Reading Online Novel

Loving Jack(10)



Jack lifted his head to look into her eyes warily. "You gave up on me."

Grace was a bit stunned by this shift in gears but she would face his  accusation. If what he needed now was reassurance, she would give it to  him, even if it bared more of her feelings than she was prepared to  share.

"Jack, I didn't give up on you. Staying away from you had nothing to do  with you being bi-sexual. This is my issue, not yours. I'm protecting  myself. I fell for you hard and fast." Jack's mouth dropped open. Grace  felt her cheeks go up in flames. She moved off of the bed. He wordlessly  watched her pace the floor.

"I will admit that being with a man who is attracted to both men and  woman is a bit daunting. When I saw you with the blond woman on the  dance floor I was hurt and jealous." She sat on Jessie's bed and leaned  her elbows on her knees, staring at the linoleum floor. This was hard to  say aloud, especially to Jack. "But when I saw you with Victor I was  crushed. I can't compete with him. I can't give you all that you need.  Victor can. That hurts. I can't really say what would have happened if  you'd let him know I was there in the shadows. I was trying to convince  myself that maybe I could get used to sharing you, that's how badly I  wanted a chance to try. Then I saw you together, kissing." She swallowed  hard.

"Did that make you sick?" Jack asked in flat tune. She looked at him then, needing him to see the truth in her words.

"No, it didn't. It broke my heart. Trying to convincing myself that  maybe I could deal with you dating other people was a joke after I saw  the two of you together, Jack. I no longer had to imagine what you'd be  doing with other people when we were apart; I had a very clear memory of  it. I wasn't sickened, I was devastated. I knew I couldn't hold onto  you. I just don't have everything you need. And I can't stand by while  you get it."

Jack sat up on her bed and they just sat there watching each other. She  had to turn this conversation before she started crying again.

"Have funeral arrangements been made yet?" she asked. That brought Jack quickly back to the here and now. He nodded.

"My mom and brother went to the . . ." Jack choked on the words, his  voice cracking as he continued, "funeral home this morning." He took a  moment to gather himself. Grace was going over her class schedule for  the rest of the week in her mind. Once she turned in the paper she was  working on she'd be clear to take a few days off. She would make up the  work. Being there for Jack was worth the effort. Grace's inner turmoil  over Jack faded away. He'd come to her for comfort in his time of need  and she would be the friend he needed her to be.

"It's a three day ordeal that begins with viewings tomorrow afternoon.  I'm flying home tonight." He looked at his watch. "Actually, I need to  go. I was on my way to the airport. Somehow my car just kind of ended up  here instead."

Grace crossed the distance between them and knelt before Jack. She  hugged him hard and kissed his cheek. Jack accepted the affection  gratefully and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'll always be here if you need me." Grace was a little surprised at  how true the words felt in her heart and mind. She really would be there  if Jack ever needed her.

"I'm going to make arrangements and follow you the day after tomorrow,"  she told him. Jack stiffened in her arms. She pulled back to look into  his solemn face. He looked uncomfortable. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that I don't want you to go to any trouble. I  mean, this is going to suck. You don't need to miss school and fly  across the country just to watch me weep," he explained without looking  at her. Was he embarrassed by his sorrow? She understood not wanting to  disrupt another person's life if they were just friends. But there was  far more than just friendship between them. Her heart had longed for him  since the night they met. Being there for him wasn't just an option; it  was a requirement of that aching organ in her chest.

"I don't mind. I want to be with you even if you're weeping, tough guy."  She kissed the corner of his mouth. Jack looked into her eyes then. He  looked torn. "You just lost your dad. I think crying is required."

"I've had a lot of issues at home related to my sexuality." He gritted  his teeth. "This is going to be a very tense time. I honestly don't want  any witnesses if things get fired up again. I think it would be best if  I went alone. I'll have my mom to take care of and my brother will be  with me. Really, Grace, I'll be fine." Jack's cheeks had flushed as he  explained his reasons for going it alone. He was really concerned about  exposing her to any negativity. Grace didn't agree with him. She just  nodded her head. She understood Jack's anxiety, but she would be there  on the day of his father's funeral. She wasn't afraid of a little family  drama. If anything he would need her even more if his fears came to  fruition.         




