Reading Online Novel


"You don't need to bring the documents next time." I murmur, barely a breath away from her hand. I notice the ring that glints on her finger and gently drop her hand, a hint of a smile on my face as our eyes meet.

"You are, of course …  welcome to invite your fiancé." I add, but the professional tone has dropped right out of my voice and she knows it.

I can see her swallow as she mulls it over, and the tension between us is palatable, "More business meetings?"

"In a way." I smile, low and soft, "But we can always personalize it a little … " I lean forward, "Office blocks can be so soulless, don't you agree?"

She's lost in my eyes and I can't say that she's the only one. We linger like that, our gazes locked across the table, the only sound the hum of the coffee shop behind that and the sharp little breaths that she takes.

"That would be perfect." She straightens up a little and the spell is broken. She's all smiles and professional niceties again, but I can see something lingering behind her eyes, and the way she crosses her arms over her chest suggest that my body is not the only one interested.

The thought thrills me and the way she shifts, self-conscious, hints at good things to come. Excellent.

"Thank you for coming." I stand and slip on my coat. She does the same and pulls it closed quickly. I pay for our meal and escort her to the door. When she turns to say goodbye, I want nothing more than to kiss those lips that are only a few inches from mine.

Instead, I lean in, brushing her hair back from her face. Her eyes widen and we stay like that for as long as I dare. "Take care, Ellen. It was a pleasure."

"Thank you." Her voice is soft and my goodness, I think I could get lost in those eyes, so knowing and so sweet at the same time.

"I'll call you." I let my hand drop, give her a polite smile, and turn away. I don't need to look back to know that she's still staring as I walk down the street.



I walk down the streets feeling conflicted. I'm not sure why I am feeling so unsettled, but I am. Adam is charming in a very disarming sort of way. All sincere smiles and polite gestures, but the undercurrent that runs between us is fierce and I don't know how to stop or silence it.

Flirting with him. That was a bad idea, no matter how I try to swing it. He is purposefully trying to find an error, to catch us in a lie and I am giving him more ammunition. I bite my lip. I hope I was subtle. I thought that I was, but you never know. He seems to be quite the perceptive man.

What's worse is I can't deny that I want to see him again  –  I sincerely do. I love the way he looks at me, the way the tension sparks between us, the way he stares into my eyes like they are the most important thing he has ever seen.

I'm so lost in thought that I almost don't see Cade at first. I find him standing at the bottom of my apartment block. He looks agitated and I suspect that he would be waiting outside my very door if he wasn't too polite for that. His arms are folded and there is thunder in his eyes.

And suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. I've gone behind his back on something  –  even though it's something I felt was right. If he caught me out, he'll be furious and he'd have every right to be.

I steel myself and stand at my full height, preparing for an argument. Anger bubbles just below the surface  –  I have the right to see whoever I want and besides, I did it in his best interest, not in an attempt to hurt him. I make my way to his side.

"Cade? Is something wrong?"

He smiles and turns to me and I can see the danger dancing beneath the surface of his eyes. He keeps his distance from me. "Can we speak in private?" He smiles, a low, soft smile and I shiver.

"Sure …  is something the matter?"

"No, no … " He shakes his head as he wanders to the elevator. I join him and we step into it. It's full of people. "I just wanted to pay my beloved a visit."

I check that my phone is in my pocket, taking comfort in the fact that if something happens, my neighbors and security will hear. I frown at my own thoughts. I don't doubt the anger between us, but no way would he ever hurt me  –  I'm letting my thoughts run away with me.

We head down the passageway in silence. When we reach my apartment, I unlock it and we step inside. The moment I have shut the door, I expect him to start yelling at me. Instead, he turns almost casually, "I was walking down the main strip today during my break." He begins, and I can feel my blood run cold and hot at the very same time.   


"Oh?" I answer. I can see he expects me to confess, to grovel, but I will be doing none of that. I did nothing wrong.

"Yes." The dangerous tone is back in his voice and he smiles, "And what do I see but you and Mr. Adam Jones getting cozy over coffee." His smile drops, "Care to explain that, Ellen?"

