Reading Online Novel

Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(50)

A soft smile touched her lips as her girls urged her on, yelling and  shoving her a bit. Eventually, she took a step closer and I gripped her  waist in my hands.

"Be gentle with her," one friend whispered into my ear, "She's expecting."

That made me smile-one: because she was adamant about looking out for  Brynn, and two: because no one was more insistent on being careful with  her than me.

"I promise not to hurt her," I whispered back, and the friend nodded.

I turned my attention to Brynn again and pulled her close, which made  the room explode with screams. My lips pressed to her ear as I held on.  "Will you come up on stage with me?" I asked, not wanting to assume  she'd be comfortable with that just because she knew me. I was pretty  sure she knew tonight wasn't just a normal night; my performance  wouldn't be like the ones I gave on other weekends.

Letting her hands rest on my shoulders, Brynn nodded and Ivy killed the  music, changing it to the special, extended version of the selection I'd  given her right before coming out, a last minute switch-Drake, ‘Own  It'.

I took a step back, letting my hands fall from her waist. My fingers  interlocked with hers, feeling the softness of her skin against mine as I  led the way back toward the front of the room with her in step right  behind me.

I never turned to see Elena's reaction, but I felt her watching, felt  the hatred her friend wanted me to feel, but I didn't care. My decision  was clear.

"Watch your step," I mouthed to Brynn, slowing my pace.

She was so shy and it only intensified when we stepped onto the stage in  front of everyone. All eyes were definitely on us. Her hands hung in  front of her, clasped together as I backed away, wanting the full view  as I looked her over. My eyes traced every curve-her breasts, her hips,  her thighs-all of them, feeling my hands burning to touch. The powerful  craving I had for this woman was real, not the scripted interaction I  had with others I brought to this stage. As I admired the smooth peaks  and valleys of her beautiful body, I rubbed my chin, slowly circling  her, sizing her up as she tried not to smile, but then she did.


Stepping behind her, I moved in close, letting my body press flush up  against hers as I removed the black, silk scarf from my back pocket and  leaned in.

"I need you to trust me," I whispered, feeling the rim of her ear against my lips. "Can you do that?"

Her shoulders lifted with a deep breath first, and then there was a nod.

Taking both ends of the scarf in my hands, I lifted it over Brynn's head  and lowered it to her eyes, tying it so she was now completely in the  dark, so it would feel like there was no one here in this room with her  but me.

She touched the material and I noticed her shaking just a little as she adjusted to not seeing what went on around her.

"Trust me," I whispered into her hair and she settled right after.

Starting at her hips, I dragged my fingers up her body-enjoying every  second. There was something so damn sexy about how, no matter where my  hands moved, they were met by her soft warmth. Her voluptuous form  filled my hands and I loved that. I lifted her arms into the air and  left them there, bringing my hands back down slowly, keeping her close.

This performance had given me an excuse to satisfy the urge that struck  next. When I got to her breasts, I decided to go with it, letting my  hands cover them, biting my lip at the feel of their weight against my  fingers. A visual of the night I bathed her popped into my head. She'd  covered herself with a white towel that, when wet, left little to the  imagination. Then, I wanted nothing more than to touch, and now, that  wish had been fulfilled. I gently cupped them at first, but when tight  nipples pressed into the centers of my palms, I squeezed gently.

Brynn sucked in a breath at the feel of my lips grazing the side of her  neck while my hands continued to work. She tilted her head to the side,  allowing me to kiss her there. The screams that erupted from the women  surrounding the stage almost went unnoticed as I touched her, aroused  her, for the crowd. Even without a blindfold over my eyes, it was only  Brynn and I there.         



I took my hands down her waist and secured them at her hips again,  holding them steady while I moved my body against hers, grinding into it  like I'd imagined doing so many times before, only naked, without the  barrier of clothing. The deep, rhythmic vibrations of the music flowed  through me like hot liquid and I followed it, letting my body do what  now, after eight years in the game, came naturally. Like second nature.

