby is perfect Ms Alexandra, looking to be at just over two months along."

"Two months?" I whispered disbelievingly. That meant I had been pregnant  when I was kidnapped. Oh my god I could have lost my baby. The  beautiful little baby on the screen in front of me could have been lost.  Anger and protectiveness I didn't know I had welled up in me. Then I  realized two and a bit months' is a long time to be pregnant without  knowing. I was such an idiot.

"Um shouldn't I have been getting other signs of being this far along?"

"Yeah shouldn't she at least have gotten some kind of baby bump? And  bigger boobs?" Amy piped in from beside me, eyes looking suspiciously  red.

The doctor laughed a little. "Some women don't show at all until three  or four months. You could even wake up one day with a slight bump, due  to the baby moving. And every woman's body changes different when she is  pregnant." She added, eyes twinkling.

My doctor was nice, and pretty. Okay more like a bombshell. She looked a  hell of a lot like Marilyn Munro, white blonde, curly shoulder length  hair. She had flawless pale skin, and curves I would kill for. What's  more, she had a great beside manner and made me feel super comfortable,  despite she had a prime view of my hoo ha. She was definitely going to  be my baby doctor. Or midwife. Oh my god I didn't even know what to call  a baby doctor.

"Wow Gwen, you lucky bitch, you might not even get fat at all. Maybe  your Kim Kardashian worries are over." Amy said, eyes on my flat  stomach.

I ignored this. "So you are sure there is nothing wrong, no signs of  trouble?" I asked again, "I didn't know I was pregnant, especially this  far along until today. I haven't exactly been consuming the most healthy  foods for a baby."

Amy snorted from beside me and I glared at her.

"Yes your baby is fine, and looks to be strong as well."

Amy groaned. "Man the curiosity kills I wish we could tell if it was a girl or a boy."

I turned my head to her. "I'm sure you will find other things to occupy  your time, rather than ponder if I'm carrying a boy or a girl."

"Well that makes buying baby clothes and decorating that much harder.  How am I going to get unisex baby clothes I despise yellow." She whined.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to survive." I informed her dryly. "I wish Cade was here for this."

"I can give you a picture to show him if you want?" Sarah said, pressing some buttons on the monitor.

"That would be awesome." I replied my eyes fixed on the screen.

My little moment with my unborn child was interrupted.

"Hi is this the Barney's children's department? This is Amy Abrams, I  need to have the latest baby collections sent to me. Unisex please. But  no yellow."