Reading Online Novel

Marco (The Men of Indecent Exposure #1)(51)



When I pulled away, I wished I could've seen the lust in Brynn's eyes,  but the blindfold prevented it. I stood and took my time slipping the  jeans halfway down my thighs, past my knees, and then removing them in  one fluid motion, never breaking character.

In nothing but black briefs, I reached for the towel I left on the back  of Brynn's chair. I covered myself from behind with it, leaving my back  exposed to the crowd, but the entire front of my body exposed to only  Brynn.

On cue, Logan stepped up on stage and that got the women even more riled  up. When I nodded, he untied the blindfold from Brynn's eyes and took  it with him when he stepped offstage again. I stood at Brynn's feet,  watching as she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light, trying to focus.  And when she did, her eyes traveled down my body, first to my chest,  and then lower. Her stare settled on my dick and a look crossed her  face, one I recognized-she wanted it almost as badly as I wanted to give  it to her.

I stepped closer and parted my legs some, placing my feet at either side  of hers as I opened the towel wider, blocking the view from the rest of  the crowd. No one could see below my waist but Brynn. Her eyes  fluttered up to mine and, with a smile, I instructed her on what to do  next.

"Take em' off."

At my words, her chest rose with a deep breath. In that moment, she was  painfully aware of all the eyes on us and the illusion of it being just  me and her was slipping away, but then …  she found me again and wandered  back inside the private room I set up in her mind, the one where it was  only us.

Her soft fingertips touched the waistband of my briefs and she only  hesitated for a moment. Then, taking her time, she tugged them down. Her  hands felt so good on me and a surge of excitement made my dick jump.  Seeing my body responding to her, her eyes fluttered to mine again and  she paused with my briefs halfway down my hips.

I'd never experienced this on stage with someone I actually cared about,  actually had feelings for, and it was powerful. Doing this with others  watching when it wasn't really just a show, when there was actual  desire, real feelings involved …  it felt kinda crazy, but in a good way.

Brynn's face came close to my body as she leaned in to slip the material  down the rest of the way. Heat from her skin touched me in places we  hadn't even made contact. Just having her close was intense. She let a  breath go and it caressed my shaft when she stripped me completely,  unveiled everything.

I lifted my feet to step out of the one item of clothing shielding me  from her, kicking them aside, and the volume in the room was almost  unbearable. I studied Brynn's face, made sure she was okay with all  this, and to my surprise all I found there was pure lust.

Nothing else.

Staring at my dick, she sank her teeth into her bottom lip again,  breathing deep. She had me rock hard and standing at attention without  really even touching me. I stepped closer, between her open legs. She  was timid, but eventually couldn't fight the urge to run her hands up  the backs of my thighs, and then gripping them. I raised both sides of  the towel and hid her like I always did during these acts, but it was  usually just to feed the illusion, to make people think there was more  going on behind it than there really was.

One of the rules was: women could touch our thighs, stomach, chest,  back, arms, face, and neck, but nothing else. However, as far as I was  concerned, Brynn could break whatever damn rules she wanted to. The feel  of her warm fingers stroking my balls when she pushed her hand between  my legs had me ready to cut the night short. She gripped my dick next,  stroking it slowly a few times before pulling away. I glanced down to  see why she stopped and it looked like it had just dawned on her what we  were doing, dawned on her that we had an audience of hundreds watching.

Our eyes locked and I flashed her a smile, one she returned with a shy  one of her own. Still holding the towel out, I gestured with my head for  her to stand and she did. My time was up and Ivy would be closing out  my performance at any second. With Brynn on her feet, I kept the towel  around my naked waist, but enclosed her in it with me, feeling my  erection press into her. She stayed close, hugging me around my neck as  applause and whistles filled the air.

Just before the lights above us went dark, casting the stage in complete  blackness, I kissed her-which was also against the rules-but we'd  already shattered so many, so why the hell not this one, too.

There were a few gasps that hit the air as I teased Brynn's lips apart with my tongue and then sank it deep inside her mouth.

"Oh! Well …  okay," Ivy said, killing the lights immediately after.

I placed a few more kisses on Brynn's mouth and neck while securing my  towel, and then walked her to the steps, holding her hand until she was  down at ground level again.         



"Now that's what I call a show, ladies! Let's give it up for Marcooooooo!!!!"

I disappeared offstage with their screams at my back as my thoughts  became focused on one thing and one thing only. Brynn might not have  known it, but she was in a hell of a lot of trouble. I had her scent now  and wouldn't stop until I got what I wanted.

If she wasn't ready after what just happened out there tonight, she better get ready real quick, because …

 … she and I definitely had some unfinished business to take care of.

Chapter Twenty-One


‘I think you should come through.'

That was all Marco had to say to get me out of bed and sneaking out the  house in my pajamas, trying not to wake Mona. She already had a million  questions after I came down off the stage. My favorite being: "Did you  really just feel that man up? Because it definitely looked like that's  what you did from here."

Thoughts and images of Marco flooded my head as I drove to his place  from memory. Tonight was …  hot. Hot and unexpected. I imagined things  playing out much differently than they did, especially after I realized  the beautiful Latina seated beside me at the bar was, Elena, the one  Marco told me about.

I'd gone from feeling like I'd get lost in the ocean of all the women  vying for his attention tonight, to feeling like he couldn't see anyone  but me.

I had absolutely no beef with Elena. None. In fact, I felt bad for her.  Listening to her conversation with her friend, even showing up for him  tonight was difficult. And then to get there and have him bypass her  like he did? I could imagine how heart-wrenching that was.

The house was completely dark when I pulled into Marco's driveway. I  parked behind his Yukon and turned my car off. It was already well past  three in the morning and I knew he had to be exhausted, just getting in  from the club, but clearly not too exhausted for company.

I walked to the porch, realizing when I got there that the front door  had been left wide open for me. I stepped inside and peered around,  assuming Marco was in his bedroom waiting. I slipped out of my shoes and  took to the stairs as my mind only now caught up with my actions,  acknowledging fully why I was here, what I wanted, but his performance  had made it all too clear.

He was what I wanted.

Being on stage with him was eye-opening. I can't remember being more  turned on by someone, but it was always like that with him. There was  always a pull in his direction. Everything he did, every small touch,  was amplified. A small part of me wondered, if there'd been no alcohol  involved that night months ago …  would much have been different? Granted,  there would've been protection involved, but was a hookup inevitable?

Neither Marco nor I could recall how we ended up where we did, but what  if there was a very real connection that pulled us onto this path? What  if being drawn to one another was just in us from day one, but our hazy  recollection had stolen the magic of our first meeting from memory?

My bare toes touched carpet, a stark contrast from the hard wood of the  stairs I ascended. Marco's door opened silently when I pushed and walked  in. Just as I did, he stepped out of the attached bathroom, wearing  only a towel as the scent of his body wash-something crisp and  masculine-filled the air. Dark eyes found mine as I stared. I was so  ready for this, so ready to touch him again, ready to be touched.

A half-smile tugged at one corner of Marco's mouth as beads of water dripped down his neck and chest.

I smiled back and tried to seem casual, tried to pretend I wasn't impatient, but who was I kidding?

He gestured straight ahead and my eyes went there, to his bed.

I walked around to the side I slept on the last time I visited and  climbed in. The sheet, the comforter-it all smelled like fabric softener  and him.

As he walked over to join me, I noted that there wasn't a single  physical imperfection on this man. Not one. From head to toe. And trust  me; I looked him over hard enough that I would've noticed anything wrong  with that body.

He climbed in and rested on his side just like I did, facing me. Our  eyes locked and that feeling of being the only woman he could see reeled  me in again.