Reading Online Novel


She's still looking at me expectantly and I clear my throat, "I'm going to recall the proof." I take a deep breath, "Your relationship with Cade is valid, and I shouldn't have burst into your apartment, nor should I have sent it off in the first place."

"Damn right." She looks at me with a hard glare for a long moment, before sinking back into her couch cushions with a sigh, "It was my fault anyway."

I shake my head, "No, it was mine." I glance out of the windows and into the distance, "I was …  jealous."

"Jealous?" She sounds surprised, a curious lilt to her voice.

"Yes." I don't meet her eyes as I contemplate what I'm about to say. "You are a very attractive woman, Ellen."

When I finally glance at her, I find her blushing, a smile on her face, soft and low. "I am, huh?"

She smiles and shifts a little closer to me. Her leg brushes mine and she looks at me earnestly, "You could have just said that, instead of dragging this to the trust fund."

"I know." I smile, relief fluttering in my chest, "But I didn't want things awkward between us. I know you care for Cade."

"I do … " She's smiling, her hand resting on my knee, "But I'm attracted to you too."

My heart soars at her words and I feel like I am lighter than air. Ellen shifts and her lips press against mine. The kiss is sweet and lingering and perfect.

I feel my heartbeat pick up, my pulse pounding against my skin. She tastes incredible and I want to pull her close and never let her go. My hands slip around her waist, and pull her in. She happily complies and I catch a scent of her perfume.

Her curls tumble around us and I can't breathe. Her tongue finds mine and I lift my hands, tangling them in her hair. She moans and the sound is so sweet. Her hands are on my shoulders. I can feel my arousal stir and she must sense it too.

Ellen moves her hips just a little, grinding lightly against me as we kiss, our tongues colliding, our clothing rubbing together, the friction sending me insane with desire for her. It floods through me and makes me feel a bit dizzy.

Then she slowly pulls away and the smile on her face is so naughty that I want to melt. "Well, don't you have proof to recall?" She kisses me chastely.

"That's not fair." I smile, still trying to catch my breath.

"I'll make it up to you later." She murmurs in my ear, before standing up and sauntering to the door.

I join her and she adjusts my shirt and tie for me, "Look … " She says, "I'm going to invite you and Cade to dinner tonight, to celebrate." She looks at me honestly, "Do you want to come?"

I consider it, the truce that has blossomed between Cade and me, the thought of being around Ellen, and I nod, "Sounds great."

"Good." She smiles, looking relieved, "Around seven, okay?"

"All right." I lean in and kiss her, relishing the way she blushes, her eyes sparkling with what I am hoping against hope is desire.

I leave the apartment feeling a lot better than when I arrived, and I have a feeling Ellen is feeling better too. Recalling the mail won't be hard  –  seeing as I only just sent it.

I head off to do just that, a hopeful feeling buzzing in my chest and making itself known. Things are finally looking up, and I don't even care about losing the clients. They can go to hell for all I care.   


This is worth it and I wouldn't change it for the world.



When Adam leaves, I'm left feeling giddy. I sigh and rub my face, the tension crackling in the air. I don't know what to think, or how to feel. All I know is that relief is coursing through me and leaving me breathless.

It's all going to work out. Adam will help us and I will get the money I need. Cade will get the inheritance that he deserves. I feel relieved, almost drunk on the sweet reality that everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be just fine. I smile and grab my phone, giving Cade a call.

My anger has receded and I just want to celebrate, "Hello?"

"Hi." I answer with a smile, "Cade, do you want to come over tonight? I hear we three have reason to celebrate."

"Ellen." He sounds relieved, "So Adam told you?" I can hear the happiness in his voice, the relief that is tangible, "Isn't it fantastic?"

"I know." I'm beaming, "Come over and bring something bubbly."

He chuckles, "I will."

I check the time, glance around my apartment and get busy. I start with a good old fashioned clean of the place, really working hard and making sure everything sparkles. I even change the sheets and clean up the bathroom and bedroom, just to be sure everything looks great.

