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The Lover Beneath Me(43)

“Yes, Mr. Evans.” The lawyer then hung up.

“Daimon, is everything okay?” Addie asked quietly.

“Everything is just fucking fine,” I snarled at her.

“Really? I can see with your sunny disposition that everything is just great,” she pushed.

“Addie,” I said as I warning.

“What?” she hissed.

“Don’t push me,” I said slowly so she could understand.

“Don’t push you? Screw off, Daimon. I’ll push if I so choose,” she retorted.

“That’s right. I forgot Addie doesn’t work anymore, so Addie doesn’t have any real problems. Well, guess what, my beloved, I still work and I have hundred million problems right now,” I shouted at her.

“Good on you, asshole. Well done. Now you’re done yelling at me, you can go and wallow in your problems,” she argued and glared at me. I remained quiet afraid to say anything further. “What? The great Daimon Evans has nothing to say? I’m astounded,” she said dryly.

I knew what she was doing. She was pushing me, wanting me to let it out, but I wanted to be left alone. Only one other time did she push too far; which I knew if I wasn’t careful, I wouldn’t be able to rein myself in. It was just before we were to get married. When I had just found out my mother left rehab and headed back to New York.

“Addie, quit it now,” I ordered her.


I turned and left her there. I knew if I remained and continued our match, I would hurt her. I would lash out and go too far, and that was not what I wanted.


I walked back into the hotel room after a few hours with the lawyers. The bastard was grasping at anything he could. He was irrational and I was too fed up with his shit to deal with him. For almost two years I had been dealing with the Harris brothers. To be fair, Hugh was the only one suing, while his other brother seemed to have abandoned him. I walked into the darkened room finding Addie asleep in bed, her hair cascading off her pillow as she lay on her side. Watching her sleep made my irritation grow. I hated how much I couldn't be with her. After months of not having her by my side, I resented being here, all because of fucking Hugh and his interference.

“Feeling better?” Addie asked, not asleep as I had thought.

“Much,” I said bitterly.

“It shows.”

“I’m glad,” I snarled as I moved away from her.

“Daimon, this is us. Dysfunctional, it's our normal, but can't you just let me in for once. Not as your wife, not as your lover, but as your friend.” Her tone was laced with irritation.

“Addie, you have no place in my business world. So just stay out of it,” I snapped as I headed to the bathroom.

“Well, well, well, who knew the great Daimon could fall apart because of some weak bastard,” she said dryly. I stopped and turned toward her. I walked over to the bed menacingly.

“Don't talk about things you don't know,” I hissed as I leaned over the bed, my face inches from hers. With the dim lights of the night outside, I could still see Addie's stunning hazel eyes looking straight through me. Fuck me, I had no place to hide when she stared at me like that.

“Say it! Spill it out already,” she shouted. I grabbed at her arms, clinging to her. I knew she was hurting, but she didn't lead on.

“The last two years had been filled with this problematic asshole!” I relented. “Instead of me being with you, this piece of shit has followed me like a nasty sick shadow. I hate that his constant meddling has taken away my time with you. I fucking hate him.” I spilled my guts out to my Addie. I sounded like a spoiled brat. But seeing how her face changed this afternoon made me realize I had very little power to make her happy; that my world would always interfere.

“Daimon, you're stressed out. It's going to be fine. Like you said, you're going to win. This isn't a big deal,” she said reassuringly. I tightened my grip, upset at how easily she spoke.

“Daimon you’re hurting me.” I eased up on my hold, realizing I was the asshole. I was exhausted, both emotionally and physically.

“I'm sorry,” I murmured softly as I let me forehead rest on hers. Addie reached up her arms and pulled me in, holding me close.

“It's going to be fine. Knowing you, I know it's going to be fine,” she said as she held me.

“It's not that,” I muttered and I huddled into her embrace.

“Then what is it?”

“I just want to be with you. I can't explain it any other way. Just you,” I said grimly, upset at everything.

“You are with me.” She played with my hair.

“I fucking hate this. I just want to be back home with just you and me. No one interfering. No one suing. No fucked-up business deals. Everything takes up time, time I would rather be spending with you,” I quietly admitted.