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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(54)

By:Anne Malcom



"Hey Mum." I greeted, happy to hear from my mother.

"Hi there sweetheart, not catching you at a bad time am I?"

I sat up in bed, leaning against the headboard. "No I just woke up."

"Oh that's good dear, how are you? How's Amy? How is your brother? Gosh I  miss him, we hardly ever hear from him. The day he retires from the  Army will be the day I sleep sounder." She stated, sounding emotional,  after her quick-fire questions.

I sighed and set out to quell my mother's worry if that was humanely possible.

After a long conversation and a quick talk with my father who was a man  of few words I rang off, feeling emotionally lighter. Talking with my  family somehow made me feel better even if I hadn't told them what's  going on.

"I think I'm ready for a beer. Or five. And I need to sleep in my own  bed, how long is this lockdown shit going to last? My patience is like  worn the fuck out." Amy complained collapsing on the couch at the store.  It had been another busy day, and we were exhausted. I looked up from  counting the till with sympathy.

"I feel you sister. There is only so much time a girl can spend in a  biker clubhouse especially with limited wardrobe options." I sighed,  thinking of my walk in back home.

"If we don't get this shit sorted by tonight I am going to hunt down  these fuckers and give them a beat down." I declared, feeling feisty.

This earned a snort from one of the prospects, who had pulled  babysitting duty for the day. I glared at him, not for the first time. I  didn't like him, at all. He leered at Amy all day as well as anything  walking into the store wearing a skirt. He had a shaved head, beady eyes  and a gross goatee that made him look like a sleazebag, which by his  actions today was a right assumption. He had ignored my glare to take a  phone call.

Amy met my eyes. "Before we beat down any rival gangbangers, can we  start with him?" She asked pointing her eyes in Taylor's direction, who  was currently outside talking heatedly with someone.

"He is seriously sleazy, his beady little eyes have been creeping me out all day."

"You and me both." I replied, gathering up the cash I had counted. "I'll  go put this in the safe then we will get to those beers." I called over  my shoulder walking out the back. I started towards my office, then  noticed the back door which lead to the back alleyway was open.  Something settled in my gut. I didn't leave that open, in fact it had  been locked. Shit. I turned to call to Amy and I came face to face with  the scariest looking guy I have ever seen. Tattoos, everywhere, even on  his face and a distinct spider crawling up his neck. I had never seen  someone with tattoos pretty much covering his entire face, they were  meant to intimidate, and by the look on his face, this guy definitely  meant me harm. I dropped the cash, opening my mouth to scream as well as  preparing to kick him in the nuts. None of this happened however, the  goon just smiled holding something up to my neck, and then everything  went black.

Chapter 14

I woke up slowly, feeling groggy and confused. It took me a moment to  remember what happened, and another second to realize I was tied up. My  hands were bound over my head and I was somehow hanging off the ceiling,  my feet barely touching the ground. I also realized that my dress had  been taken off and I was clad only in my bra and underwear. Panic began  to set in, and memories started flooding back to the last time I had all  my power taken away from me. It took all of my effort not to  hyperventilate. I slowly lifted my head to survey my surroundings. I was  in a garage by the looks of it, a tool bench was directly across from  me, scary looking instruments are scattered atop of it and I gulped  seeing what looked like dried blood on them.

"I see the princess has awoken." Scary man strolled into my vision and a  couple of equally scary guys stood behind him, arms crossed glaring at  me.

Fuck, this situation was all too familiar, I felt terrified beyond  belief. I took a breath. No, this time I had someone who would come for  me. Cade would come for me. Scary guy stood so close to me I could smell  his rancid breath. He stroked my cheek and I flinched away, trying to  stay balanced even though my wrists were burning and my legs felt like  jelly.

"Don't know how Cade landed a high class piece like you, can't wait to find out what you taste like." He drawled.

I felt my stomach lurch as he ran a hand down my torso. "Well basic  hygiene was a start, you seriously need a tic tac." I replied  sarcastically with false confidence.

He glared at me, pulling my torso flush towards his, so I could feel his erection.

"You're not going to be so smart after I'm done with you bitch. Although  I do hope you have a little more fight than the last one, the fun was  over far too quickly for our liking." He leaned in and licked my cheek.                       


Bile rose up in my throat and I struggled not to throw up. Fire ran  through my veins as I realized he was talking about Laurie. This is the  man that killed that poor girl, the man that almost killed Bull and  scarred the club. The fucker. Fury replaced my terror, fury at this  disgusting excuse for a human, someone who thought he had the right to  hurt people, to ruin lives. I brought my knee up to connect with his  crotch with as much force as possible. He doubled over, grunting in  pain.

"Get your filthy hands off me you piece of scum." I hissed, relishing in the fact I caused that sick man pain.

He straightened and without me realizing it was happening, his fist  connected with my face. My head cracked to the side and pain pulsed  through my skull.

"You bitch!" He snarled, punching me again and I felt my lip split. My  eyes watered, but I'd had worse than this, I could handle this. I spat  out some blood that had been flooding into my mouth.

"That the best you can do you pussy? My grandmother hits harder than  that." I smiled at him and watched as his tattooed face turned red.

I was prepared for the next punch that landed at my ribs, but the pain  still surprised me. I hope he hadn't cracked a rib, those take ages to  heal. I was forced to stay upright, my binds making me unable to fall.  My ribs were on fire, but I didn't let it show. He smiled, the same  smile he gave me back at the store before turning his back to me.

"You obviously have some problems learning when to shut the fuck up,  don't worry I'll teach you, and I'll enjoy it too." He turned, holding a  very scary looking pair of pliers. "Maybe I'll start by ripping some  teeth out, then you won't be so inclined to mouth off." His voice was  ice.

I began to tremble. Shit, this is bad. This guy was obviously a  psychopath by the looks of those bloody pliers he has done this before.  Before he could take another step towards me, all hell broke loose.

The doors, which must've lead into a house crashed open and the two  goons who had been quietly watching pulled guns. The sound of gunfire  rang in my ears and I saw the two men go down. I watched in horror as  Scary guy pulled a gun and started shooting at the door where Bull,  Brock and Cade were standing, guns drawn. Scary guy was standing in  front of me, which I guessed was why none of them shot back, in fear of  missing him and hitting me. Instead, Bull rushed forward, in the path of  bullets and tackled my would be torturer to the ground. He wrestled the  gun out of his hands and commenced in beating the shit out of him. Cade  appeared in front of me taking my scantily clad body and battered face  in with a mask of fury and concern. Quick as anything his face changed  and he gazed at me with an expression so gentle I almost cried. Yes this  is what made me cry, not the man who had just punched me in the face  and was about to pull put my teeth. I was so weird.

"I'm going to get you down okay baby." He murmured in a voice so soft it was hard to believe he had possibly killed two men.

He reached up with a long knife and cut me free of the rope holding me  to the ceiling. I collapsed into his arms, unable to hold my weight. His  arms circled around me, holding me tight. Brock appeared in front of  us, shrugging off his cut then his shirt, handing it to Cade who grunted  thanks.

"Arms up baby." Cade ordered quietly.

I obeyed silently and he pulled the shirt over my head covering me. He  cupped my neck with his hands, face thunder looking at my no doubt  battered face. He gathered me in his arms and glanced at Brock.

"I'm getting Gwen out of here." Cade grunted.

Brock just nodded.

"You two on cleanup, the boys are on their way." He barked before  striding towards the door. I regarded the bloody scene clinically, none  of it sinking in.

Brock gave Cade a hard look, then directed a softer one at me.