Reading Online Novel

Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(53)

Another image crossed my thoughts and I remembered how hard he made me  come that first time and how good it felt to have him come inside me. I  could recall my thoughts being a blurred mess of ‘we shouldn't be doing  this' and ‘but it feels so damn good'. Thinking about it all, I rode him  harder.

"Ve más despacio," he moaned, his words reaching beyond the Spanish I understood.

Not bothering to stop and ask for clarity, I rocked and grinded on him  harder, feeling the friction of his body inside mine as the onset of an  orgasm hummed in my core. A whimper left my mouth in a much higher tone  than the normal sound of my voice. It filled the air as I clenched his  chest in my fingers. Every drop of tension and frustration flooded from  my body in one rush of energy. Watching me, feeling my wetness cover him  when it surged, Marco gripped my hips tighter and arched upward,  closing the distance between his face and mine. The next second, a burst  of hot fluid entered my body when it left his.

His deep, gruff voice filled the air around us as more Spanish spilled  from his lips, causing goosebumps to prickle my skin at the sound of it.  His palms were damp against my back as I rode him those last few  seconds until he finished. When I was sure he was just as satisfied as I  was, I eased back into position at his side, panting.

We had both been fighting this for so long, fighting this immense pull.  Finally giving in to it was everything I imagined it would be and then  some. I couldn't remember ever feeling more satisfied in any  aspect-physical, emotional. Marco had reached me on every level, maxed  me out to the point of not being able to see straight. Even though we  were done, he was still everywhere, holding all of my senses hostage as I  focused on absolutely nothing but this high he had me on.         



My stomach tightened in a way that was uncomfortable, but not alarming  like last time. Whatever was happening made the baby more active and I  placed my hand there to feel her as I continued to breathe heavy. Marco  glanced over and concern filled his eyes the next second.

"You good?" he asked, still breathless himself. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Seeing him switch hats so quickly, going from ‘papi-mode' to actual ‘daddy-mode' made me smile.

"I'm fine," I assured him. When I reached for his hand, he laid it flat  over my belly, feeling what I felt-our daughter moving more strongly  than I ever experienced.

He smiled a bit and then his eyes found mine the next second. I was  surprised to see so much emotion behind them, but most of all there was  contentment. There was any number of ways to end our evening together,  several ways to solidify our bond, but …  Marco said it best without using  words at all. He turned onto his side and placed a kiss on my stomach.  It was perfect timing, perfect everything.

His fingers continued to trace the spot where his little princessa had  just moved and he daydreamed for a moment. I found myself wondering what  had him so dazed, but then he let me in, said aloud the thought that  caused him to drift away.

"That's us in there," he smiled, inciting another kick from our little one. "That's you and me."

Feeling overwhelmed by this moment, and even the one that had just  passed, I took a deep breath. Another kiss pressed to our daughter and I  wondered if anything else in my life had ever been this perfect.

But it was like I said, I was listening to that still, small voice that  told me not to fret about the future, because if I had to guess, Marco  would do his damnedest to make sure everything worked out.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I slept better with her in my bed both times she stayed over. Whenever I  moved to turn over or stretch, she was right there and I loved it;  loved sharing my space with her. When we woke up this morning, she was  in my arms. Her round belly pressed against my side while her head  rested on my chest. It didn't get any better than this.

We showered and ate a light breakfast together, but she needed to get  home to her friend and I was due to meet the guys at the gym. It  would've been nice to just chill at my place with her all day, but, with  us both having places to be, it would have to wait until some other  time.

Resting my forearm across Brynn's open driver-side window, I stared at  her pretty lips and remembered all the incredible things she did with  them the night before. When I pressed a kiss to her mouth, she was  smiling as I pulled away.

"Drive safe, okay?"

She nodded at my words and her eyes went to my chest, reminding me I hadn't bothered with a shirt before stepping outside.

"You coming back later?" I asked, having a momentary lapse in memory, which made her laugh.

"I would if I didn't have company."

I shook my head. "Damn …  I forgot just that quick."

Her smile widened and she pushed one side of her hair behind her ear. "I'll call, though," she promised.

I looked her up and down, seeing the deep brown of her thighs where her  shorts didn't cover. "You better," I teased, kissing her one last time  just because I had to.

After that, I leaned away from her car, watched her back out of my  driveway, and into the street. She had my mind completely gone, shorted  out, and stuck on her. That was new for me. I rarely, if ever, let  myself get this attached to a woman. I usually kept a wall between me  and whoever I was seeing at the time, and it worked for me. Seemed to  work for them, too. On occasion, one would get too clingy, would get the  wrong idea about how serious we were, but I had no problem cutting  someone off who didn't know how to play her role.

It was different with Brynn, though. I actually liked having her around  and even welcomed the idea of her being the only one I spent time with.

My thoughts stayed on her as I changed for the gym and grabbed my  things. As soon as I climbed in my truck and started the engine, my  phone rang. Without looking, I knew it wasn't anybody but Justin calling  because I was running a little behind.

"Quit sweatin' me. I'll be there in a few," I said with a laugh.

However, the light, feminine voice on the other end let me know I was wrong to assume it was one of the guys.

"Have a minute?" Elena asked in a clipped tone. I honestly didn't expect  to hear from her again after the way things went last night.

My response to her came as I backed out of the driveway. "Yeah, I can talk," I replied casually.


I waited and listened for her to speak again, but she was quiet on the  other end. When her voice finally did come back, it was laced with  animosity.

"So, I'm just gonna make this quick," she started. "You won't have to  worry about seeing or hearing from me anymore after this. In fact, the  only reason I'm calling is because I hate not tying up loose ends."

I didn't speak, hearing the hurt and frustration in her tone as she  forced those words from her mouth. If I had to do last night all over  again, I wouldn't have done a thing differently-choosing Brynn, the  things we'd done on stage, off stage, none of it. However, that didn't  mean I didn't feel bad for hurting Elena's feelings in the process.

I knew seeing me choose someone other than her had to sting, especially  after rejecting her when she tried to kiss me the last time we saw one  another. We weren't together in any sense of the word, but I think we  were both expecting to explore that possibility once she finally moved  back to Houston permanently. So …  I got it. I understood why she was  upset.

"Listen … " was as far as I got before Elena fired off a question.

"That was her, wasn't it?" she asked. "The one you knocked up?"

I blew out a breath and tried to be understanding to the fact that she  was upset. Normally, I would've checked someone for being so reckless  with their words, but I let her speak. I figured she probably guessed  who Brynn was last night because she's showing so much now. And chances  are, it was obvious that she and I weren't exactly strangers up there on  stage.

My lack of a response forced a cynical laugh from Elena's mouth. "I knew  it," she breathed. "So what …  you two are together now or something? Or  have you been with her all along?"

I shook my head as if she could see me. "No, it wasn't like that. I never played games with you."

"Whatever," she said in a huff, adding, "I knew this was a bad idea from jump, I just didn't want to believe it."

Pulling up to a stop sign, her words had me listening harder than I was before.

She took a moment to gather her next thought, but once she did, she  didn't hold back. "I mean …  between the stripping and you admitting to  getting some random chick knocked up, I should've known not to mess with  you, but I let my idiot friend drag me back down there." A short pause  followed and she scoffed before adding, "Your life is damn a joke,  Marco. A freakin' punchline."