Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(61)

"Babe?" Cade said, bringing me back to the present. He had just fucked  me as hard as promised, I was tucked into the crook of his arm, my whole  body jelly.

"Umm I don't know if I will be able to regain coherent thought for at  least an hour." I whispered dreamily, "I'm pretty sure you just fucked  my brains out."

I felt Cade's body rumble underneath mine and his chuckle vibrate in my ear.

"Yes well I needed to erase the images of certain Hollywood actors my woman seems infatuated with." He replied, half joking.

I put my hand on his chest and stared up to him to see a slight hardness  to his otherwise tender post sex stare. I couldn't help but giggle just  a little. This didn't help as Cade's arms tightened around me and his  stare threatened to turn into a full blown frown. I leaned down and  kissed one of his (hard, tattooed, did I mention delicious?) pecs.                       


"You can't seriously be jealous of fictional characters, can you Mr Big and Scary Biker Man?" I teased.

Cade's frown deepened and he moved me to lie on top of him fully. I  struggled not to squirm as my down there area was more than a little  sensitive.

"I am not jealous, seeing as I am the one who just had his cock inside  you and its my cum currently leaking out of your sweet pussy." He  growled, and I felt said area tingle. "But I do want you to delete that  number." He continued, sliding his hands down my spine gently.

"Seriously? You can't tell me delete ‘The Rocks' number." I replied, smiling at him playfully.

Cade obviously was not amused. "Yes I fucking can. I can tell you to  delete any man's number that wants in here." He stated, putting his  hands between us and sliding a finger through my wetness.

My eyes rolled in the back of my head and I couldn't find it in me to  get angry about yet another possessive statement, especially when I  would never actually call some actor who plays a hardass on TV when I  had my very on real life hardass in bed with me.

"Hmmm" I moaned as Cade's finger found my magic and delightfully sensitive spot.

"My baby is ready for me again so soon?" He whispered roughly in my ear.

All I was able to let out was a low moan, and I moved myself against the  rough muscled body of my man communicating I was indeed ready. He  flipped me over quickly, covering his body with mine before devouring me  with a kiss.

"My baby is greedy for my cock." He murmured, mouth inches away from  mine. I nodded, wrapping my legs around him and Cade then proceeded to  fuck the rest of my brains out.

A few days later I was pouring Amy and I a glass of wine when I heard a knock at the door.

"Gwen! Can you get that? I just painted my nails and I can't move from  this spot for three more hours until my polish is sufficiently dried." I  heard Amy call from the direction of the pool.

I rolled my eyes, walking towards the door wine in hand, hoping the  visitor would be Cade. I hadn't seen or heard from him since yesterday  afternoon when he disappeared on club business. I hated myself for  admitting it, I missed him already. I promised myself I would not turn  into a crazed pathetic woman over him. Opening the door I screamed.

Ryan stood in front of my grinning. "Gwen I'm excited to see you too,  but lets not deafen me and my beloved shall we?" He remarked dryly.

I ignored him and squealed again, jumping into his arms.

"Gwen, please tell me you are getting kidnapped or the new Birkin has  just been hand delivered to you, they are the only reasons I would not  be totally pissed about my ruined manicure." Amy walked into the foyer  frowning at her hands. Her expression brightened when she saw Ryan. "Oh  my god! Ry!!" She shrieked, nails forgotten. I looked over his shoulder  to see Alex grinning walking up the pathway, arms laden with bags. I  grinned back and ran towards him, throwing myself at him. He dropped the  bags to pick me up, hugging me tight.

"Alex, sweetie, I know we're very excited to see Gwen but could we not  drop Louis Vuitton on the dirty ground?" Ryan called out from the door,  only half joking.

We both ignored him, Alex pulled back to stare at my face, hands at my neck.

"You look great G, happy." He told me quietly, eyes full of pride.

I felt my own well up with tears. "I am A, I'm doing so good, and I  didn't think I could get much happier, but you guys just proved me  wrong." I beamed at him wrapping my arms around his muscled body once  again.

"What the fuck?" A very pissed off male voice asked from behind me.