Grace had made a huge mistake. When Jack told her he didn't need her  support she should have listened, but of course she thought she knew  better. Even Luke had tried to gently convince her that there might be  another reason for Jack asking her not to go, but he'd grudgingly driven  her to the airport when she asked. Luke didn't like Jack one bit after  the way he abandoned her at the ski lodge.

If Jack had given her the real reason for his insistence that she not  attend his father's funeral Grace would have accepted it. It would have  hurt her, but she would have obeyed Jack's wishes. In some ways Grace  thought maybe it was better that she see the truth with her own eyes. It  was far more hurtful than simply hearing the words would have been.

Jack had lied to her. He'd looked her in the eye and lied about his  reasons for wanting her to stay at school. It had nothing to do with  worry about her missing classes or the possibility of a confrontation.  Jack hadn't wanted Grace to come because he already had all the support  he needed in the form of his boyfriend Victor.

She'd flown across the country from Maryland to Washington State to be  there for her man, even though he wasn't her man at all. He was Victor's  man. And Victor had an arm wrapped firmly around Jack's shoulders with  no fear of reprisal from any of Jack's relatives.

Grace was standing in a sea of black umbrellas. It looked like the  entire county had come to witness the laying to rest of Everett Landry,  Sr., a man who was widely known and beloved in this seaside community.  Grace kept her head down and prayed Jack wouldn't see her. She would  slip away as soon as the service concluded, check out of the inn she'd  just checked into and get her ass back to Sea-Tac and on the first  flight back to BWI.

Tears burned the back of her eyes and Grace let them flow. Heartbreak  was a completely acceptable emotion at a time like this. Especially as  the American flag was folded and respectfully presented to Jack's older  brother, Everett Jr. Jack's mother sobbed openly. Jack left Victor's  embrace to comfort his mother. Victor rubbed circles over the back of  Jack's black suit jacket. Jack and the people who mattered most to him  were all in the front under the shelter that had been erected at the  grave site. Grace was off to the side and several rows removed from that  group of mourners, just as it should be. Grace was an interloper here  among Jack's true friends and family.

When the service ended the preacher invited the congregation to gather  in the banquet room at The Inn on Main Street for a wake to celebrate  the life of the dearly departed. Grace felt what little color she might  have retained slip from her face. Unless there were multiple inns with  that name in town, and given her luck she seriously doubted it, Grace  was staying at that same hotel.

People began to drift back to take their place in the long line of cars  that had made up the funeral procession. Her car was all the way in the  back. She hadn't followed the procession from the funeral home. When her  flight landed she'd only had time to check-in at the inn and get  changed into her demure black dress before she drove to the cemetery.  Grace moved with the crowd making an effort to not turn around and look  for Jack. As embarrassed as she was by her idiotic refusal to see the  writing on the wall, she was still deeply concerned for Jack right now.  She knew now that he didn't need her there, but the overwhelming urge to  love and shelter Jack was still alive and well inside of her. She  wanted to look back to reassure herself that he was still holding up,  but she wouldn't do it. She couldn't. If she looked back Grace knew she  would see Jack and Victor together. The fragile shell of her composure  was already cracked and barely holding itself together. One more hit  would be one too many.

Grace unlocked her rental car and quickly slid behind the wheel. Her  feet were soaked from the trudge across the rain soaked grass. Her  umbrella was draining onto the floorboard and cold rain continued to  fall on the windshield. The wipers made that familiar swishing sound and  she tried to focus on that instead of the tearful people retreating  from the grave site. She shivered as she waited patiently for the cars  boxing her in to move down the winding road through the cemetery toward  the exit. By the time she was passing the limo, Jack and his family was  just climbing inside. She kept her face averted and tried to stay  strong. She would not look directly at him.