Reading Online Novel

The Lover Beneath Me(40)

“I don’t. It’s your wife I like, not you,” Richard said bluntly.

“My wife?” I snarled.

“Don't worry yourself, Daimon. That beautiful woman only wants you. I can’t fathom why, but she does,” Richard said with a hint of jealousy, which made my blood boil. “Your violin? How does it sound?”

“How did you know?” I narrowed my eyes as the bartender dropped off my whiskey.

“Addie. She wanted my violin. When I knew it was for you, I refused but she fought, even made me listen to you play. Did you know she has it recorded on her phone? She says it's the sound of your soul,” Richard stated dryly.

“It’s not my soul. How could she think it's my soul?” I laughed a little. “It's her love. It’s the love I feel for her.” I surprised myself that I admitted so much as I swirled the whiskey in the lowball glass, then brought it up to my lips to taste.

“I truly despise you. I loathe how great you are in business and I loathe how much I envy you for having a woman like your Addie who loves you more than you deserve,” Richard said bitterly.

“Don't hate me because you were using the Harris brothers and their incompetence to your advantage. There's enough money to be had. You’re the one who’s too lazy to go out and get it for himself. Now as for Addie, you're right. I don't deserve her, but I'll do whatever I have to, to make her happy,” I admitted.

“Even sell your soul?" Richard joked.

“Can’t sell what already belongs to someone else,” I smirked, knowing my soul was Addie's all along.

“Cheeky bastard,” Richard said dryly.

“Always,” I smiled wickedly.

After my little meeting with Richard, I went back upstairs and lay down next to Addie, watching her sleep. Nothing is going to happen to my Addie. No one will ever hurt you. Those were my thoughts as I fell back asleep, holding her in my arms.


I woke up early and left a sleeping Addie in my bed as I headed out to see Rafe, still in his boxers drinking his coffee. “You’re up early?” I asked as I reached for a cup.

“How could I sleep with you two fucking like that last night?” Rafe said grimly.

“If you don’t like it, get another room.” I laughed as I sat down.

“Addie?” Rafe asked.


“It’s a stupid question on my part. You hardly left her alone last night,” Rafe commented as he sipped his coffee.

“Well, when you get your own woman, you’ll understand.” I smirked, knowing Rafe hated commitment and anything to do with relationships.

“Thankfully, it’s not going to ever happen.” Rafe shuddered.

“Sure, man. So what time are the lawyers coming?” I asked.

“In about an hour. The hotel has already prepared the conference room next door.”

“Good! I want those fuckers out of our lives,” I bit out, my coffee now tasting sour.

“They are arguing wrongful dismissal and misuse of power.” We had the best lawyers money could buy and I loved I had that power. Fucking Harris brothers were going to be raked over the coals for this. “They can argue all they want. The contract stipulates that you are the CEO of the investment company and when you see it fit, you can terminate anyone you like. Granted, it’s in the fine print, but it is there,” our lawyer said while his paralegal handed him more papers. “I’ve already discussed with their legal representative to quietly suggest to withdraw their suit. But I can’t promise anything,” he said flatly.

“Just win and ruin the fucker. I want to counter sue, for all the legal fees,” I said angrily.

“Not to worry. I already did,” the lawyer noted.

“Fucking prick,” Rafe added. “Asking for damages of fifty million? What the fuck does he think he’s worth? Piece of shit,” Rafe continued his rant. Our meeting took a few hours. God, I was pissed. Those fucking Harris brothers had sucked so much time out of my life these last two years.

Addie had left just as the lawyers came; she said she was meeting Chantal for breakfast and for some sightseeing. Normally, I would love immersing myself in my work, but with her here, all I wanted to do was immerse my cock into her.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered as I started texting her.

“Can’t leave her alone, can you?” Rafe mocked.

“Fuck off, man,” I hissed.

“And this is why I don’t do relationships.” He grinned as he stood up from the conference table and left me alone as I waited for Addie to text me back.

As I waited, I realized how different things were with us now. Before with the contracts, Addie no matter what, would have to deal with me. The rules stipulated she had to abide by what I wanted and answer me when I texted or called. But since our agreement ended, I had to sit and wait, wondering if she would text me back.