I released Alex to see Cade, Brock and Bull staring at Alex and I with  varying degrees of anger. Bull's face was blank as usual, but his eye  seemed to be twitching, Brock's face was hard, but his gaze was on Amy,  who had walked down to join us, holding hands with Ryan. Who, had  obviously forgotten about his Vuitton because he was gawking at the  three bikers before him. I didn't blame him, three fine male specimens  encased in leather just meters away? It was a lot to take in.

"Jesus Christ Abrams, get back inside the fucking house and put on some  fucking clothes." Brock barked, ignoring Alex and Ryan, striding towards  Amy.

She put a hand on her bare hip, eyes narrowing at the approaching biker.

"Seriously? Do not order me around like some caveman asshole, it's a  bikini, and I'm pretty sure a little thing called Feminism happened  about fifty years ago, giving women the right to wear whatever they want  and not have to listen to arrogant pricks." She finished by yelling in  his face when he got to her. I bit back a laugh at how familiar this  conversation was, to the ones I regularly had with Cade.                       


He ignored her, wrapping his hand around her wrist and dragging her back  into the house, while she fought him and cursed him. Ryan watched with a  raised eyebrow, a grin threatening the corner of his mouth, obviously  amused. Alex hadn't been. I had to hold him back when Brock grabbed Amy,  whispering in his ear to reassure him he didn't have to take on three  big men to protect us. Which he would, in a heartbeat.

"I'm so going to like it here." Ryan declared, joining Alex and I, oblivious to the hostility radiating off my boyfriend.

"Ryan, Alex, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Cade and his friend  Bull." I said carefully. "And Cade and Bull these are my best friends  Ryan and Alex." I was trying to think of a subtle way to inform Cade  they were my very gay best friends as I knew he was getting jealous, but  Ryan took care of that. He pushed forward, shaking both of their hands,  looking like drool might drop out of the corner of his mouth.

"Seriously, Gwen told me about you guys but I totally thought she was  exaggerating, if I wasn't like madly in love with this one." He pointed  with his thumb to Alex ."I would move here like tomorrow." Ryan grinned  at them. "Now lets this party started! I brought Dom, which I hope  hasn't been broken by the careless throwing around of my luggage." He  gave a pointed glance at Alex, turning on his heel to grab his bags.

Cade stayed put, face unreadable, I suddenly panicked at what his  reaction would be to my two very gay best friends. He came from a small  town, was in a motorcycle club and was a serious macho man to boot. I  couldn't imagine him being ready to wave the rainbow flag. Shit.  Surprisingly he stepped forward, pulling me to his side and firmly  shaking Alex's hand. "Nice to meet you bro, any friend of Gwen's is a  friend of ours." He said sincerely. I let out a breath of relief when  Bull followed suit.

"Good to met you too, Gwen has told me a lot about you, I'm looking  forward to getting to know you better." Alex replied carefully, sounding  a lot like a protective older brother, and eying Cade's cut  skeptically.

"Hello? Very expensive champagne that needs to be drunk here?" Ryan  called out from the porch, shaking the bottle, saving me from passing  out from testosterone overdose.

"We better get inside and open that wine before my little Queen throws a  tantrum." I joked pulling Cade, and gesturing to Bull and Alex who  walked in front of us, conversing about who know what. This would be  interesting.

"So he owns a strip club?" Ryan exclaimed loudly, the results of our  drinking session causing his voice to increase multiple decibels.

"Ry inside voice please. I would rather you didn't inform the entire bar." I scolded.

Ryan waved his hand. "Puh lease honey this is a small town, I bet you  were the last to know. We have to go there." He decided, getting up on  unsteady feet.

We were in Laura Maye's bar again, having a girls night. Ryan obviously  counted as a girl, and Alex was watching some game with Cade and the  boys. Football maybe, hockey, or baseball? I honestly didn't know, my  ears glazed over at the talk of sports. But I was happy they were all  getting along so well, and that everyone had taken the gay thing without  comment. Rosie and the girls were meant to be meeting up with us later,  but Amy and I had wanted time alone with Ryan first. I had decided to  abstain from telling both him and Alex about the me getting kidnapped  thing. Considering everything that was going on, I didn't need that  little gem of information in the mix.