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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(56)

By:Anne Malcom

Now that that was settled, my mind wandered to some important points. "Okay, Um Cade?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah babe?" He answered, eyes back on the road.

I fiddled my hands together, trying to ignore the throbbing in my face.

"Some pretty heavy shit happened back there, I was kind of kidnapped,  and you and the boys killed those men." My voice was quiet, almost  trembling.

Cade didn't say anything, his hand was still tight on my thigh, fury seemed to pulse through the cabin of the truck.

"Aren't we going to call the police?" I asked, "I mean, I don't think  you guys will get in trouble for shooting those men, it was self defense  and all." I added quickly, but I knew the chances of the club letting  law enforcement know they had killed three rival gang member's was slim  to none. I didn't know how to get right with that, even though these men  were evil, I was struggling. Because at the same time, a small part of  me was glad they were dead after what they did to Laurie, and most  likely other women.

"Already called them." Cade replied and I blinked.


"Yeah babe, really. Called Crawford the second I found out you were  gone. Wanted every available man looking for you." He glanced at me,  "You're the most precious thing in my world, I love the club, but  there's no competition. Your safety is everything to me. After today,  boys will be questioning the way we do business. We aren't losing  another woman." His tone was determined.

I squeezed his hand. "You haven't lost me. I'm right here."

He brought our intertwined hands together and kissed mine.

"What do I tell the police though?" I asked.

I was very conflicted about lying to the police. Those men were evil,  there was no doubt about that but I couldn't get right with the fact  they were dead. Things were spiraling, I really hoped this wouldn't be  my life, lying to the police, covering up murders. And I was a terrible  liar, I could never tell a lie, my family would always see right through  it. So would the police for that matter. When I was 15 I got caught by  the cops drinking by the river. When they had asked my name and age I  had replied, "Jane Miller, 20 years old." I had also managed to blather  on about how I was here on holiday from Australia, all the time talking  in a terrible accent. They didn't buy it, maybe because my accent  sucked, or maybe because one of the cops was my Dad's friend and had  known me since I was five. I had been a little too tipsy to realize  that. I brought myself a months grounding with that lie. I feared the  consequences could be much worse if I was to lie badly this time around.                       


"Fuck baby. I would never ask this of you unless I had to, I hate  dragging you into this shit. I promise I will fix everything. This isn't  going to be your life, I'll make sure of it." His eyes were blazing on  mine, silently apologetic.

"Okay, just tell me what I need to say. I'll try my best not to put on an accent." I mumbled.

"I was going out the back to put the money in the safe when I saw the  back door was open. I knew something wasn't right so I started to yell  but he was there. He was bald, had a spider tattoo crawling up his neck  and a scar underneath his eye. His whole face was tattooed actually. He  touched me with something, a Taser I guess cause then it all went  black."

Cade was stiff beside me as I recounted what happened. My voice was  unusually strong, I think it had something to do with the man who had  refused to let me go since we had arrived home. Luke was already there  waiting for us, Cade insisted on paramedics checking me out before I  said a word. There was nothing seriously wrong with me apart from the  fact I was going to have one hell of shiner for the next couple of days.  And I would have an uncomfortable mid section for a couple of weeks  until my ribs healed.

"I woke up tied to the ceiling, I don't remember getting there. All I  remember is seeing that man and then everything goes black." I explained  to Luke, who was sitting in my living room with a tight expression on  his face, writing this down on a notepad. The sheriff whom I had only  just met was sitting beside him. He was an older man, who looked tired  and jaded. His grey hair was thinning, and he had a slight paunch  hanging over his belt. His eyes were kind though.

"When I woke up, he was there with two other men." I paused, "He said  something about Laurie." I continued and I heard Cade's sharp intake of  breath. Luke's face turned stormy, I tell them what he said quickly, the  energy in the room electric.

"That's when I kneed the bastard in the nuts." This earned a kiss on the  head from Cade, a tender look from Luke and a smirk from the Sheriff.

"He had some pliers and was going to pull my teeth out, I must've  fainted then I guess. The next thing I remember is Cade pulling me  down." I smiled up at him, his eyes intense on mine.

"I knew you would come for me." I whispered and his face changed to a  fiercely possessive expression, which made my body tingle, despite the  circumstances.

He didn't say a word, just cupped my face in his hands. His lips lightly touched mine, carefully brushing over my split lip.

I turned my head back to Luke, who had a blank expression on his face.

"And how did you know where Gwen was?" He asked Cade, voice professional but tight.

I glanced back at Cade, realizing I hadn't even asked him this myself.

"Had a friend keeping an eye on neighborhoods where the Spider's  frequented. Spotted them carrying Gwen into a house, got lucky." Cade's  reply was terse.

Luke's face threatened to change from the blank expression he was wearing.

"And why didn't you call us the second you found out where Gwen was?"  His voice was definitely not professional now, there was no disguising  the anger in his tone.

"I wasn't real keen on wasting time, considering I knew what these guys  could be doing to Gwen." Cade's voice was hard, but he ran his hand down  my cheek and lightly across my bruised skin.

"I obviously didn't get there fast enough. Got to the house, place was  empty apart from the garage. That's where they had Gwen hanging from the  ceiling in her underwear."

The energy in the room turned wired, as I watched both of the  policemen's expressions tightened, looking at me with concern and anger.

Luke seemed to check himself. "You with anyone?"

Cade nodded. "Brock was with me when I got the call."

I wondered why he left Bull out.

"And was anyone else there when you two arrived?" Luke asked.

"No, they must've heard us arrive. Bolted just as we got there." Cade lied smoothly.

Luke raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "And you didn't give chase? You just let the men who kidnapped your ‘Old Lady' get away."

Cade's body went tight. "I was more concerned that my woman was hanging  from the ceiling beaten, half naked and unconscious." Cade bit out.

"You expect me to believe that you let the men who beat Gwen, who were  most likely responsible for Laurie's murder just run off? Especially  when we got reports of an explosion at the compound of the Spider's,  with multiple fatalities." Luke's tone was accusing.

I straightened at his words. Multiple fatalities? Were the men that I  had come to like and respect responsible for this? I was barely able to  hide my tremble. This whole situation was snowballing into something I  wasn't sure I could deal with.

"I don't give a shit what you believe Deputy. It's the truth. As for the  explosion, that's the first I'm hearing about it, I'm not going to say  I'm cut up about those rats being exterminated though." He sounded  convincing, I would've believed him, if I hadn't seen what I had seen  today.

Luke wasn't at all convinced. "You think you're untouchable, you can go  around this town like the law doesn't apply to you. I'm going to find  proof that this was you, and I'm going to take you and your lowlife gang  down." He spat, eyes full of hatred.

"Good luck finding proof that doesn't exist Crawford." Cade was calm, expression hard.

Luke looked like he was going to say something else when the Sheriff stood.

"That's enough Deputy, we have their statements. Miss Alexandra here has  been through enough and doesn't need this shit. She is back safe,  thanks to Mr Fletcher. I have a feeling those bastards are long gone so  the chances of finding the kidnappers are slim. We will look into it  though." The Sheriff gave Cade a meaningful glance before continuing.

"As for the explosion, that is not our jurisdiction, but the Sheriff  over in Barnett is a buddy of mine. They have other suspects, who are  not Mr Fletcher or any of his associates, as they all have alibis. I  suggest you shut your mouth on that matter."