A quick trip to the store garners the ingredients that I need for a dinner, plus candles and fresh flowers. I want tonight to be perfect, so I feel it is okay to splurge a little.

I set up the flowers in vases and begin to cook. Dinner doesn't take long to prepare and I put it in the oven on very low, to keep it warm and finish off the last little bit of cooking. There are ready-made desserts waiting in the fridge and I couldn't be happier.

I jump into the shower next, doing the whole nine yards, just like I had done for the first meeting. I use masks and scrubs, polishing and moisturizing my skin until it shines and glows. I style my hair, putting it up in a lovely, elegant up-do.

I put on a little more makeup, keeping it tasteful, and slip into one of my best dresses. It's more revealing than the ones I have been wearing lately, but I am in my own home and I'm in the mood to feel good about myself.

A quick spray of perfume and my killer heels, and I feel great. I light the candles, closing the heavy drapes of my curtains and throwing a few extra scatter cushions on my couch. It looks good, polished and elegant and just right.

I glance at the clock and take dinner out of the oven, feeling relieved that I've gotten it all ready. I set the places and grab out my best Champagne flutes. The lights glitter across the glass, the food smelling delicious. I check myself in the mirror and smile.

Not bad, not bad. I feel ready, I feel good and I am bursting at the thought of everything finally going right, after all the fighting and the stress.

Cade is the first to arrive, prompt and on time, flowers in hand. He grins when he sees all the vases of flowers already in the room, "Seems you beat me to it." He sets down the flowers and kisses me until my knees feel weak.

"The dining room is this way." I smile and take him to the room. My apartment has never felt so fancy.

When Adam arrives, he looks a little sheepish, "Cade, please tell me you didn't buy all these flowers. You make me look bad."

He hands me a bunch of roses and my heart melts.

"No, she beat me to it too." Cade calls from the dining room. They seem to be on better terms and I am happy to put the new flowers in a vase and lead Adam to the dining room.

Dinner goes even better than expected. We drink the bubbly that Cade has brought and talk over dinner. Things are relaxed between Adam and Cade and for that I am endlessly grateful. We laugh over sweet desserts and the conversations flows like wine.

I can feel the bubbly going to my head a little, but I don't really care. We're having a good time and I'm still very much aware of what I'm doing. I feel a little freer, a little happier, but I'm keenly aware of being nice to both men, of keeping the peace and relishing in it.

When we run out of wine, I stand to grab another one. I step out of the dining room and make my way to the living room, where I keep my wine rack. I bend over and start searching the shelves. Again, relief floods me. Everything is going well. I don't need to worry and panic about things turning against me if Adam finds something out. I don't need to worry about being unable to care for my mother and brother.

It is all working out and it is all thanks to Adam and Cade setting aside their differences. I like to think that I helped that process along. I'm so lost in thought that I barely hear the knock on the door.

When I look up, my heart catches. It's Cade, and the look in his eyes is almost predatory, "Ellen, do you have a minute?" His voice is low and I nod, making my way to his side. He shuts the door quietly, his eyes intense and staring into mine.

When Cade stares at me like this, I can't help the waves of arousal that seem to flood me. They leave me breathless and I bite my lip, confusion thudding through me. I went from practically being a virgin, to wanting both Adam and Cade so badly that it hurt. I shiver, but there's no guilt or shame. It feels naughty, but it feels right. I want this.

He doesn't have to say a word. His hushed voice and the arousal in his pants make it perfectly clear. My heart starts to race and the sweet edge to the evening turns into something else, something risky and passionate. My head spins.

Cade seems to see right through my good girl exterior, the lies that I tell myself and the world around me. He seems to see it all. I can feel the tension rise between us again, lighting me up. It's incredibly freeing to give into the sexual impulse that courses through me. It makes me shiver and when Cade undoes the buckle of his belt and unbuttons the neat dress pants that he always wears, I feel myself come undone.

I can't resist, and I find myself stepping closer. His hands find my hair and he pulls me in like he is about to kiss me. My lips are only inches away from his. I can feel his breath on my skin. I get lost in his eyes, so close to him. Then he smiles and the sight sends shivers down my skin.