Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(52)

He lay on top of me for a while, breathing heavily. "I love you babe." He told me quietly.

I looked back up at him and everything else faded away, the club, the danger, my love for this man played the trump card.

"I love you too."

Cade kissed my head and moved so he was still half on top of me, but not squashing me.

"Sleep Gwen." He ordered.

Who would have thought I would be able to sleep with my beast of a  boyfriend not only still on top of me but inside me, but I did.

I woke slowly, with pleasure shooting up my spine with Cade's mouth  buried between my legs. I put my hand on his head, unable to speak, and  orgasm rippled through my half asleep body. Cade crawled up as I  recovered from the aftershocks. Without a word he grabbed my hips and  placed me so I straddled him. I let out a rough gasp as he impaled me,  pleasure making my mind fog.

I collapsed atop of Cade, both breathing hard after our climaxes.

"That's a perfect way to start the morning." I whispered, nuzzling his neck.

Hands at my hips gave me a squeeze. "If only I could stay buried inside of you all day" His voice vibrated in my ear.

"I don't think I would survive that." I giggled before slowly lifting  myself off him and heading to the bathroom. I peeked at my man over my  shoulder, he looked sexy as sin lying naked on the bed, rippling muscles  and covered in tats. I felt a flutter between my legs at the sight of  him.

"I'm taking a shower." I informed him. "Want to scrub my back?" I asked  with a cheeky smile. His eyes darkened and he stalked from the bed,  picking me up and taking us towards the shower.

I frowned into Cade's small mirror. I didn't have much time to pack  anything half decent with Lucky standing at the door impatiently  yesterday, but I think I looked okay. I was wearing high waisted white  slacks, a white blouse and super high tan wedges. Maybe white wasn't the  best choice while staying at the club, but I wouldn't be here much  longer as I had to get to the store. It was only me and Lily today, but I  was sure Amy would refuse to stay here without me so I guessed she  would be coming too. I turned just as Cade emerged from the bathroom,  towel around his waist looking good enough to eat.

"As much as you look sexy with your stubble honey, I'm glad you shaved. I  think my inner thighs have whisker rash." I joked, looking down at my  phone at a text from Amy.

Get me the fuck out of here now bitch. I am about to murder some biker ass.

I laughed thinking of the tantrum she had last night when she found out  Brock had demanded she sleep in his room, with the prospects enforcing  it. After many curse words she had decided she would barricade herself  in the room, locking Brock out. Guess he got in.

But what a fine ass it is.

I knew my text back would get a reaction.

Be ready to leave in 5.

I added, deciding we could get breakfast on the way.

"You are not going anywhere Gwen." Cade growled from over my shoulder,  obviously reading my txt. I jumped, not even hearing him approach. I  regained my composure whirling on him.

"You have to stop reading my texts over my shoulder I hate it." I  scolded frowning at him, which was hard to do when he was only wearing a  towel.

"Get used to it babe, got to keep an eye on you somehow. Especially when  you have crazy ass ideas like leaving the club. Your store is closed  until we sort this shit." His tone was serious.

Anger bubbled up inside me and I was barely able to stop myself from slapping him.

"Excuse me?" I asked quietly.

Cade crossed his arms, trying to intimidate me with his macho stance.                       


"Your store is closed until we get these pricks out of the picture. It's an easy target too vulnerable."

My temper flared to epic proportions. "You think you have the right to  dictate whether my business opens or not? Are you fucking insane?" I  shouted, going toe to toe with him, even if I only came up to his  shoulders with heels on.

"You think for one second I am taking a risk with your safety Gwen? The  store is closed, end of story." His voice was raised, he was not used to  people arguing with the great and powerful Cade obviously.

"Fuck that!" I screeched. "There is no way in hell you are telling me  how to run my business. I have staff that expect to get paid, orders to  fill, it's my fucking livelihood. Those thugs aren't going to come back,  they aren't that stupid. I am not letting this shit run my life, not  again." I was breathing heavily, anger pulsing through me.

Cade's eyes flared and he turned away from me, his arm sweeping across  his dresser, sending everything on top crashing to the ground. I jumped  at his sudden outburst but refused to back down.

"How the fuck am I even going to think straight knowing you are  vulnerable? Anything could happen to you and I won't fucking be there!"  He whirled back around to face me, his voice raised to a yell, his hands  clenched into fists at his sides.

"Well you're just going to have to find a way to deal with it. You are  not stopping me from living my life! I refuse to let this shit stop me  from doing anything, and I am not dealing with your macho man shit  today!" I yelled back, breathing heavily, anger like a fire ripping  through me.

Cade's face turned into a mask of pure anger. He prowled up to me,  pushing me against the wall. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest  as he wrapped his hand around my neck, applying enough pressure that I  felt the strength he had, but not enough to hurt me.

"Why can't you just do as I fucking say? No arguments." He hissed, eyes dark.

I didn't recognize his face with this much anger directed at me.

"Get your hands off me." I managed to wheeze out as I tried to push his iron chest.

Cade glanced down at his hand with disgust and immediately released me,  taking two steps back. I rubbed my neck trying to get my breathing  steady. I glanced up at him, unable to fathom what just happened. Cade's  face was marred with regret. I straightened, reaching over and grabbed  my bag and phone. Cade stayed frozen, looking down at his hands as if he  is unable to believe what they have just done.

"I'm going, you can't keep me prisoner here. I have a life to live." I  said quietly but firmly, looking at him with determination in my eyes.

He lifted his head, his face blank. "I'll put Skeet and Rosco on you.  You are not to leave their sights." His voice was low, dead.

I nodded and walked quietly to the door, unable to be in the room anymore. He didn't say a word as I exited.

"Come on Amy lets blow this popsicle stand." I called through Brock's  door, surprised she wasn't sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting  for me to exit.

The door flew open and an angry looking Brock stormed past, giving me a  stiff chin lift. Amy followed him out, flipping the bird to his back.

"Asshole." She muttered.

"Bitch." I heard him yell over his shoulder.

Despite my somber mood I couldn't help but be a bit amused even if I  still didn't know what was going on with Amy and my brother.

"Whoa what's going on there?" I teased playfully.

Amy glared at me. "Don't. Even. Ask."

I guessed everyone's day is starting off like shit. We made it to the common room and see Skeet and Rosco waiting for us.

"Ready to go ladies?" Rosco asked politely.

I gave him a proper look, he wasn't bad looking, ripped of course but  that seemed to be a requirement for being in the club. He kind of  reminded me of some of the sleazy Italian guys back in New York. Slicked  back black hair shining with grease, a gold chain around his neck and  dark pronounced features. Not my cup of tea, but nothing to sneeze at.  Skeet was a bit smaller, still built but leaner, more of a runners body.  He wore slim black pants and a tight wife beater under his cut making  him look even slimmer. He had amazing curls which contrasted his harsh  face, scarred in a permanent grimace with a line going from his eyebrow  to mouth. I wonder how he got that.

"What the fuck is this?" Amy hissed, gesturing to the men.

I gave her a look, telling her to reign it in.

"Cade wouldn't let us leave without babysitters." She opened her mouth to protest.

"No complaining lets just get out of here." I nodded to the men and we  walked out to my car. Luckily I was allowed my car, the guys were going  to follow behind. As we got in, I caught a glimpse of Cade sitting on  his bike. I felt his stare burning into me but I quickly got in the car  avoiding his gaze.                       


"Uh oh trouble in paradise?" Amy asked, catching the exchange.

I reversed, resisting the urge to hit his stupid motorbike, and sped off out the gate.