My movements matched the fantasy playing out in my head-of being deep  inside her, balls deep with her soaking every single inch I had to  offer. At the thought of it-her hot, saturated pussy-I broke a cardinal  rule, feeling my dick stiffen as I pressed into her. That wasn't  allowed, but no one knew except Brynn.

I had to back off of her a bit so it could relax again; had to think  about something other than what it would feel like to come inside her,  something other than needing to feel her naked body in my hands.

It took a while, but I was in the clear again, so I moved away, coming  back to face her, discovering that the nervous look had faded completely  as lust took over. She breathed differently, deeper.

She took steps backwards when I led her to the chair waiting a few feet  away. Making sure she didn't stumble, I had her sit, still blindfolded.  For a moment, only the audience would get a show as she sat there in the  dark.

Once again at center stage, I stooped down and untied my laces-slow,  unhurried, seeing the look of anticipation that passed over the crowd. I  stepped out of the boots and set them near the stage's exit, coming  back right after, claiming my spot in front of Brynn again. My back was  still to her as I teased the crowd, lifting the hem of my tank a few  inches, exposing my abs to them slowly before pulling the shirt off over  my head. Like always, I tossed it out to them and several scrambled to  the floor, wanting to claim it.

The cool metal of my belt buckle pressed into my fingers as I undid it, pulling the leather free from the latch.

More yelling.

More of my name being called.

I glanced at Brynn over my shoulder and she sat with her hands in her  lap, damn-near hyperventilating as she waited for me to come back to  her.

With the button and zipper of my jeans undone, I had the attention of  every woman in the room. This was why they came here, for the show. And  me and the guys always gave them that. Gripping the brim of my cap with  one hand, I placed the other on my stomach. I kept my eyes trained there  as I painstakingly inched my fingers down toward my waistband, pushing  them down inside my briefs. They screamed as I touched myself,  shamelessly stroked the part of my body these women were most interested  in. Their eyes were glued to me as I slowly massaged my dick inside my  briefs, not letting them see everything as I breathed heavy and sank my  teeth into my bottom lip. The screams came louder now.

"We love you, Marco," a group of girls yelled out in unison.

Pulling my hand free, I left my jeans loose around my waist as I took  slow steps to Brynn. I stood over her, staring her down while she sat  completely unaware of how close I was. When I took her hand, her posture  straightened in the chair as I pressed her palm flat against my  stomach, letting her feel me, every breath I took as I watched her  writhe. Her teeth clamped down on her full bottom lip and I moved her  fingers lower, only to the top of my unbuckled jeans before stopping.

The sudden movement I made when I got down on my knees startled her, but  she went with it. Even as I slowly spread her legs apart, she let me. I  glanced up to watch her expression change, observing how the rims of  her nostrils flared ever so slightly. She had to feel how badly I wanted  her through my touch, the way I gripped her ample thighs, how I  massaged my way up to the tops of them. When she didn't stop me, I kept  going, kept exploring while everyone watched. My hand moved between her  legs and I rubbed there, too, feeling the imprint of her pussy through  her thin pants. The hard-on I'd been fighting this whole time came back  and I didn't even focus on trying to make it go away. All I focused on  was her.

I covered the lower half of her body with my torso, encircling my arms  around her waist as I held her possessively, owning her. With my back to  the crowd, I lowered my face there, to that spot, to the place I wanted  to be right now, giving the illusion of eating her as I admitted that  the desire was real. Inhaling her scent, her arousal. She spread her  legs further for me and her hand went to the back of my head when the  lines between fantasy and reality got blurred for her like they had for  me.

"Well, damn! Is it hot in here or is it just me?" Ivy said into the mic.  I ignored her words and the response of the crowd, suddenly wishing I  had Brynn back at my place and in my bed. Hell, I'd even settle for  having her backstage.