I narrow my eyes, anger blooming between us, "Yes. A business meeting to discuss our wedding happened." I shoot back, "Talking about the dates  –  the dates and details that you and I agreed on."

I narrow my eyes further, "Something wrong with that?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" His anger hasn't softened and I can see the tension in his shoulders.

"Because you're not my keeper!" It bursts out of me, "We're not even in a real goddamn relationship!" The hurt that I have been holding back comes flooding out of me in a sickening rush.

"Because I'm playing the part you want me to play, but that doesn't mean you own me. This isn't even real." My breathing is short and sharp.

Cade's eyes darken, "I'm not the only one benefiting from this." He hisses, "You're getting just as much out of this as I am, so don't go acting like you don't."

I ball my hands into fists, "I went to a business meeting to help you, you selfish bastard." I stare him down and the tension rises between us like a fog. "I did it to keep up the ruse. You know, most couples are independent in some way." I glare at him, "Not that you'd know the first thing about being in a real relationship."

"Oh, and you do?" He sneers, "Somehow I doubt that. You think you're being subtle, but you couldn't be more obvious."

It's hurtful and my chest aches. "Then you can go ahead and leave. Forget you and your money!" I need the money, I need to do this, but it's hard to think straight when he's pushing every single one of my buttons.

"Well, forget you and your help." He shoots back with equal animosity.

Before I know what's happened, his lips are on mine and he's kissing me. My back hits the wall and I scrabble for purchase, twisting my hands in his jacket, unwilling to let go.

Our tongues collide and I feel like I am on fire, the searing feeling burning through me. Anger and desire twist together to form something out of this world, something that feels all-consuming and vast. It feels like it is drowning me and I don't know how to breathe.

All I can feel is his tongue, his lips. The smell of his cologne clouds my senses and I dimly register that he smells good. Really, really good.

His body feels hard against mine, even through the soft silks and cotton of his shirt and jacket. I can feel my breathing catching in my chest, threatening to overwhelm me. I feel dizzy and hold onto him tighter.

Furiously I grab at his hair and am satisfied when he gasps and pulls away. Then his hands are on the hem of my dress and I'm shivering, a gasp slipping out of me. My hands move from his hair to his tie and I fumble to pull it off, the silk moving easily within my hands. I tear at his buttons and hear him groan as his free hand moves to my zipper.

Without preamble, he's unzipping my dress and I find myself shimmying out of it. I let it tumble to the floor in a heap and I am struck by the fact that he is seeing me in nothing more than my lacy underwear.

I undo the last of his buttons and push his clothing off his shoulders. He shrugs it off obligingly and he's left wearing his dress pants and little else. My eyes widen at the sight of his cock.

He's toned, gorgeously so. His abs are tight against his stomach and he's nothing like I imagined. I always knew he looked good beneath those suits, but I had never imagined how good.

Before I can make a move, he's grabbing me and carrying me to the couch. I gasp as he pushes me down. There's something predatory in his eyes and when his lips find my neck, I melt.

He sucks my skin, his hands circling around my back and finding the clasp of my bra. He unclips it before I get the chance to protest and he pulls it off in one quick motion. I look up at him in nothing but my panties.

My breasts are exposed to the cool air and I feel my nipples harden, tighten with desire. He notices it too and he says, "So you do want me."

Then his lips are on mine again, his hands roaming over my body. I'm writing beneath him, his skilled hands tweaking my nipples, palming my breasts, and claiming my body. He feels so good and I think that the world is spinning. I grab him, clutching onto him tightly, my fingernails digging into his skin.

He lifts me off the couch cushions, pulling my panties down my thighs. I part my legs and let him pull them off me. There's a deep heat that burns in my center and I moan. My heels push against the couch as I groan and squirm.

When Cade fumbles with his belt, I know that he's not going to wait, not going to hold back and I feel a thrill tingle down my spine, sending a searing dampness to my opening. This is incredible.