Reading Online Novel

The Lover Beneath Me(46)

“Addie.” I knelt down before her.

“Daimon,” she breathed as she wrapped her arms around me. Her sweet, warm embrace comforted me, when it was supposed to be me who should be comforting her.

“Why are you crying?” I asked as I peeled myself away from her.

“You’re crying, too,” she murmured and wiped my silent tears.

“I’m Daimon Evans. I don't cry,” I grinned.

“You’re right,” she sniffled. “I forgot.” She took me again into her arms and held me as I cried silently for my grandfather, who I missed more than anyone.


“It’s almost Christmas,” I called out to Addie. She had just returned home from spending time with her friend Elissa. Addie and I had finally settled into our lives. While it had only been about a month, I still was damn fucking happy every day I was with her. I had surprised her with yet another tree for Christmas; I even had the hideous Christmas music that she loved so much playing.

“Next year, we'll choose it together,” she said happily.

“Easy, just like you, I can’t change overnight.” The very thought made my stomach turn.

“Fine, Grinch.” She opened the box of glass ornaments.

“I’m not the Grinch, babe, your little sister is,” I hissed, annoyed with the little twerp.

“Why?” Addie stopped what she was doing.

“Well, let's see. Has she called you?”

“She has finals.”


“Daimon, do me the favor and don't interfere in Sofia’s life,” Addie snarled.

Oh, really! I don’t think so my little Addie. “You know how I know that it's bullshit? Unlike you, I've been to college, so trust me, I know.” I waited for her to attack, but I didn't care; she should tell the little shit off.

“Sofia, unlike you, who had his way paid for him, actually has to study to get ahead.” Addie threw back into my corner.

“Technically, because you're married to me, my connections get her pretty far.” Game set and match.

“I took over paying for her schooling,” Addie hissed.

“It doesn't matter who pays, which I’m glad to do because she’s your sister, therefore my little twerp of a sister-in-law. It’s who I am that gets her places. That little sister of yours is pissing me off in the worst way. I don’t like the way she has been treating you,” I growled.

Addie sat next to the box of ornaments and glared at me. “You don’t know Sofia.”

“Maybe you're right. I don't. But I do know you deserve a lot more respect than she gives you. At least your father calls every day. Sofia has gone from calling and Skyping every day, to texting once a week,” I bit out, angry that Addie, my Addie, allowed her little sister to walk all over her, especially after everything Addie had done for her.

“Daimon, don't interfere where you're not welcomed.”

“Baby, where you’re concerned, I'll do as I fucking please. You might let others treat you like shit, but I won't,” I growled.

We both sat silence in the living room, Drako by my feet, Addie on the floor next to the ornaments and the fucking annoying Christmas music quietly playing.

“You can be such an asshole,” she hissed, looking looked away.

“You are the one who chose to stay married to me, babe.” I grinned.

“Remind me again why?” she bit out, taking out the first ornament.

That was when the elevator rang. Man, I grinned from ear to ear; I couldn't have timed it better myself. “Why the hell do you have an evil grin on your face?” She pointed from across the room.

“Because you're about to see why you married me,” I said happily as I continued to smile, knowing it annoyed her. The elevator doors opened and Drako ran, barking toward the person. At least the little shit came on time, not like she had a choice. I made sure Ted brought her here, and yes, I threatened his job.

“Addie?” Sofia muttered.

“Sofia?” Addie stopped what she was doing and jumped over the box of ornaments.

“Drako, come,” I called out as Addie ran to her younger sister and pulled her for a hug. I watched Drako sitting at my feet, Sofia clearly uncomfortable as Ted stood behind her with her bags.

“What are you doing here?” Addie said happily. Fuck, hearing her happy was just what I wanted.

“It wasn't like I had a choice. Your husband's goon manhandled me,” Sofia said bitterly.

“Oh,” Addie muttered. Fucking little twerp.

“Ted, take her bags upstairs to the second bedroom, and while you’re at it, take her too,” I said grimly.

I hated watching Addie disappointed. I watched Addie as she smiled, but I knew that smile; it wasn’t genuine. It was hiding how hurt she was. Sofia came here not with the smile I intended, but rather with disdain. My irritation grew as Sofia left to go upstairs. Addie’s disposition turned ridged and cold, yet she smiled. Son of a bitch.