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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(59)

By:Anne Malcom



He watched for a beat with an eyebrow raised.

"Well it isn't technically any of the movies, it's just all the fight  scenes with the hot guys from all six movies." I added, eyes on Paul  Walker.

Cade didn't say a word just strode over and picked me up off the couch,  throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed as he smacked my ass.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you feel me in your throat." He growled  in my ear and I got instantly wet. "Then I'm going to burn that fuckin  DVD."

The month after my kidnapping has been one of the happiest of my life.  Which was weird, you'd think after getting kidnapped and beaten again it  would drag me back to battle with some old demons and maybe force me to  reconsider my life with Cade. It has done quite the opposite.

Cade had hardly let me out of his sight the entire time, his protective  instinct even more intense than normal. If that was humanly possible. I  couldn't say I don't like it though because we have been having a lot of  sex. I mean a lot. In the store, my bed, his bed, the beach, his bike.  The club. At first he was reluctant, treating me like I was made of  glass, especially since the bruising on my face got worse before it got  better. For the week it took to fade, I would catch Cade staring at my  face with a pained expression, knowing he was blaming himself. No matter  how hard I tried to tell him otherwise, he was convinced it was his  fault. There was no more talk of him leaving me though, he just got down  to business.

One thing did come of my kidnapping. The club decided to get out of  guns, immediately. Cade had left the morning after I was taken to take a  vote at the club. He came back with a black eye, but the vote had  passed. Turns out he and Steg had disagreed over the idea and it turned  physical. Steg had been forced to pass the vote, as the majority of  members wanted to get out. Cade had told me the legit businesses were  doing well enough, not to mention the garage itself. He had also  mentioned they did some sort of security work but hadn't elaborated  much, which made me infinitely more curious. Amy and I had started a  stealth campaign to find out, although we had been foiled at every turn.  Turns out they were good at the security thing.

Nevertheless, things with Steg and Cade were tense. Although the last  time I had been at the club with fading bruises, Steg had silently  kissed my black eye. At this, Cade was so pissed he looked like his jaw  was about to shatter. I, on the other hand felt differently. I was  beginning to seriously doubt my first impressions of Steg, he was tender  with Evie and the kids around the club. But he was also a hardass and I  couldn't shake the feeling there was something bad under the surface,  but he seemed to love his family.

The club had overwhelmed me with their show of support the last month,  the boys all stopping in on a regular basis. They came and had dinner,  not disguising their fury at my injuries, nor their relief at the fact I  was still breathing. I saw a lot of them, they were always stopping by  the store or the house just to make sure I was handling things okay. The  person I saw the most of was Bull. We seemed to have established some  sort of connection. I think knowing he was able to save me from the same  fate as Laurie healed him slightly. But he would always be broken. He  wouldn't say much, just come and sit with me if I was alone in the  store, come for dinner when Cade had to be away. I enjoyed his company  though and tried my hardest to make him laugh at my stupid jokes. He  didn't, but I would keep trying.

I had also found out (to my immense relief) the club wasn't behind the  explosion at the Spider's clubhouse therefore not responsible for the  murder of a whole gang. Cade had told me they had more than a few  enemies, which included the mob (yes the legit Sopranos type … ekk) who  were responsible. I know they were far from good men but I was still  firm on my belief that two wrongs didn't make a right. Which seemed to  differ from the clubs version of justice.

Another thing that happened was I finally told everyone in my life about  Cade. A thing I had putting off doing partly because I wanted to make  sure things were solid with us before declaring my love for him to all  my friends and family, but mostly because I was a wuss. It didn't go  exactly as I planned though as I discovered when I rang my mother a few  days ago. I sat in my office working up my courage after I had been  chatting to my mother about random things for about ten minutes.

"So did I tell you Nancy Goodwin, you know that girl Alice's mother?"  She didn't wait for me to reply, like usual. "You know the girl you went  to high school with? Quiet girl, nose always in a book, but a pretty  wee thing?" Again my mother didn't wait for me to confirm I knew who she  was talking about.                       


"Well it turns out she has been having an affair with a thirty year old  man and is now pregnant with twins." She whispered the last part as if  it were the codes to a radioactive bomb.

"Mum I've got a boyfriend." I announced, not reacting to her earlier  statement. Although I was shocked, Alice was only a couple of years  younger than me, her mother was no spring chicken.

"Oh honey I've been waiting for you to tell me for weeks I'm so glad we  can finally talk about him." She gushed sounding excited.

"What do you mean ‘you've been waiting for me to tell you'?" I asked quietly.

"Oh darn." My mother whispered quietly back and I knew something was afoot.

"Mum!" I demanded with one word.

"Oh its nothing, Amy just sent me a picture of you and your young man.  He is smoking. I knew you might be hesitant to tell us, but I know what a  man in love looks like and that boy is smitten. Not to mention Amy  approves and I trust her judgment even though she did like that awful  collection by Versace … "

"Mum!" I snapped, trying to erase hearing Mum calling Cade ‘smoking' and plotting Amy's murder at the same time.

"Lets go back to the part where Amy sent you a picture of me and Cade."

"Cade and I darling." I rolled my eyes at Mum's correction of grammar.  "Like I said, I approve, even if he is a bit rough around the edges, he  is one fine male specimen." I cringed at the thought of my mother  checking out the ‘specimen.'

"Are you happy Gwen?" My Mum asked, seriously now, with a bit of emotion in her voice.

I sighed. "Yeah Mum, I love him." I told her quietly.

I heard silence over the phone then a sob. "Mum?"

"I'm fine dear just happy to hear you are happy. Oh no, the Stevenson's  have just turned up. They are here an hour early, seriously these  people. I haven't even changed out of my gardening clothes! I hate to  cut this short Gwen, but I will have to talk to you later. I'll call  when your father is around. Love you sweetie pie, I am so happy for  you." Her voice broke slightly at the end.

"Love you too Mum."

I rang off quietly seething at Amy, trying to think of ways to get away  with her murder. I shelved that thought, deciding to cross someone else  off the list.

"I am wearing fur underwear, I repeat fur underwear. What the fuck do  these stylists think they are doing? I will do almost anything in the  name of fashion, but the matching booties are where I draw the line."  Ryan answered the phone without a hello, launching into conversation  like always. I giggled.

"Well hello to you too my darling friend." I greeted sarcastically.

"Did you not hear me Gwennie? Fur underwear. It's freaking 100 degrees out here, I am sweating my man parts off." He complained.

"With great modeling prowess comes great responsibility." I told him sagely.

I could almost see Ryan scowling down the phone.

"How's the little town anyway? Been to any ho downs?" He quickly changed the subject, obviously over his tantrum.

"Ha ha Ryan, you do realize it is in California, by the beach right? Whatever. I've got something to tell you."

"Oooh you're finally getting a boob job?" He asked excitedly.

"No!" I exclaimed, looking down at my B cups self consciously. I  actually had toyed with the idea of increasing my chest to a more  substantial size, not Pamela Anderson, just more than a handful. But  Cade had been showing me he more than appreciated my mere handful, I had  been feeling good about them until now.

"Dammit." He mumbled, "I was going to be your nursemaid, had the perfect outfit and everything."

I scrunched up my nose at my gay friend nursing my boobs back to health.

"Well sorry Florence ain't gonna happen."

"Oh well I'll find the use for it." He replied mind obviously wandering.

"Ryan. Something to tell you, kind of important?" I probed.